



但令人萬萬沒想到的是, 這只頭似吹風機的粉紅豬在誕生的第15個年頭突然在中國走紅, 搖身一變成為“社會一姐”。

Since last summer, the young pig has become the topic of countless memes, jokes, and short videos — especially since she was jokingly cast as a shehuiren, a slang term for a gangster.

自去年夏天以來, 這只小豬已經成為無數表情包、段子和短視頻的主題, 尤其是她被戲稱為“社會人”之後。

On viral short video platform Douyin, more than 30,000 videos appear under the Peppa Pig hashtag. The series is rated an astronomical 9.2 on review platform Douban, and its fifth season, released last October, has been viewed over 14 billion times on video platform Youku. Peppa Pig theme parks are even slated to open in Beijing and Shanghai next year — just in time for the Year of the Pig in 2019.

短視頻平臺抖音上#小豬佩奇#話題下的視頻超過3萬個。 該系列動畫在評論網站豆瓣上獲得9.2分的高分。 去年10月播出的第五季在視頻平臺優酷上的點擊量超過140億。 小豬佩奇主題公園定於2019年在北京和上海開放, 而明年剛好是豬年。

近年來, 譬如“社會搖”之類帶有“社會氣質”的視頻內容在快手、抖音上十分流行, 擁有這種特質的人被統稱為“社會人”。 那麼, 一個卡通人物為什麼會和“社會人”聯繫在一起呢?這還得從頭說起。

《小豬佩奇》雖然是一部兒童學前動畫片, 但不少網友發現, 片子的成人色彩濃郁, 卡通人物處事手段之成熟甚至令“社會人”都自歎不如。 網友的熱議以及“成人化”解讀和二次創作使得小豬佩奇在國內迅速走紅。

伴隨著動畫片的熱播, 先是“豬豬女孩”系列表情包刷了一波流量。

Unofficial, fan-made Peppa Pig chat stickers and emojis have proliferated in the last year, and a Weibo social media account that shares such stickers now has over 200,000 fans — nearly four times the followers of the famous pig’s official account.

隨後, 《小豬佩奇》方言版惡搞視頻佔領了B站鬼畜區, 多個視頻播放量超過百萬。

In November, a fan-made Peppa Pig video dubbed in Chongqing dialect became an instant hit on video-sharing platform Bilibili, leading it to becoming dubbed in more than 15 other Chinese tongues, including Shanghainese, Sichuanese, and the northeastern accent.

去年11月, 一個重慶方言版的《小豬佩奇》飯制視頻在視頻分享平臺Bilibili上迅速爆紅,


緊接著, 揶揄小豬佩奇是“社會人”的段子也開始在社交媒體上熱傳。 其中, 最為網友熟知的便是這句——“小豬佩奇身上紋, 掌聲送給社會人!”(Get your Peppa Pig tatt, shout out to your frat)。

去年年底, 一則將小豬佩奇畫在身上的短視頻讓這只粉紅豬在快手、抖音走紅, 這個舉動竟然引起無數人爭相模仿。 許多網友在平臺上曬出自己的小豬佩奇紋身貼

在短視頻平臺的帶動下, “小豬佩奇身上紋, 掌聲送給社會人”口號越喊越響, 小豬佩奇紋身成了“社會人”標配, 還順手救活了一堆賣盜版貼紙的淘寶店。

One store on e-commerce platform Taobao has sold over 30,000 of them in the last month.


But some fans are getting inked with the real thing. News outlets reported earlier this month that tattoo studios are getting more requests for real Peppa Pig tatts, with one customer even forking out 10,000 yuan ($1,600) for a whole-back piece.

然而, 也有粉絲的紋身是貨真價實的。

據媒體本月初報導, 越來越多顧客要求紋身工作室給他們真紋身。 一位顧客甚至花1萬元在整個背上紋小豬佩奇。

除了紋身, 小豬佩奇其他的周邊產品也跟著火了。 淘寶上隨便搜搜小豬佩奇, 就會發現大量似乎沒有授權的周邊商品, 比如手錶、手機掛件、文具、毛絨公仔等。

Watches and bracelets with various Peppa Pig designs have sold over 100,000 units on Taobao in the last month.


一些機智的商家還推出組合套餐, 買“社會人”手錶送貼紙。

社交媒體上隨處可見網友繪製的小豬佩奇形象。 就連明星們也要抱一抱“社會一姐”的大腿。

Celebrities are in on the fun, too, with actor Li Chen posting a picture of himself on Weibo with a little Peppa Pig tattoo on his forehead, fetching over 200,000 likes.

Qi Wei, the lead actress in a new widely discussed TV series, “Beijing Women’s Manual,” showed off her new Gucci bag in a product demonstration video on Monday while wearing one of the pink, candy-dispensing watches.

戚薇主演的電視劇《北京女子圖鑒》最近備受觀眾熱議。 23日, 她發佈了一段產品展示視頻, 她帶著一款粉色的小豬佩奇糖果手錶, 展示自己全新的Gucci包。

This week, Xu Weizhou’s whiteboard pictures caused a stir on Weibo, and fans joked that the simple image probably marked the peak of the heartthrob actor’s art career.


小豬佩奇又向時尚圈進軍, 聯手快時尚品牌優衣庫推出小豬佩奇兒童款T恤。

還有網友腦洞大開, 專門設計了小豬佩奇與各大時尚品牌聯名的“豬豬logo”。

A series of images posted in March show Peppa Pig’s face photoshopped onto the logos of premium brands.

今年3月, 有網友發佈了一系列圖片, 將小豬佩奇表情與高端品牌的標誌合成在一起。

The humorous post, hashtagged #PeppaPigProvince#, drew over 65,000 likes, and the most upvoted comment on it simply says “gangster.”

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