

Don't let unrealistic expectations ruin the simple beauty of the reality. Some great moments arrive quietly. 不要讓不切實際的期盼, 毀掉了已經擁有的簡單幸福, 很多重要時刻都是悄然而至的。

Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to. ——有時候, 順其自然, 你才會知道那些事是否值得擁有。

Life always offers you a second chance, it's called tomorrow. 生活總會給你的第二次機會, 叫明天。

The person who can find sorrow behind your smile, words behind your silence and love behind your anger, is the one who can hold you forever.能看到你笑容背後的憂傷, 聽到你沉默背後的呼喚, 感受到你憤怒背後的愛意, 這種人, 才能執子之手, 直到永久。

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. 當堅強成為你唯一的選擇, 你才知道自己可以有多堅強。

Don't forget what to do and where to go you have promised yourself no matter how difficult and hard it will be.——別忘了答應自己要做的事情, 別忘了答應自己要去的地方, 無論有多難, 有多遠。

Learn to be yourself and drop what don't belong to you elegantly.—— 學著做你自己, 並優雅地放手所有不屬於你的東西。

Relationships don’t need promises, terms and conditions. It just needs two people: who can trust and who can understand——感情不需要諾言、期限與條件。 它只需要兩個人:一個能夠信任的人, 與一個願意理解的人。

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