

黃慶女士擁有20餘年國際酒店管理經驗, 曾先後就職于香格里拉酒店管理集團、洲際酒店集團、瑰麗酒店集團等國際知名酒店管理集團。

福州泰禾鉑爾曼酒店總經理 黃慶(Angela Huang)

即將於今年第二季度開業的福州泰禾鉑爾曼酒店總經理黃慶女士, 擁有20餘年國際酒店管理經驗, 她畢業於瑞士酒店管理學院, 曾先後就職于香格里拉酒店管理集團、洲際酒店集團、瑰麗酒店集團和新加坡輝盛國際集團、萬達集團等國際知名酒店管理集團。

黃慶女士表示:“能加入雅高集團在福州的第一家鉑爾曼酒店, 我感到很榮幸, 福州泰禾鉑爾曼酒店佇立於新銳時尚的晉安區中心CBD東二環泰禾廣場, 背倚連綿的鼓嶺山脈, 毗鄰福州歷史文化特色的5A級旅遊景區三坊七巷, 將歷史文化特色與周邊繁華的商圈完美嫁接。 鉑爾曼是一個充滿活力和時尚的品牌, 我們的每間客房都配有充滿活力色彩的啞鈴、瑜伽墊等小型健身器材,

並配有視頻教學, 以説明精英人士在高效的工作與生活獲得完美平衡”, 目前福州泰禾鉑爾曼酒店正在緊鑼密鼓籌備中, 讓我們共同期待她不久後的炫目登場。

Ms. Angela Huang is the General Manager of the Pullman Fuzhou Tahoe, which is going to open in the second quarter of this year in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. She has worked in international hotels and was managerial elite for over 20 years. She graduated from the Swiss Hotel Management college and used to work in different internationally well-known hotel groups, including Shangri-La Hotel & Resort Group, InterContinental Hotels Group, Rosewood Hotel Group, Frasers Hospitality Pte Ltd and Wanda Group.

Angela said, “I feel greatly honored to join the first Pullman Hotel of the Accor Group in Fuzhou. The hotel is located in the new Dong Er Huan Tahoe Plaza, the CBD of Jin’an District, which is near the Kuliang Hill, and next to Three Lanes and Seven Alleys. It is a 5A tourist attraction with historic and cultural features in Fuzhou. The Hotel integrate history and culture with a prosperous economy. Because the Pullman is a fashionable and dynamic brand,each of our guest rooms will be equipped with small sized, yet fully functional fitness equipment such as dumbbells, yoga mats and come complete with video tutoring.We provide this equipment for our guest to experience a world class amenities right in the comfort of the relaxation and elegant surroundings.

At present, The Pullman Fuzhou Tahoe is in the pre- opening stage, let's look forward together to its imminent dazzling debut.

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