

上週三是傳統佳節“臘八”。 在中國文化裡, 臘八的地位舉足輕重, 畢竟“過了臘八就是年”啦……

一碗香甜營養的臘八粥, 你今年喝了嗎?



在今年臘八節的當天, 靜安寺和玉佛寺免費向廣大市民施粥, 大家排著長隊領粥, 喝一碗香香甜甜的臘八粥, 也收穫一份美好的祝福……

農曆十二月初八, 我國傳統的臘八節, 臘八節喝臘八粥的風俗已延續了千年,

寓意著來年吉祥安康。 昨天一早, 靜安寺、玉佛寺裡前去領粥的市民就排起了長隊。

記者瞭解到, 靜安寺於前一天晚上便開始準備食材, 精心挑選胡蘿蔔、花生、紅棗、蓮心、黃豆、白芸豆、馬蹄、黑木耳等優質食材, 寺院素齋部所有大鍋全部開鍋通宵燒煮。

雖然天氣降溫, 仍有不少市民一早趕到靜安寺, 只為喝一碗熱氣騰騰、香糯可口的臘八粥。 記者看到, 寺內施粥點前排起了長龍, 人們秩序井然地排隊領粥。

靜安寺、玉佛寺施粥 數千市民排隊喝粥過“臘八”(via東方網)



咱們這就跟隨Global Times攝影記者的鏡頭, 去節日當天的靜安寺和玉佛寺看看那熱鬧的場景……

Laba Festival

As the last month on the Chinese lunar calendar approaches to close out the year, a holiday spirit is pervading Shanghai. Laba Festival, which falls on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month, marks the start of Spring Festival. The festival is also related with Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. Legend has it that it was on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month that Sakyamuni attained enlightenment and became the Buddha, thousands of years ago.

I love a bowl of Laba!

To commemorate this special occasion, Chinese eat rice porridge during Laba Festival to make offerings to the Buddha.

Rice porridge eaten on that day - which contains glutinous rice, red beans, millet, sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, soybeans and sometimes dates and various nuts - is also called "Laba" porridge.

Because of the festival's Buddhist origins, temples in Shanghai often give out Laba during the festival to devotees. Jade Buddha Temple in Putuo district has organized free porridge distribution events for the past 10 consecutive years.

It often receives a warm welcome among local residents who hope to be blessed by eating a warm bowl of delicious Laba porridge on a cold winter day. This year, Jade Buddha Temple prepared 5,000 bowls of free Laba on Wednesday, when this year's Laba Festival fell.

Jing'an Temple in downtown also started giving out free porridge at 8 am on Wednesday. Long queues of people of all ages lined up outside the temple. The Laba given out by Jing'an Temple has two flavors, one sweetened and the other salted.

圖:Yang Hui

文:Global Times

Laba Festival

As the last month on the Chinese lunar calendar approaches to close out the year, a holiday spirit is pervading Shanghai. Laba Festival, which falls on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month, marks the start of Spring Festival. The festival is also related with Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. Legend has it that it was on the eighth day of the 12th lunar month that Sakyamuni attained enlightenment and became the Buddha, thousands of years ago.

I love a bowl of Laba!

To commemorate this special occasion, Chinese eat rice porridge during Laba Festival to make offerings to the Buddha.

Rice porridge eaten on that day - which contains glutinous rice, red beans, millet, sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, soybeans and sometimes dates and various nuts - is also called "Laba" porridge.

Because of the festival's Buddhist origins, temples in Shanghai often give out Laba during the festival to devotees. Jade Buddha Temple in Putuo district has organized free porridge distribution events for the past 10 consecutive years.

It often receives a warm welcome among local residents who hope to be blessed by eating a warm bowl of delicious Laba porridge on a cold winter day. This year, Jade Buddha Temple prepared 5,000 bowls of free Laba on Wednesday, when this year's Laba Festival fell.

Jing'an Temple in downtown also started giving out free porridge at 8 am on Wednesday. Long queues of people of all ages lined up outside the temple. The Laba given out by Jing'an Temple has two flavors, one sweetened and the other salted.

圖:Yang Hui

文:Global Times

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