

Special Releases(下稱:SR)是帝亞吉歐(Diageo)集團的一個官方年度系列, 首次推出於2001年, 其中均為帝亞吉歐旗下酒廠(或品牌)酒款(目前基本每年推出10款, 早些年則時多時少), 同時這些酒款都是精選後的精品, 不是原桶強度就是關停廠, 或是由Diageo選出的口感絕佳酒款。 一言以蔽之, SR是威士卡老饕和收藏家每年都很期待的一個系列。

SR每年下半年推出, 一般在推出前, 多半是在上半年, 系列中的酒款, 官方就都會曝光出來, 但是一般只公開9款, 第10款酒通常都是重頭戲, 要到推出前再公佈。 今年也不例外, 昨日(2018年04月13日), 帝亞吉歐公開了SR 2018中的9款酒。

今年的SR極為與眾不同, 因為往年SR中的常客, 也是所謂的關停廠Port Ellen和Brora被砍掉了, 不再出現於SR中了。 對於這一問題, 帝亞吉歐的官方解釋是:以上兩家酒廠因為要重開, 所以帝亞吉歐旗下所有相關酒款全部暫停, 等到它們重開之後, 老酒庫存將被規劃入Port Ellen和Brora獨立品牌之下。 那麼, 也就意味著未來幾年, 恐怕我們不會再在SR系列中見到這兩家酒廠的酒款了。 另外一個變化就是, 2014年開始在SR系列中消失的泰斯卡(Talisker)被補充了進來(除2011年以外, 2001至2013年每年的SR系列都有泰斯卡)。

好了, 話不多說, 我們來看一下, 今年預先公佈的9個SR系列酒款都是啥吧(今年的所有酒款同樣也均為原桶強度, 但並非單桶)。 目前帝亞吉歐只公佈了酒款資訊, 而並沒有公佈(絕大多數)酒款官方圖片, 所以大家就先將就看看文字吧。 其中除Carsebridge為穀物威士卡以外(酒廠已於1983年關停, 並已被拆除),


Carsebridge 48年

酒精度數: 43.2% ABV

產區: 低地

熟成桶型: Refill American oak hogsheads

裝瓶數: 1000瓶

Caol Ila Unpeated 15年

酒精度數: 59.1% ABV

產區: 艾雷島

熟成桶型: Refill and rejuvenated American oak hogsheads and ex-bodega European Oak Butts

裝瓶數: 待定

Caol Ila 35年

酒精度數: 58.1% ABV

產區: 艾雷島

熟成桶型: Refill American oak hogsheads and refill European oak butts

裝瓶數: 3276瓶

Inchgower 27年

酒精度數: 55.3% ABV

產區: 斯佩塞

熟成桶型: Refill American oak hogsheads

裝瓶數: 8544瓶

Lagavulin 12年

酒精度數: 57.8% ABV

產區: 艾雷島

熟成桶型: Refill American oak hogsheads

裝瓶數: 待定

Oban 21年

酒精度數: 57.9% ABV

產區: 高地

熟成桶型: Refill European Oak Butts

裝瓶數: 待定

Pittyvaich 28年

酒精度數: 52.1% ABV

產區: 斯佩塞

熟成桶型: Refill American oak hogsheads

裝瓶數: 4680瓶

The Singleton of Glen Ord 14年

酒精度數: 57.6% ABV

產區: 高地

熟成桶型: Refill American oak hogsheads and ex-bodega European oak butts followed by a unique maturation and marrying process

裝瓶數: 待定

Talisker 8年

酒精度數: 59.4% ABV

產區: 島嶼(Skye島)

熟成桶型: First fill ex-Bourbon American oak hogsheads

裝瓶數: 待定


Special Releases in 2001

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 28 years old, distilled 1973, 43.3% ABV, £495

Port Ellen, Islay, 22 years old, distilled 1978, 56.2% ABV, £110

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled 1975, 59.9% ABV, £95

Special Releases in 2002

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 52.4% ABV, £150

Dalwhinnie, Highland 36 years old, distilled 1966, 47.2% ABV, £300

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 58.0% ABV, £40

Lagavulin, Islay, 25 years old, distilled-, 57.2% ABV, £125

Oban, Western Highland, 32 years old, distilled 1969, 55.1% ABV, £175

Port Ellen, Islay, 24 years old, distilled 1978, 59.35% ABV, £110

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 20 years old, distilled 1981, 62.0% ABV, £80

