
勿以善小而不為,勿以惡小而為之|Avoid Evil, However Small;Do Good, However Small


Q & A

網友:師父, 如果一個殺生重的人, 會在地獄裡受巨苦多劫, 感覺這種報應太重了, 覺得受相同的苦就夠了, 這樣想是不是錯了?

學誠法師:業有一個特點是會增長廣大, 就好比種下一顆小小的種子, 好生養護, 收穫的季節便能得到成百上千倍的果實。 所以“勿以善小而不為, 勿以惡小而為之” 。

Q: Master, if a person’s killing is weighty, he would suffer immensely in hell. I feel this retribution is too much and I feel equivalent suffering is enough. Am I wrong in thinking that way?

A: One feature of karma is its magnification. It is just like sowing a small seed. With good care, the seed will grow into hundreds of fruit in the season of harvest. Therefore, "Do not fail to do good even if it's small; do not engage in evil even if it's small. "

網友:師父, 請問怎麼理解業能增長廣大呢?如果做了不好的事, 自己發現錯了就沒有再做了, 這個業會增長嗎?

學誠法師:如果造惡業後內心不以為錯, 甚至感到痛快, 反復回味, 這樣的業就一直在增長。 反過來, 如果內心有愧, 反省、悔過、後不再造, 這樣的業就不會增長。

Q: Master, how to understand the magnification of karma, please? If one did something bad and then realized he was wrong and stopped doing that, would this karma grow?

A: If one does not think he is wrong after doing nonvirtuous actions, or even feels delighted and ponders over it repeatedly, such karma will magnify; in contrast, if one feels guilty in heart, with reflection, confession and restraint, such karma will not magnify.

網友:法師, 面對一個原本應該感恩的人, 心中無法感恩, 反而想要傷害對方, 且日漸熾重, 望能解我度我!

學誠法師:積重難返——微小的念頭積累, 使業增長廣大, 如春苗漸長。 反過來, 善念、善業也有同樣的規律, 剛開始哪怕一點微小甚至造作的善念, 只要堅持不懈, 也能具有巨大的力量。 凡夫煩惱重、智慧輕, 因此要刻意、努力培養正念與善念, 打造渡自己出苦海的舟楫。

Q: Master, facing a person to whom I should be grateful, I have no sense of gratitude but instead, I want to hurt him. Such feeling is growing day by day. Please help me get out of this trouble!

A: Bad old practices die hard, i.e., small thoughts accumulate and make karma magnify, just like the gradual growth of spring sprouts. In contrast, the same principle applies to virtuous thoughts and actions. In the beginning, it might be just a tiny or contrived virtuous thought. As long as you stick to it, it will generate enormous power. Ordinary people have so many afflictions but only little wisdom, so we should try hard to cultivate right and virtuous thoughts and forge a boat to carry us out of the sea of suffering.

Source: Microblogs of Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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