

一周新聞熱詞榜, 一網打盡trending news。 CHINADAILY新一期熱詞榜放榜啦!







trip along the Yangtze River

24日上午, 習近平總書記從北京直飛湖北宜昌。 一下飛機便前往長江沿岸考察調研長江生態環境修復工作, 走進化工廠、訪問移民村、考察三峽大壩。 在考察和走訪過程中, 習近平這些話成為媒體紛紛引用的"金句"。

國家要強大、民族要復興, 必須靠我們自己砥礪奮進、不懈奮鬥。

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation can only be achieved through untiring struggle.

我們要靠自己的努力, 大國重器必須掌握在自己手裡。

We must rely on our own efforts, and hold the great strength in our hands.

核心技術、關鍵技術, 化緣是化不來的, 要靠自己拼搏。

To get core and key technology, begging alms won't work. We must rely on our own hard work.

25日上午, 習近平總書記驅車一個半小時, 從宜昌前往荊州。 在荊州港碼頭登上輪船, 順江而下, 考察長江。 船行4個小時, 抵達石首港。 隨後, 他又驅車一個多小時, 深入到長江湖南岳陽段考察。


修復長江生態環境, 是新時代賦予我們的艱巨任務, 也是人民群眾的熱切期盼。

Restoration of the river's ecological environment is an arduous task that the new era has entrusted to us and the high expectations of the people.

絕不容許長江生態環境在我們這一代人手上繼續惡化下去, 一定要給子孫後代留下一條清潔美麗的萬里長江!

We must not allow the ecological environment of the Yangtze River to continue deteriorating in the hands of our generation, and we must leave our descendants a clean and beautiful Yangtze River.

26日下午, 習近平主持召開深入推動長江經濟帶發展座談會。 聽取大家發言後, 習近平發表了重要講話。


必須從中華民族長遠利益考慮, 把修復長江生態環境擺在壓倒性位置, 共抓大保護、不搞大開發。

We must proceed from the long-term interests of the Chinese nation to put restoring the ecological environment of the Yangtze River at a dominant position, making all-out efforts to protect it, and forbidding large-scale development of the river.


The aim is to build the economic belt into a golden economic belt featuring more beautiful ecology, more smooth transport, more coordinated economy, more integrated market and more scientific mechanisms.


第一, 正確把握整體推進和重點突破的關係,


First, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between pressing ahead on the whole and making breakthroughs in key areas, so as to protect and restore the ecological environment of the Yangtze River in all respects.

第二, 正確把握生態環境保護和經濟發展的關係, 探索協同推進生態優先和綠色發展新路子。

Second, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between ecological environment protection and economic development, and explore a new path which puts ecology first while pursuing green development.

第三, 正確把握總體謀劃和久久為功的關係, 堅定不移將一張藍圖幹到底。

Third, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between making an overall plan and making unremitting efforts, and stick to a single blueprint until the end.

第四, 正確把握破除舊動能和培育新動能的關係, 推動長江經濟帶建設現代化經濟體系。

Fourth, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between getting rid of old growth engines and cultivating new engines, and facilitate the establishment of a modern economic system for the Yangtze River economic belt.

第五, 正確把握自身發展和協同發展的關係, 努力將長江經濟帶打造成為有機融合的高效經濟體。

Finally, efforts should be made to properly deal with the relationship between developing individually and developing in a coordinated way so as to make the economic belt an efficient economic entity.


生態環境 ecological environment

黃金經濟帶 golden economic belt

新動能 new engines

現代化經濟體系 modern economic system

協同發展 develop in a coordinated way


inter-Korean summit

The Republic of Korea (ROK)'s President Moon Jae-in and top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) Kim Jong-un began formal talks in the South Korean side of the border village of Panmunjom in the third-ever inter-Korean summit Friday.

