

What forms of culture shock do people coming to France experience?初到法國的人都對什麼感到驚訝?

獲得1964好評的回答@ Anna Tiner:

I studied abroad in Paris for a semester in college. I'm American. My biggest shocks were: 我在巴黎上了一個學期的大學。 我是美國人。 到了法國我受到最大的衝擊是:

1. I never ran into any locals that were overweight.我從沒碰到過超重的當地人。

2. "Faire la bise," the cheek-to-cheek kisses that the French use as greetings. “貼面吻”——那種臉貼臉的親吻, 法國人用這種方式互相問候。

3. No free public restrooms, anywhere. Except for at tourist attractions or in McDonald's. 在任何地方沒有免費的公共廁所。 除了旅遊景點和麥當勞。

4. No free wi-fi, either. Except for McDonald's. 也沒有免費Wi-Fi。 除了麥當勞。

5. Everyone dresses up, even for a trip to the grocery store around the corner. 每個人出門都會精心打扮, 哪怕是去街角的雜貨店。

6. If you're a female, prepared to get stared at, kissed at, called at, and grabbed. 如果你是一個女人, 要隨時準備好被人盯著看、隔空吻、叫住、或攔住。

7. No Mexican food, anywhere.在任何地方都沒有墨西哥食物。

8. Day drinking is socially acceptable and even encouraged. 白天飲酒是普遍接受的, 甚至受到鼓勵的。

9. There's a LOT of smokers.有很多煙民。

10. They are protective of their culture. French are proud of their country, and increasing globalization threatens to dilute it. This is in contrast with Americans, who welcome outside influences openly.他們非常保護他們的文化。 法國人為自己的國家感到自豪, 而日益加劇的全球化趨勢威脅著他們的文化。 這與美國人相反, 美國人很歡迎外來文化

Edit: To be more specific with #3/#4, I was referring to "free" as in you don't have to be a customer to use a business' internet or bathroom. There were a lot of places that had these amenities but you couldn't just waltz in and use them without buying something first, unlike in America, where you can usually use them whether you purchase something or not. 注:在這裡對# 3 / # 4做一個更具體的解釋, 我指的“免費”是你不必是一個客戶才能使用商家的互聯網或浴室。

有很多地方都有這些設施, 但你不能只是在裡面閒逛和沒買他們的商品的情況下就使用他們的網路, 這不像在美國, 在那裡無論你買不買東西, 你通常都可以使用它們。

獲得222好評的回答@ Michael Olenick:

I am an expat American who lives and works in France. 我是一名在法國定居和工作的美國人。

Some big differences:一些明顯的差異:

• There's a very good national healthcare system. If you are sick, go to the doctor. If you don't get better then go back. Care decisions are not based on cost. (If you're a tourist and get sick here also go to the doctor: even without insurance it's really inexpensive). 法國有完善的醫療體系。 如果你生病了, 就去看醫生。 如果病情不見好轉, 你可以再回去找醫生。 治療方案不會基於成本去考慮。 (如果你是一個遊客, 在這裡生病了也可以去看醫生:即使沒有保險, 醫療費用也很便宜)。

• The French care way less about money and way more about doing things well.法國人做事時對錢這個方面的考慮要少得多, 而對如何把事情做好這方面則多得多。

• There is way more vacation and people are expected to take their vacations. It is mandatory to take a summer vacation that is at least two consecutive weeks in the summer. 法國人有更多的假期, 而他們也覺得人們理應享受這些假期。

在夏季, 至少連續兩周的暑假是強制性的。

• Especially outside Paris they're not making it up: many people really don't speak English. Google Translate and other translation apps are your friend. 很多人真的不會說英語, 尤其是在巴黎以外的地方。 谷歌翻譯和其他翻譯軟體將是你的好朋友。

• In schools there are a lot of vacations: two weeks every 6-8 weeks. There are also subsidized camps for the kids during this time. There's a very strong chance your kids teacher won't speak English but an equally strong chance they'll work with your child to bring them up to speed. Your kid will soon speak French much, much better than you.在學校有很多假期:每6-8周就有兩周的假期。 在這段時間裡, 還有為孩子們準備的補課營。 你的孩子的老師有很大的可能是不會講英語的, 但他們也很有可能會不遺餘力地幫你的孩子趕上進度。 不久之後你的孩子就會講法語了, 甚至說得比你流利得多。

• Dogs are welcome almost everywhere, including restaurants, and people smoke outside.幾乎哪都可以帶狗, 甚至是餐廳, 另外人們會在戶外抽煙。

• Don't rush meals, or anything else necessarily, but especially meals. 用餐或食用其他任何東西時都不要狼吞虎嚥, 特別是正餐。


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