


近日, 有醫生指出, 葡萄酒對皮膚最有害。 只要喝入一瓶以上的葡萄酒或含糖雞尾酒, 就會導致皮膚發紅、腫脹、長斑。 啤酒、威士卡等其他酒類, 雖然沒有葡萄酒的殺傷力那麼大, 但是對皮膚也沒有好處。

As it happens, those multiple glasses, or a bottle, of red wine can actually be quite harmful to your body - and wreak havoc on your skin.

事實上, 幾杯或一瓶紅葡萄酒對你的身體相當有害, 而且會極大地損傷你的皮膚。

While there have been numerous studies done in an effort to uncover the health benefits of guzzling red wine, realistically, drinking more than a moderate amount can increase the risk of dementia and cause inflammation - which can increase the risk of cancer, depression, and heart disease, according to Dr Mark Menolascino, a doctor of internal medicine.

儘管多項研究都揭示了多喝紅葡萄酒對健康的益處, 但內科醫生馬克·梅諾拉西諾指出, 實際上, 喝紅葡萄酒過量會增加患癡呆和炎症的風險, 而炎症會提升患癌症、抑鬱和心臟病的風險。

If that weren’t enough to turn you off the habit completely, red wine also happens to be the worst drink for your skin of all the alcohol choices, according to naturopathic doctor, Dr Isabel Sharkar.

如果這還不足以讓你徹底改掉喝葡萄酒的習慣, 自然療法醫師伊薩貝爾·沙卡表示, 紅葡萄酒還是所有酒類中對皮膚最不好的。

Speaking to Popsugar, Dr Sharkar revealed the unfiltered fermented grape juice can negatively impact your skin, especially if you have a condition such as rosacea.

沙卡醫生告訴Popsugar網站說, 紅葡萄酒對人的皮膚有害, 尤其是對紅斑痤瘡患者。

Additionally, red wine is likely to cause “flushing, redness, and blotchy skin.”

Alcohol is a vasodilator, meaning it opens the blood vessels - which leads to a flushed appearance and a puffy complexion.

此外, 紅葡萄酒還可能導致“皮膚發紅、長斑”。

酒精能擴張血管, 這會導致臉發紅、腫脹。

And sugar in red wine is partly to blame, as Dr Menolascino notes that the sugar in wine overloads the liver and, as a result, “sends it off to the body as raw sugar in the blood, or converts it directly into hard-to-burn fat.”

紅葡萄酒中的糖分也是罪魁禍首之一, 梅諾拉西諾醫生指出, 葡萄酒中的糖會給肝臟帶來負擔, 最終“會作為血液中的原糖傳輸到身體各處, 或直接轉化為難以燃燒的脂肪。 ”

Sugar is also the culprit in other alcoholic drinks, as it is the leading cause of inflammation from alcohol consumption.

Because of this, cocktails - typically mixed drinks, often made with sweet additives like syrups or juice - are almost as bad for your skin.

糖也是其他酒精飲料中的健康殺手, 因為它是喝酒引發炎症的首要原因。

正因如此, 用不同飲料混合而成、通常加了糖漿或果汁等甜味劑的雞尾酒對你的皮膚也同樣有害。

Although piña coladas may taste good in the moment, the effects of the sugar can increase cell damage and acne.

儘管果汁朗姆冰酒喝起來味道很不錯, 但其中所含的糖會增加細胞損傷, 引發粉刺。

Sugar hangovers also exist - meaning a night of sugary cocktails can lead to dull skin and bloodshot eyes, according to Dr Sharkar.

沙卡醫生說, 喝過含糖雞尾酒之後第二天體內的糖分仍會導致皮膚暗沉、眼睛充血,


Beer, whisky, and rum are also not your friends when it comes to skincare.


看完之後, 嚇得我趕緊喝一口82年的拉菲壓壓驚.....看來日後要提心吊膽的喝紅酒了....





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