朝鮮最高領導人金正恩27日與韓國總統文在寅在板門店韓方一側舉行正式會談。 這是韓朝雙方舉行的第三次首腦會晤。

➤ 當地時間9時30分許, 金正恩在板門店跨過軍事分界線(cross the military demarcation line inside Panmunjom), 進入韓方一側, 受到等候在那裡的文在寅的歡迎。 金正恩成為朝鮮戰爭後首位踏上韓國土地的朝鮮最高領導人(the first DPRK leader to set foot on the ROK's soil since the end of the Korean War)。

➤ 在金正恩的邀請下, 兩人攜手跨越軍事分界線, 在朝方一側短暫停留後回到韓方一側(Kim invited Moon to step briefly across the demarcation line into the DPRK side, before the pair stepped back into the ROK territory - all the while holding hands)。 隨後, 韓朝領導人走入會晤地點"和平之家(Peace House)"。

金正恩在"和平之家"題詞:新的歷史從此開始——在和平的時代, 歷史的出發點(a new history begins now - at the starting point of history and the era of peace)。

➤ 10時15分左右, 文在寅和金正恩開始進行正式會談(launch formal talks)。 金正恩在開場發言中表示, 將在會談中就朝韓共同關注的問題坦誠對話(frankly discuss issues of mutual interest), 促會談取得可喜成果(create a good result)。 文在寅則指出, 金正恩跨過軍事分界線的瞬間, 讓板門店從分裂的象徵轉變為和平的象徵(Panmunjom has changed into a symbol of peace from a symbol of division at the moment Kim walked over the MDL)。 文在寅提議, 希望韓朝大膽對話(engage in frank talks), 共敘10年來的未盡之言, 共同努力達成協議, 為期待和平的民眾和全世界人民(the whole Korean people and the people who want peace)獻上大禮。

➤ 當日下午, 文在寅與金正恩進行共同植樹活動(joint tree-planting ceremony), 祈願朝鮮半島和平與繁榮(peace and prosperity)。 韓國青瓦台發言人尹永燦在板門店表示, 在歷時約100分鐘的正式閉門會談(formal closed-door dialogue)期間, 金正恩和文在寅就朝鮮半島無核化(denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula), 構建半島永久和平條約(the establishment of a permanent peace pact)以及改善韓朝關係(the improvement of inter-Korean ties)等問題進行探討。下午會談結束後,預計兩國首腦將簽署協定並發表聯合聲明(the leaders will sign an agreement and deliver a joint statement)。

➤ 這是韓朝之間第三次首腦會晤(the third-ever inter-Korean summit)。2000年,時任韓國總統金大中訪朝與時任朝鮮最高領導人金正日首次會晤(hold the first-ever summit),簽署了《北南共同宣言》(North-South Joint Declaration)。2007年,金正日和時任韓國總統盧武鉉在平壤舉行第二次朝韓首腦會晤,雙方發表《北南關係發展與和平繁榮宣言》。該宣言旨在為朝鮮戰爭畫上句號(end the Korean War),並為朝鮮半島永久和平奠定基礎。


朝鮮半島局勢 the situation on the Korean Peninsula

半島無核化 denuclearization of the peninsula

六方會談 the six-party talks

核安全 nuclear security

軍事擴張 military expansion


electronic social security card

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued China's first electronic social security card on Sunday to a woman surnamed Liu from Qingdao, Shandong.


➤這是人社部簽發的第一張全國統一的電子社保卡(electronic social security card),意味著社保卡線上線下功能(online and offline functions)全面打通。據介紹,電子社保卡作為社保卡線上應用的有效電子憑證,與實體社保卡一一對應(correspond with an actual social security card)。

➤與實體社保卡一樣,電子社保卡全國統一、全國通用(can be used across the whole country),具有身份憑證、資訊記錄(information record)、資訊查詢(information queries)、醫保結算、繳費(medical insurance settlements and payments)及待遇領取、金融支付等功能。

➤社保卡持有者(social security card holders)隨時隨地都可通過授權應用獲取電子社保卡(receive an electronic social security card at any time from authorized apps),這項服務將在青島和福州試點(be piloted in Qingdao and Fuzhou)。

➤截至今年第一季度,我國社保卡持卡人數為 11.2 億人(China has 1.12 billion social security card holders),普及率達 80.6%。社保卡已用於各行各業,包括醫保結算和就業服務(employment services),對其的應用還將擴至提供居民衛生服務、發放經濟補貼等其他公共服務領域(be expanded to other public service fields such as providing residential health services and issuing financial subsidies)。


社會保障體系 social security system

社會福利 social welfare

基本保障 basic guarantee

民生 people's livelihood


islandwide quota policy

Hainan has announced a strict, islandwide quota policy to curb speculation in the housing market and better promote building the island into a pilot international free-trade zone.