Special Releases in 2003

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled-, 55.8% ABV, £175

Cragganmore, Speyside, 29 years old, distilled 1973, 52.5% ABV, £140

Dalwhinnie, Central Highland, 29 years old, distilled 1973, 57.8% ABV, £150

Glen Elgin, Speyside, 32 years old, distilled 1971, 42.3% ABV, £310

Glen Ord, Northern Highland, 28 years old, distilled 1975, 58.3% ABV, £180

Glenury Royal, Eastern Highland, 50 years old, distilled 1953, 42.8% ABV, £950

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 57.8% ABV, £40

Port Ellen, Islay, 24 years old, distilled 1979, 57.3% ABV, £110

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 20 years old, distilled 1981, 58.8% ABV, £90

Special Releases in 2004

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 56.6% ABV, £175

Caol Ila, Islay, 25 years old, distilled 1978, 59.4% ABV, £100

Cragganmore, Speyside, 10 years old, distilled 1993, 60.1% ABV, £40

Glen Ord, Northern Highland, 25 years old, distilled 1978, 58.3% ABV, £100

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 58.2% ABV, £40

Linlithgow, Lowland, 30 years old, distilled 1973, 59.6% ABV, £250

Mortlach, Speyside, 32 years old, distilled 1971, 50.1% ABV, £280

Oban, Western Highland, 20 years old, distilled 1984, 57.9% ABV, £150

Port Ellen, Islay, 25 years old, distilled 1978, 56.2% ABV, £110

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled -, 57.8% ABV, £105

Special Releases in 2005

Brechin, Highland, 28 years old, distilled 1977, 53.3% ABV, £125

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 56.3% ABV, £175

Caol Ila, Islay, 25 years old, distilled 1979, 58.4% ABV, £100

Cardhu*#, Speyside, 22 years old, distilled -, 57.8% ABV, €140

Convalmore, Speyside, 28 years old, distilled 1977, 57.9% ABV, £95

Glen Ord, Northern Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 58.7% ABV, £150

Glenury Royal, Eastern Highland, 36 years old, distilled 1968, 51.2% ABV, £495

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 57.7% ABV, £40

Port Ellen, Islay, 25 years old, distilled 1979, 57.4% ABV, £120

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled -, 57.2% ABV, £105

*Not at cask strength

#Available in France and Spain only

Special Releases in 2006

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 55.7% ABV, £175

Caol Ila, Islay, 8 years old, distilled 1997, 59.8% ABV, £32

Cragganmore, Speyside, 17 years old, distilled 1988, 55.5% ABV, £55

Dalwhinnie, Central Highland, 20 years old, distilled 1986, 56.8% ABV, £90

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 57.5% ABV, £40

Lagavulin, Islay, 30 years old, distilled 1976, 52.6% ABV, £210

Port Ellen, Islay, 27 years old, distilled 1978, 54.2% ABV, £125

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled -, 56.9% ABV, £105

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 30 years old, distilled -, 51.9% ABV, £160

Special Releases in 2007

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 55.7% ABV, £190

Caol Ila, Islay, 8 years old, distilled 1998, 64.9% ABV, £33

Glenkinchie, Lowland, 20 years old, distilled -, 58.4% ABV, £70

Glenury Royal, Eastern Highland, 36 years old, distilled 1970, 57.9% ABV, £500

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 56.4% ABV, £42

Lagavulin, Islay, 21 years old, distilled 1985, 56.5% ABV, £110

Port Ellen, Islay, 28 years old, distilled 1979, 53.8% ABV, £140

Rosebank, Lowland, 25 years old, distilled 1981, 61.4% ABV, £130

Royal Lochnagar*, Eastern Highland, no age statement, distilled -, 43.0% ABV, £125

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled -, 58.1% ABV, £120

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 30 years old, distilled -, 50.7% ABV, £180

*Not at cask strength

Special Releases in 2008(圖片欠奉)

