

“波光瀲灩三千頃, 莽莽群山抱古城。 四季看花花不老, 一江春月是昆明。 ”昆明的氣候適宜植物生長, 自然地理條件優越, 山高水長,

雨量充沛。 在這裡, 四季常青, 鮮花常開。

"Somewhere, between thousand miles of glittering lands, the mountains hold ancient city. Full of flowers and youth during the all seasons – spring city Kunming." The climate of Kunming, natural geographical conditions, high mountains are suitable for planting. Here, the four seasons are evergreen and the flowers are always opened.

昆明的地貌被乾隆年間名士孫髯翁一語道盡:“五百里滇池, 奔來眼底, 披襟岸幘, 喜茫茫空闊無邊。 看東驤神駿, 西翥靈儀, 北走蜿蜒, 南翔縞素。 ”昆明三面環山, 滇池高原明珠鑲嵌其中, 沿湖兩岸風光綺麗, 西山睡美人靜臥一側。

Lands of Kunming were mentioned in Qianlong scholar written by Sun Ranweng: " Can be seen hundreds miles of boundless and spacious Dianchi with its shores. No matter if you look south, north, east or west, everywhere are nice views.” Kunming is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with the Dianchi plateau inside. Great lake scenery is made with the help of lying sleeping beauty of Xishan mountain.

是命運與緣分的神秘碰撞, 讓孫髯翁這位奇才得以造訪昆明, 一次抵達, 便成為終身的羈絆。

It is a mysterious collision between life and fate. For once arrived here Sun Ranweng , Kunming became a lifelong fetter.








Long history of Daguanlou in Yunnan

孫髯生於1685年, 1774年離世, 字髯翁, 祖籍在陝西三原。 孫髯翁可是個傳奇人物, 據說他一生下來就有鬍鬚, 所以父母為其取名髯。

Sun Ran was born in Shaanxi in 1685 and died in 1774". Due to the legend, it is said that he was born with a beard, so parents named him Ran (beard).

在孫髯翁還小的時候, 其父被派到雲南做武官, 他也跟隨而至。 至此以後, 孫髯翁便與昆明結下不解之緣,

提及昆明的文化歷史, 他不可缺少。

When Sun Ranweng was young, his father was sent to Yunnan as a military officer, and he also followed. Since then, Sun Ranweng forged indissoluble bound with Kunming, so he mentioned cultural history of Kunming lots of times.

“千秋懷抱三杯酒, 萬里雲山一水樓。 ”這是昆明的大觀樓, 地處滇池北面草海之濱, 與蒼翠起伏的太華山峰隔水相望, 故也稱“近華浦”。

"Meet autumn embrace with a glass if alcohol in the water building." This is the grand view building in Kunming, which is located on the north shore of Dianchi. It is also called "JinHuaPu".


In 1690th, the Yunnan governor Wang Jiwen, established it here, and enjoyed the beautiful wide scenery around it. Colorful scenery attracted people and became the widespread topic in literary papers.


Sun Ranweng spent lots of time in Daguanlou building, and it is very similar to Yueyang Tower in "Yueyang Tower". The second floor of the MingYangTianXia is also one of the most famous among literary anecdotes. His popular ancient poem “The longest couplet” is written in traditional Chinese characters, without punctuation marks, up to one hundred and eighty words.


Daguanlou building and Dianchi scenic wonders come back Kunming history. “The Longest Couplet” showed it in the flow of things, brilliant words, literary spirit, sweepings and songs.

偉人毛澤東對這一長聯的評價是“從古未有,別創一格” ,著名史學家郭沫若贊道:“長聯猶在壁,巨筆信如椽”。

The great man Mao Zedong's comment of the Couplet is "fresh and unique," the famous historian Guo Moruo also said: "The longest couplet is a great letter to be remembered".





Have knowledge of eight hops, but only agree to manage cloth


Bright like a sun Sun Ranweng, good in everything from painting to poetry, when out always had a book in the pocket. When he took part in the imperial examinations, he saw that he had to go through frisk outside the examination room. So turned away and left in anger. He said: "They are thiefs, I unwill to be humiliated." From then, he didn't attend imperial examinations, and didn't seek for fame and wealth.


Sun Ranweng loved plum blossom, he had made a clothes with "thousands plum trees" for children. Today, in WuHuaQu region of Kunming there is a big garden lane with plum trees, according to the legend, it was home of Sun Ranweng.