➤今年3月31日,海南省住建廳發佈《關於做好穩定房地產市場工作的通知》,規定五指山、保亭、瓊中、白沙4個中部生態核心區(central ecological core areas)市縣建設的商品住宅只能銷售給本市縣居民(only open for purchase by local residents);非本省戶籍居民家庭在海口、三亞、瓊海實行限購的區域購房,須提供至少一名家庭成員在海南省累計60個月及以上個人所得稅或社會保險繳納證明(tax records or social security payments for the past 60 months in Hainan from at least one member of the applicant's family)。

➤在限制買方市場的同時,新規定對賣方市場也做出了明確要求。對取得預售許可證的商品住宅專案(commercial housing projects with pre-sale permits),房地產開發企業要公開全部房源並明碼標價(clearly mark the prices of the houses),一次性對外銷售(put up all the houses for sale),不得分期分批銷售。商品住宅價格備案後,6個月內不得調高備案價格(recorded price can't be increased within 6 months);調整備案價格的須重新備案。此外,海南省將大幅減少直至停止供應外銷商品住宅專案用地。


首付 down payment

按揭貸款 mortgage

房產估值 assessed value

預售條款 due-on-sale provision

固定利率貸款 fixed-rate mortgage

房屋限購 purchase limits for real estate


high-speed aerotrain

A high-speed aerotrain that could run 400 to 500 kilometers per hour is being developed by China and Japan in a joint effort, the Chongqing Morning Post reported.


➤ 對外公佈的這款高速氣動懸浮列車(high-speed aerotrain)模型長一米多,子彈頭車頭似高鐵列車,車身則有環形翼(annular wing)和氣流推進器(airflow propeller),又跟飛機有些相似。重慶理工大學領銜參與高速氣動懸浮列車研發的教授賴晨光介紹,這樣的高速氣動懸浮列車,完全採用自然能源驅動(fully powered by natural energy),使用成本低,速度還非常快。

➤ 賴晨光稱,如果以時速500公里運行(runs at a speed of 500 km/h),氣動懸浮列車的能耗僅為高鐵的1/3(the energy it consumes is only 1/3 of that consumed by current high-speed trains)、磁懸浮列車(maglev trains)的1/6。得益於新設計,這款列車的負載能力也將得到提升(load capacity of the train also will be enhanced)。

➤ 他表示,高速氣動懸浮列車第一代、第二代樣式試製及實車試驗(trial manufacturing and test runs of the first and second generation aerotrain)已經在日本完成。根據規劃,日本將于2025年開通第一條高速氣動懸浮列車線路(the first high-speed aerotrain line)。接下來,中日團隊將基於新設計的"LOOP"造型,為其配備阻燃性的鎂合金車身(train body made of magnesium alloy)並開展更加深入的試驗研究與驗證。


動車 bullet train

無軌列車 virtual rail line

輕軌列車 light rail train

無人駕駛地鐵列車 unmanned subway trains

城際高鐵 intercity high-speed rail

交通強國 a country with strong transportation network

編輯:馬文英 丁一


Text "CD" to 10658000.

Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.






構建半島永久和平條約(the establishment of a permanent peace pact)以及改善韓朝關係(the improvement of inter-Korean ties)等問題進行探討。下午會談結束後,預計兩國首腦將簽署協定並發表聯合聲明(the leaders will sign an agreement and deliver a joint statement)。

➤ 這是韓朝之間第三次首腦會晤(the third-ever inter-Korean summit)。2000年,時任韓國總統金大中訪朝與時任朝鮮最高領導人金正日首次會晤(hold the first-ever summit),簽署了《北南共同宣言》(North-South Joint Declaration)。2007年,金正日和時任韓國總統盧武鉉在平壤舉行第二次朝韓首腦會晤,雙方發表《北南關係發展與和平繁榮宣言》。該宣言旨在為朝鮮戰爭畫上句號(end the Korean War),並為朝鮮半島永久和平奠定基礎。


朝鮮半島局勢 the situation on the Korean Peninsula

半島無核化 denuclearization of the peninsula

六方會談 the six-party talks

核安全 nuclear security

軍事擴張 military expansion


electronic social security card

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued China's first electronic social security card on Sunday to a woman surnamed Liu from Qingdao, Shandong.