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 56.3% ABV, £175

Caol Ila, Islay, 8 years old, distilled 1999, 64.2% ABV, £43

Glen Elgin, Speyside, 16 years old, distilled 1991, 58.5% ABV, £52

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 56.4% ABV, £50

Linkwood ex-Port, Speyside, 26 years old, distilled -, 56.9% ABV, £130

Linkwood ex-Rum, Speyside, 26 years old, distilled -, 54.5% ABV, £130

Linkwood ex-Sweet Red Wine, Speyside, 26 years old, distilled -, 55.5% ABV, £130

Port Ellen, Islay, 28 years old, distilled 1978, 55.3% ABV, £180

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled -, 54.2% ABV, £132

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 30 years old, distilled -, 49.5% ABV, £205

Special Releases in 2009

Benrinnes, Speyside, 23 years old, distilled 1985, 58.8% ABV, £150

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 53.2% ABV, £230

Caol Ila, Islay, 10 years old, distilled 1998, 65.8% ABV, £43

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 57.9% ABV, £57

Mannochmore, Speyside, 18 years old, distilled 1990, 54.9% ABV, £105

Pittyvaich, Speyside, 20 years old, distilled 1989, 57.5% ABV, £115

Port Ellen, Islay, 30 years old, distilled 1979, 57.7% ABV, £200

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 25 years old, distilled -, 54.8% ABV, £150

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 30 years old, distilled -, 53.1% ABV, £215

Special Releases in 2010

Auchroisk, Speyside, 20 years old, distilled -, 58.1% ABV, £115

Brora, Coastal Highland, 30 years old, distilled -, 54.3% ABV, £280

Caol Ila, Islay, 12 years old, distilled 1997, 57.6% ABV, £52

Cragganmore, Speyside, 21 years old, distilled 1989, 56.0% ABV, £135

Glenkinchie, Lowland, 20 years old, distilled 1990, 55.1% ABV, £125

Glen Spey, Speyside, 21 years old, distilled 1988, 50.4% ABV, £120

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 56.5% ABV, £59

Port Ellen, Islay, 31 years old, distilled 1978, 54.6% ABV, £250

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 30 years old, distilled -, 57.3% ABV, £230

Special Releases in 2011(圖片中缺Glenury Royal)

Brora, Coastal Highland, 32 years old, distilled -, 54.7% ABV, £300

Caol Ila, Islay, 12 years old, distilled 1998, 64.0% ABV, £55

Glenury Royal^, Eastern Highland, 40 years old, distilled 1970, 59.4% ABV, £525

Knockando*, Speyside, 25 years old, distilled 1985, 43.0% ABV, £135

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 57.5% ABV, £63

Port Dundas, Lowland, 20 years old, distilled 1990, 57.4% ABV, £110

Port Ellen, Islay, 32 years old, distilled 1978, 53.9% ABV, £300

Rosebank, Lowland, 21 years old, distilled 1989, 53.8% ABV, £160

*Not at cask strength

^Released early in 2012

Special Releases in 2012

Auchroisk, Speyside, 30 years old, distilled 1981, 54.7% ABV, £230

Brora, Coastal Highland, 35 years old, distilled 1976-77, 48.1% ABV, £400

Caol Ila, Islay, 14 years old, distilled 1997, 59.3% ABV, £66

Dalwhinnie, Central Highlands, 25 years old, d istilled 1987, 52.1% ABV, £185

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 56.1% ABV, £71

Lagavulin, Islay, 21 years old, distilled 1991, 52.0% ABV, £350

Port Ellen, Islay, 32 years old, distilled 1979, 52.5% ABV, £600

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 35 years old, distilled 1977, 54.6% ABV, £525

