


雖事過境遷, 但在該公司工作的經歷至今仍令我無法忘懷, 在此不黑不吹, 謹以個人真實經歷描述.希望該公司老闆看到後要善待員工, 相互信任, 用人不疑, 疑人不用, 也希望還沒畢業的同學們找工作選企業時插亮眼睛, 謹慎小心。

The experience of working for this company is still recalled sometimes even though years has passed . To make it clarified to all readers, all my statement in this article is neither to defame this company nor to exaggerate the truth .All content here will be descriped according to my real experience .Hopefully , mutual trust and understanding as well as respect would be more considered by the boss after she reads this article .Likewise, those who have not graduated from universities need to pay more attention to job recruitment when you are seeking for jobs.

位於寧波集市港的寧波春辰工貿有限公司前幾年在一些不知明招聘網上發佈招聘外貿業務員資訊, 職位描述以及工資待遇讓我產生興趣, 本人也瞭解凡從事業務其主要收入在於業績提成所以對工資沒高要求, 由於本人是English major加上正準備找與專業相關的工作,

所以後來致電該公司後被通知面試, 面試還比較順利, 幾天過後就入職了, 可能因為我當時以為他們承諾的薪資是象網上寫的基本薪資3K-4K所以在面試時我就沒提到薪資這一塊了加上對方也沒提以致於我就主觀認為我的底薪是3K-4K, 直到發工資的時候我才知道他們網上發佈的和我所想像的都是不符合的, 到手的才兩千更沒有社保, 基本工資低可以理解, 而這家公司根本就不是專業從事外貿的, 僅僅是將外貿業務附帶著做, 主要業務是做模具加工, 沒有開通外貿平臺類似於ALIBABA, 環球資源, 以及MADE IN CHINA 或參加大型國內外展會, 僅僅去過寧波消博會, 然而這個展會的外商數量和品質是比較低的, 很多都是走馬觀花,
換句話說, 做為該公司一個外貿業務員我根本沒有任何客戶資源, 唯一做的比較多的就是維護老闆僅有的兩三個客戶, 問題是維持這老闆僅有的兩個客戶就讓人受了一肚子冤枉氣, 這比被她拿工資和福利待遇忽悠進來有過之而無不及, 給人打工本身就會受人差遣支配, 受氣再所難免, 關鍵是有時明明自己沒做錯而是老闆不懂不理解還很多疑, 由於她不會ENGLISH 這(樣說並不是有意貶低), 無論是給客戶打電話或寫郵件都是我代勞, 不過要按照她的意思去說和寫, 不是在背後黑她, 她的郵件是廢話很多的, 長篇大論, 結果每次客戶回復都是幾句話, your price is higher than other suppliers, please give me your best price 或 I will contact u if I m in need等, 定單沒談成結果把氣出在我身上說我沒翻譯到位,
而她是那種根本分辨不出好壞和對錯的人因為她不會ENGLISH加上本身又不是專業做外貿的, 搞得我不解釋不行解釋她又不懂, 整個公司外貿業務員才兩個人, 一個我和一個日語專業的實習生。 本來我們就已經很閑了, 想找老外客戶沒資源, 一天到晚在GOOGLE上搜, 找到個國外類似產品網站就發開發信, 結果如泥牛入海無回音, 本身客戶就不多加上老闆不投資平臺展會, 工資本來就低的我們根本做不出客戶也就意味沒業績提成, 加上老闆還不允許我們按時下班, 無論有事沒事都要在廠裡加班還沒加班費, 你們想像一下:工資低, 無客戶資源, 老闆沒文化不懂英文, 幫忙翻譯發給她客戶的郵件還因她客戶嫌價格高不下單被誤會表達不清,
加班無加班費, 承諾的社保也沒有。 這樣待了幾個月終於我跟那個日語專業的女生後來都依次辭職了, 辭職前老闆還要我們考慮下別辭, 但是呢她卻私下裡又在物色並忽悠下一批社會經驗不豐富的行業小白給她做廉價勞動力。

Ningbo Chunchen Industry& Trade Co,Ltd located in JishiGang Town, Yinzhou District,Ningbo posted recruitment information looking for international Trade salesperson on certain unknown job-seeking websites few years ago.Having been interested by the position and reasonable basic salary and welfare , I contacted the company and received invitation of interview later 。 As I had learned that the income of a sales mainly depends on his or her sales performance instead of depending on basic salary thus I was not demanding on payment as a greenhand。 Interview went smoothly and I was informed to prepare to work few days later。 Before working for this company , the basic salary of this job and welfare in my mind remained as the same as the described on its recruitment information, 3K-4K, but I was terribly disappointed after I received the salary for first month because it was far less than the described 。 Not only the basic salary was disappointing but also the social welfare was not offered 。 This is not a professional trade company that possess a lot of foreign customers and business , instead, the major business this company is engaged in is module design and processing ,which has nothing much to do with international trading 。 We were unable to get any customers resource because the boss did not invest any money into TRADE FAIR and platform like ALIBABA , MADE IN CHINA, etc 。 All we have to do is to maintain business relationships between the few customers and our boss, such as sending customers regular emails, in which new products would be recommended。 Moreover, as our boss is uneducated and unable to speak ENGLISH and write Emails in English , all of these are done by me according to her intention, which made me very annoyed because I was blamed seriously and accused of incorrect translation by her when the customers rejected to place orders because of price 。 There were only two international trading salespersons in this company, my colleague majored in japanese and I were either almost idle all day long or do some errands like going to wokshop to assemble products。 The boss even required us to work overtime without pay even if we have nothing to do 。 Months later, we decided to resign and look for another because in our opinion working for such a company whose owner neither invest money to acquire more customers resource nor value employees devotion is not only a waste of time but also a waste of energy and talent。 The boss tried to persuade us not to resign while looked for another replacements with the old tricks that tricked us 。

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