➤這是人社部簽發的第一張全國統一的電子社保卡(electronic social security card),意味著社保卡線上線下功能(online and offline functions)全面打通。據介紹,電子社保卡作為社保卡線上應用的有效電子憑證,與實體社保卡一一對應(correspond with an actual social security card)。

➤與實體社保卡一樣,電子社保卡全國統一、全國通用(can be used across the whole country),具有身份憑證、資訊記錄(information record)、資訊查詢(information queries)、醫保結算、繳費(medical insurance settlements and payments)及待遇領取、金融支付等功能。

➤社保卡持有者(social security card holders)隨時隨地都可通過授權應用獲取電子社保卡(receive an electronic social security card at any time from authorized apps),這項服務將在青島和福州試點(be piloted in Qingdao and Fuzhou)。

➤截至今年第一季度,我國社保卡持卡人數為 11.2 億人(China has 1.12 billion social security card holders),普及率達 80.6%。社保卡已用於各行各業,包括醫保結算和就業服務(employment services),對其的應用還將擴至提供居民衛生服務、發放經濟補貼等其他公共服務領域(be expanded to other public service fields such as providing residential health services and issuing financial subsidies)。


社會保障體系 social security system

社會福利 social welfare

基本保障 basic guarantee

民生 people's livelihood


islandwide quota policy

Hainan has announced a strict, islandwide quota policy to curb speculation in the housing market and better promote building the island into a pilot international free-trade zone.


➤今年3月31日,海南省住建廳發佈《關於做好穩定房地產市場工作的通知》,規定五指山、保亭、瓊中、白沙4個中部生態核心區(central ecological core areas)市縣建設的商品住宅只能銷售給本市縣居民(only open for purchase by local residents);非本省戶籍居民家庭在海口、三亞、瓊海實行限購的區域購房,須提供至少一名家庭成員在海南省累計60個月及以上個人所得稅或社會保險繳納證明(tax records or social security payments for the past 60 months in Hainan from at least one member of the applicant's family)。

➤在限制買方市場的同時,新規定對賣方市場也做出了明確要求。對取得預售許可證的商品住宅專案(commercial housing projects with pre-sale permits),房地產開發企業要公開全部房源並明碼標價(clearly mark the prices of the houses),一次性對外銷售(put up all the houses for sale),不得分期分批銷售。商品住宅價格備案後,6個月內不得調高備案價格(recorded price can't be increased within 6 months);調整備案價格的須重新備案。此外,海南省將大幅減少直至停止供應外銷商品住宅專案用地。


首付 down payment

按揭貸款 mortgage

房產估值 assessed value

預售條款 due-on-sale provision

固定利率貸款 fixed-rate mortgage

房屋限購 purchase limits for real estate


high-speed aerotrain

A high-speed aerotrain that could run 400 to 500 kilometers per hour is being developed by China and Japan in a joint effort, the Chongqing Morning Post reported.


➤ 對外公佈的這款高速氣動懸浮列車(high-speed aerotrain)模型長一米多,子彈頭車頭似高鐵列車,車身則有環形翼(annular wing)和氣流推進器(airflow propeller),又跟飛機有些相似。重慶理工大學領銜參與高速氣動懸浮列車研發的教授賴晨光介紹,這樣的高速氣動懸浮列車,完全採用自然能源驅動(fully powered by natural energy),使用成本低,速度還非常快。

➤ 賴晨光稱,如果以時速500公里運行(runs at a speed of 500 km/h),氣動懸浮列車的能耗僅為高鐵的1/3(the energy it consumes is only 1/3 of that consumed by current high-speed trains)、磁懸浮列車(maglev trains)的1/6。得益於新設計,這款列車的負載能力也將得到提升(load capacity of the train also will be enhanced)。

➤ 他表示,高速氣動懸浮列車第一代、第二代樣式試製及實車試驗(trial manufacturing and test runs of the first and second generation aerotrain)已經在日本完成。根據規劃,日本將于2025年開通第一條高速氣動懸浮列車線路(the first high-speed aerotrain line)。接下來,中日團隊將基於新設計的"LOOP"造型,為其配備阻燃性的鎂合金車身(train body made of magnesium alloy)並開展更加深入的試驗研究與驗證。


動車 bullet train

無軌列車 virtual rail line

輕軌列車 light rail train

無人駕駛地鐵列車 unmanned subway trains

城際高鐵 intercity high-speed rail

交通強國 a country with strong transportation network

編輯:馬文英 丁一


Text "CD" to 10658000.

Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.






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