Special Releases in 2013

Brora, Coastal Highland, 35 years old, distilled 1977, 49.9% ABV, £750

Caol Ila, Islay, no age statement, distilled -, 59.6% ABV, £70

Cardhu, Speyside, 21 years old, distilled 1991, 54.2% ABV, £160

Convalmore, Speyside, 36 years old, distilled 1977, 58.0% ABV, £600

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 55.1% ABV, £80

Lagavulin, Islay, 37 years old, distilled 1976, 51.0% ABV, £1,950

Oban, Western Highland, 21 years old, distilled -, 58.5% ABV, £225

Port Ellen, Islay, 34 years old, distilled 1978, 55.0% ABV, £1,500

Singleton of Dufftown, Speyside, 28 years old, distilled 1985, 55.0% ABV, £235

Talisker, Isle of Skye, 27 years old, distilled 1985, 56.1% ABV, £475

Special Releases in 2014

Benrinnes, Speyside, 21 years old, distilled 1992, 57.1% ABV, £240

Brora, Coastal Highland, 35 years old, distilled 1978, 48.9% ABV, £1,200

Caol Ila, Islay, 15 years old, distilled 1998, 61.5% ABV, £75

Caol Ila, Islay, 30 years old, distilled 1983, 56.7% ABV, £425

Clynelish, Coastal Highland, no age statement, distilled -, 58.9% ABV, £500

Cragganmore, Speyside, 25 years old, distilled 1988, 58.5% ABV, £299

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 56.2% ABV, £80

Port Ellen, Islay, 35 years old, distilled 1978, 58.6% ABV, £2,200

Rosebank, Lowland, 21 years old, distilled 1992, 54.6% ABV, £300

Singleton of Glendullan, Speyside, 38 years old, distilled 1975, 60.8% ABV, £750

Strathmill, Speyside, 25 years old, distilled 1988, 58.5% ABV, £275

Special Releases in 2015

Brora, Coastal Highland, 37 years old, distilled 1977, 50.4% ABV, £1,300

Caledonian, Lowland, 40 years old, distilled 1974, 53.3% ABV, £750

Caol Ila, Islay, 17 years old, distilled 1997, 55.9% ABV, £90

Clynelish, Coastal Highland, no age statement, distilled –, 56.1% ABV, £550

Dailuaine, Speyside, 34 years old, distilled 1980, 50.9% ABV, £380

Dalwhinnie, Central Highlands, 25 years old, distilled 1989, 48.8% ABV, £325

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled –, 48.8% ABV, £80

Pittyvaich, Speyside, 25 years old, distilled 1989, 49.9% ABV, £250

Port Ellen, Islay, 32 years old, distilled 1983, 53.9% ABV, £2,400

Special Releases in 2016

Auchroisk, Speyside, 25 years old, distilled 1990, 51.2% ABV, £280

Brora, Coastal Highland, 38 years old, distilled 1977, 48.6% ABV, £1,450

Cambus, Lowland, 40 years old, distilled 1975, 52.7% ABV, £750

Caol Ila, Islay, 15 years old, distilled 2000, 61.5% ABV, £90

Cragganmore, Speyside, no age statement, distilled –, 55.7% ABV, £400

Glenkinchie, Lowland, 25 years old, distilled 1991, 57.2% ABV, £300

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled –, 57.7% ABV, £80

Linkwood, Speyside, 37 years old, distilled 1978, 50.3% ABV, £600

Mannochmore, Speyside, 25 years old, distilled 1990, 53.4% ABV, £250

Port Ellen, Islay, 37 years old, distilled 1979, 55.2% ABV, £2,500

Special Releases in 2017

Blair Athol, Highland, 23 years old, distilled 1993, 58.4% ABV, £400

Brora, Coastal Highland, 34 years old, distilled 1982, 51.9% ABV, £1,450

Caol Ila, Islay, 18 years old, distilled -, 59.8% ABV, £100

Convalmore, Speyside, 32 years old, distilled 1984, 48.2% ABV, £1,200

Collectivum XXVIII, Blended Malt Scotch Whisky, Highland, Island, Islay, Lowland and Speyside, no age statement, 57.3% ABV, £150

Glen Elgin, Speyside, 18 years old, distilled 1998, 54.8% ABV, £300

Lagavulin, Islay, 12 years old, distilled -, 56.5% ABV, £90

Port Dundas, Lowland, 52 years old, distilled 1964, 44.6% ABV, £775

Port Ellen, Islay, 37 years old, distilled 1979, 51.0% ABV, £2,625

Teaninich, Speyside, 17 years old, distilled 1999, 55.9% ABV, £275

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