

Despite attempts to look calm, cool, and collected like any other man, there are a number a things I will do around an initial date that clue you in that I'm interested. Here are a few:在與女士第一次約會的時候, 我會像其他所有男士一樣保持冷靜、淡定、從容的態度, 儘管如此, 你還是可以從我的某些舉止中得到暗示, 發現我對對方心存好感。 比如下麵所說的幾件事。

1. Completing the Date不中途逃脫

It may not indicate that you're the apple of my eye, but it does indicate that you're not a total disaster. Most people are courteous enough to do the absolute minimum on a date: finish whatever activity you're doing together and devote sufficient time out of respect for the other person. But some situations are such utter disaster, things must be cut short.這也許並不能代表你是我的夢中情人, 但卻能說明, 你在我心中並不算糟糕。 這是對約會雙方的基本禮儀, 大多數人都能出於禮貌做到這一點:出於對對方的尊重, 無論兩人一起做什麼都要善始善終, 投入足夠的時間和精力。 不過有的時候局面糟糕透頂, 就要速戰速決了。

2. One on One一對一

If I'm into you, and comfortable, I won't want to "share" you. A common tactic to combat a boring date is calling in "reinforcement" friends to "dilute" you. I'm naturally talkative with those around me, but if I invite everyone else around us into our party, I might be looking for a more interesting outlet.如果我對你有意,

和你在一起感到舒服, 我一定不會和別人“分享”你的陪伴。 當男士們在一次約會中感到無聊時, 他們慣常採用的策略就是招來一群“救場”的朋友, 好分散他花在你身上的注意力。 當我的朋友們在場時, 我也會變成話嘮, 不過如果我和你進行二人約會時也這樣招呼來所有的小夥伴, 這就說明我想要找個更有趣的出路了。

3. Extending the Date延長約會的時間

Suggesting something (other than going back to someone's place) after dinner like taking a walk, grabbing a drink, going for dessert, catching a movie, etc., indicates I'm asking for an encore.晚餐之後, 我提出了友好的建議(而不是去某人家), 比如我們去散個步、喝杯酒、吃個甜點、看個電影等等, 這都暗示著我想要延長我們的約會。

4. Suggesting Another Date提議再次約會

Sometimes I get so excited during a first date I play my cards by suggesting other things we should do together. A common time to suggest another date is at the end of the date, though some guys just say this to be friendly.有時候我在第一次約會時就感到非常開心, 這時我就會採取進一步策略, 提出各種小建議, 下次再一起去做其他活動。 一般人會在約會結束時提出下次約會的建議,


5. Friendly Follow-Up Right After You Say Good-bye告別之後的友好問候

Sometimes after a date, I'll text the girl telling her I had a great time, out of sheer giddiness. If I'm not interested after the date, I'll head straight home and begin my process of fading out of this girl's life.偶爾在一次約會之後, 我會告訴對方我覺得很開心, 這完全處於一種意亂情迷的狀態。 如果我對這次約會並不中意, 我就會徑直回家, 開始採取策略, 漸漸淡出這個女孩的生活。

6. Consistency關係維持的時間長

Hold me to a higher standard than one extra date, or one call back after the initial date. How many times have you gone on a few dates only to have it fizzle out? You can't be sure I'm interested until we've gone out consistently for more than a month.讓我們的關係升級, 而不僅僅是再一次約會或者約會完之後打一通電話。 你有多少次約會最終是以告吹結束的?如果我們相互邀約的關係已經維持了一個月之久, 你就能確信我對你有意了。


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