
中英美句分享 ▏幸福其實很簡單(三)

Use your smile to change the world. Don't let the world change your smile.

用你的笑容去改變這個世界, 別讓這個世界改變了你的笑容。

Stand up to Homecoming, escape here teenager.

經不住似水流年, 逃不過此間少年。

Who's waiting for my pale, ironically my dedication.

誰蒼白了我的等待, 諷刺了我的執著。

A land of broken promises, put together not return yesterday.

碎了一地的諾言, 拼湊不回的昨天。

Passing of the years, how find a back?Have you ever smile, scattered memories actually not open.

逝去的歲月, 怎麼找得回來?你曾經的微笑, 在回憶裡卻散不開。

In memory of those past pain is not making a fuss.Dismal sight is a large open air under Chu deepest mourning.

那些過往在記憶裡的疼痛並不是無病呻吟。 看不見大片憩氣下的慘澹才是最深的楚殤。

Engraved in the memory of that summer,we are together in the sun shed tears.

刻在記憶裡的那個夏天, 是我們一起在陽光下流下的淚水。

Send a king, do not ask fades.

寄君一曲, 不問曲終人散

If I knew how to quit you, that should have much good.

如果我知道該怎麼捨棄你, 那該有多好。

Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.

愛情就像沙漏, 心滿了, 腦子就空了。

為了讓大家更好地學習, 小卡會在微頭條中每天推送一些簡單的短語和口語學習, 關注我的頭條號就可以看到了哦。

每天一分鐘, 進步一點點,


Constant dripping wears away a stone.

滴水可以穿石。 只要工夫深, 鐵杵磨成針。


4句和“day”有關的常用英語短語, get起來!

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