

袁世凱(1859年9月16日—1916年6月6日), 字慰亭(又作慰廷), 號容庵、洗心亭主人, 漢族, 河南項城人, 中國近代史上著名的政治家、軍事家, 北洋軍閥領袖。

Yuan Shikai ( September 16, 1859 - June 6, 1916 ), word comfort pavilion ( and comfort ), let temples, wash heart pavilion master, Han nationality, Henan Xiangcheng people, famous politician, strategist in modern Chinese history, the northern warlords leader.

袁世凱早年發跡於朝鮮, 歸國後在天津小站訓練新軍。 清末新政期間積極推動近代化改革。 辛亥革命期間逼清帝溥儀退位, 以和平的方式推翻清朝, 成為中華民國臨時大總統。 1913年, 鎮壓二次革命;同年, 當選為首任中華民國大總統。 1914年, 頒佈《中華民國約法》。

1915年12月, 宣佈自稱皇帝, 改國號為中華帝國, 建元洪憲, 史稱“洪憲帝制”。 此舉遭到各方反對, 引發護國運動, 袁世凱不得不在做了83天皇帝之後宣佈取消帝制。 1916年6月6日, 因尿毒癥不治而亡, 歸葬于河南安陽。

Yuan Shikai's early rise in north Korea, after returning to Tianjin station training new army. During the new policy period of late Qing dynasty, modernization reform was actively promoted. During the revolution of 1911, puyi abdicated and overthrew the Qing dynasty in a peaceful way, becoming the temporary president of the Republic of China. 1913: suppression of the second revolution; In the same year, he was elected the first president of the Republic of China. In 1914, the constitution of the Republic of China was promulgated. In December 1915, proclaimed himself emperor, change the title for the Chinese empire, jianyuan hongxian, history called " hongxian monarchy". The move was opposed by all sides, triggered a movement to protect the country, yuan Shikai had to do 83 days after the emperor announced the abolition of monarchy. June 6, 1916, died of uremia, was buried in Anyang, Henan province.

袁世凱的榮辱功過各有評說, 有人說他是“獨夫民賊”、“竊國大盜”,

也有人認為他對中國的近代化做出貢獻, 是真正的改革家, 袁世凱是中國近代史上最具爭議的人物之一。

Yuan Shikai's merits and demerits have their own comments, some people say that he is a " one - man thief", " steal the country steal", others think that he contributed to the modernization of China, is a real reformer, yuan Shikai is one of the most controversial figures in China's modern history.

中華民國三年(1914年)天津造幣總廠鑄造袁世凱高纓像中華民國共和紀念幣壹圓銀幣, 由造幣總廠所聘請的義大利雕版師魯爾治。

喬治雕制鋼模, 圖案極其精美, 是民國機制銀幣中的精品。 銀幣重量庫平七錢二分, 成色高, 含銀量為90%。 正面為袁世凱九分臉正面及胸像, 面部稍左側, 袁世凱身著大元帥服, 頭戴鷺羽冠, 胸前佩戴大勳章, 銀幣背面中央鐫“壹圓”二字, 以嘉禾圍繞, 上鐫“中華民國共和紀念幣”九字, 左右各一花紋, 下面鐫英文一元“ONE DOLLAR”, 銀幣兩面的幣邊緣皆環珠圈。 中國嘉德和北京誠軒拍賣公司以及上海泓盛拍賣公司等專業化產業化仿造臆造、炒作拍賣近代機制銀幣贗品和臆造品的幣商利益集團這些年來曾多次拍賣仿造的袁世凱高纓像中華民國共和紀念幣壹圓假幣和假金質樣幣。 這枚錢幣流傳有序, 保存完好, 字跡清晰, 十分難得

Three years of the Republic of China ( 1914 ) Tianjin mint foundry yuan Shikai high tassel like Republic of China commemorative coin a round silver coin, hired by the mint Italian engraving division ruerzhi. George carved steel mold, the pattern is extremely exquisite, is the fine silver coin of the Republic of China mechanism. Silver coin weight library flat seven cents, high color, silver content is 90 %. Positive for yuan Shikai nine points face positive and bust, slightly on the left side of the face, yuan Shikai dressed in marshal, wearing heron crest, chest wearing a medal, silver coins on the back of the central engrave " one circle" word, surrounded by Jiahe, engraved on the " Republic of China commemorative coins" nine words, each around a pattern, engraved below English yuan " one dollar", silver coins on both sides of the coin edge are ring bead circle. China jiade and Beijing chengxuan auction company and Shanghai hongsheng auction company and other specialized industrial imitation, speculation auction of modern mechanism of silver coins fake and fake coin dealer interest groups over the years have repeatedly auction fake yuan Shikai Gao ying like Republic of China commemorative coins a round of counterfeit money and fake gold sample coins. This coin is very rare because of its orderly circulation, good preservation and clear handwriting

拍賣是否成功關鍵還是看拍品的品質, 如果依靠拍賣形式的創新, 忽視提升拍品的品質, 恐怕不會有質的改變與成交的希望。 如果你有古玩精品想拍賣或者參加拍賣推薦會請即與中洲國際拍賣公司市場運營總監或授權徵集點市場部輔助聯絡, 洽談市場趨勢與托售事宜。


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