


IEPlat資訊5月4日報導 據《塔斯通訊社》5月3日消息, 南非西開普省(Western Cape)高等法院近日宣佈, 該國9.6GW核電專案的招標準備工作須暫停。 文中提到, 早前俄羅斯原子能公司Rosatom與南非能源部簽訂的核能開發合作協定也被該法院判定無效。

作為招標工作的一步, 國家電力公司於2016年12月對外宣佈向投標方徵求意見, 意見徵求於2017年4月28日截止, 然而法庭裁決這一過程無效。 南非能源部長Mmamoloko Kubayi于5月2日稱, 能源部可能會申訴反對法院裁決。

項目的主要投標企業包括中國的國家核電有限公司(State Nuclear Power Technology)、法國電力公司(EDF)、俄羅斯原子能公司、以及韓國電力公司(KEPCO)。

早前, 南非能源部與俄羅斯原子能公司Rosatom簽訂南非核能開發戰略夥伴協定。 根據該協定, 雙方將聯合在南非建設核電廠、促進當地各區域核能開發、應用俄羅斯技術建設多用途研究反應堆、為南非核能專家提供俄羅斯大學深造機會等。

然而該協議在南非引起了很大的爭議, 反對派認為這違反了國家法律, 在當地核能開發領域限制了其他企業參與的機會。


South African Court postpones preparations for nuclear power plant construction tender

The High Court of South Africa’s province Western Cape, which invalidated the agreement with Russian nuclear corporation Rusatom on cooperation in the nuclear energy sphere, also suspended preparation for a tender on construction of nuclear power plants (NPP) with the total capacity of 9.6 GW, press service of Eskom energy company, the operator of the nuclear project, told TASS on Wednesday.

The company was to complete receipt of requests for information (RFI) from prospective bidders on April 28. "The RFI was set aside by the court ruling last week and as such Eskom cannot provide details of the process," Eskom press service said.

Four companies from China (State Nuclear Power Technology), France (EDF), Russia (Rosatom) and the Republic of Korea (KEPCO) are main bidders for construction of the NPP in South Africa.

The agreement between Rosatom and South Africa’s Department of Energy provides for a strategic partnership for the development of the nuclear power industry of South Africa. It envisages not only with the construction of nuclear power plants, but development of various areas of nuclear industry in general, in particular construction of a multipurpose research reactor under the Russian technology and training of South African specialists in Russian universities.

The document aroused sharp criticism of the opposition in South Africa, which considered that it violated the national legislation, since it obliges the government to work exclusively with Rosatom without holding any tender. The Russian state nuclear corporation and South Africa’s Energy Department denied these allegations.

The anti-nuclear lobby is attempting to shelve the NPP construction project through the court, Board Chairman of the Nuclear Energy Corporation of South Africa (NECSA) told TASS.

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