In his later years, Sun Ranweng was poor, lived in the Kunming’s Yuantong Temple and called himself "Flood dragon", as he lived in the stone cave and survive with the help of telling fortunes. He wrote in the poem: "There is no contemptuous look on ancient and modern."


The old man while sitting in the cold wind alone in front of the window, just could fill his mind with literature.


Never leave, stay in Maitreya Lying Buddha’s glory forever


Sun Ranweng also had a middle-aged wife. Thanks that his daughter and son-in-law were businessman, and also very dutiful, they made him to move to Mile, so that he could enjoy his old age near Maitreya.

孫髯翁去世前曾為自己寫過一生的總結,自寫挽聯“這回來得忙,名心利心,畢竟糊塗到底; 此番去甚好,詩債酒債,何曾虧負著誰!”

Sun Ranweng had written a summary of his life before he died. He wrote: "I was busy all my life, but after all was really confused in the end; has good wine and poetry ever let somebody suffer!"

今彌勒城西有孫髯墓,墓碑上的題書是:“古滇名士孫髯翁先生之墓”。 旁刻一聯雲: 古塚城西留傲骨; 名士滇南有布衣。

Now Sun Ranweng’s gravestone is in the western part of Mile, the title is: "The grave of Yunnan scholar Sun Ranweng ".


Extraordinary life of an ordinary commoner, forever will stay in Mile Yunnan.


In 1690th, the Yunnan governor Wang Jiwen, established it here, and enjoyed the beautiful wide scenery around it. Colorful scenery attracted people and became the widespread topic in literary papers.


Sun Ranweng spent lots of time in Daguanlou building, and it is very similar to Yueyang Tower in "Yueyang Tower". The second floor of the MingYangTianXia is also one of the most famous among literary anecdotes. His popular ancient poem “The longest couplet” is written in traditional Chinese characters, without punctuation marks, up to one hundred and eighty words.


Daguanlou building and Dianchi scenic wonders come back Kunming history. “The Longest Couplet” showed it in the flow of things, brilliant words, literary spirit, sweepings and songs.

偉人毛澤東對這一長聯的評價是“從古未有,別創一格” ,著名史學家郭沫若贊道:“長聯猶在壁,巨筆信如椽”。

The great man Mao Zedong's comment of the Couplet is "fresh and unique," the famous historian Guo Moruo also said: "The longest couplet is a great letter to be remembered".





Have knowledge of eight hops, but only agree to manage cloth


Bright like a sun Sun Ranweng, good in everything from painting to poetry, when out always had a book in the pocket. When he took part in the imperial examinations, he saw that he had to go through frisk outside the examination room. So turned away and left in anger. He said: "They are thiefs, I unwill to be humiliated." From then, he didn't attend imperial examinations, and didn't seek for fame and wealth.


Sun Ranweng loved plum blossom, he had made a clothes with "thousands plum trees" for children. Today, in WuHuaQu region of Kunming there is a big garden lane with plum trees, according to the legend, it was home of Sun Ranweng.


In his later years, Sun Ranweng was poor, lived in the Kunming’s Yuantong Temple and called himself "Flood dragon", as he lived in the stone cave and survive with the help of telling fortunes. He wrote in the poem: "There is no contemptuous look on ancient and modern."


The old man while sitting in the cold wind alone in front of the window, just could fill his mind with literature.


Never leave, stay in Maitreya Lying Buddha’s glory forever


Sun Ranweng also had a middle-aged wife. Thanks that his daughter and son-in-law were businessman, and also very dutiful, they made him to move to Mile, so that he could enjoy his old age near Maitreya.

孫髯翁去世前曾為自己寫過一生的總結,自寫挽聯“這回來得忙,名心利心,畢竟糊塗到底; 此番去甚好,詩債酒債,何曾虧負著誰!”

Sun Ranweng had written a summary of his life before he died. He wrote: "I was busy all my life, but after all was really confused in the end; has good wine and poetry ever let somebody suffer!"

今彌勒城西有孫髯墓,墓碑上的題書是:“古滇名士孫髯翁先生之墓”。 旁刻一聯雲: 古塚城西留傲骨; 名士滇南有布衣。

Now Sun Ranweng’s gravestone is in the western part of Mile, the title is: "The grave of Yunnan scholar Sun Ranweng ".


Extraordinary life of an ordinary commoner, forever will stay in Mile Yunnan.

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