

6月12日, 觀眾們備受期待的《深夜食堂》開播了, 這可是動用了大半個娛樂全人物拍攝的電視劇啊!然而......卻被大家吐槽到慘不忍睹。

《深夜食堂》改編自同名日劇, 講的是這樣一個故事:有一個隻在夜裡12點到淩晨7點營業的食堂, 來這裡用餐的人, 都會向老闆點一份特別的菜, 每份菜背後, 都有一個特別的故事。 這個電視劇不光宣揚了日本的美食, 更有人情味的暖心故事, 每一季的豆瓣評分都在9分左右, 網友表示看完胃和心都被溫暖了。

理論上要翻拍, 肯定很不錯, 然而中國版豆瓣2.4分啊!!!分數還在持續下降中, 有接近3萬人做出了評價, 其中90%以上的觀眾打了1星。

被央視點名批評由安吉拉寶貝兒主演的《孤kou芳tu不自賞》都有3.1分, 可見《深夜食堂》的低分程度。 難看出了新高度!

如果說《人民的名義》是今年的史詩級電視劇, 那麼《深夜食堂》應該就是屎濕級了。 怎麼說呢, 你看啊。

從黃磊老師的造型, 到場景的佈置, 都和日版幾乎一模一樣。 全程穿著一件與中國廚師格格不入的衣服, 偏偏又不在做日料。





還有一個號稱煎餅果子, 其實我覺得它是手抓餅;




Proper Street Kebabs 正宗街邊烤串

The most unforgettable meals in China don't come from Michelin-starred restaurants. They're eaten in the streets in noisy, crowded, pungent food quarters in the heart of cities.


In places like Guijie in Beijing, Yunnan Nan Lu in Shanghai and Mingwalang in Nanjing, foodies can sample all sorts of freshly cooked skewers while witnessing the ultimate in food theater.


From lamb kebabs with cumin and teppanyaki squid to swords of spicy chicken wings and grilled oyster, China's street kebabs present a combination of good food and a street buzz unique to the country.


Spicy Crayfish 麻辣小龍蝦

Crayfish has taken China by a storm in the past decade or so.


Cities all over the country go gaga over the crustaceans, which are simmered in a broth with chili and abundant spices then served dry. From spring to early autumn, crayfish-night-outs have become a ritual for many. Groups of friends find a jam-packed stall, sit on tiny plastic stools and order a bucket or two of bright red crayfish.


No chopsticks needed -- digging in with the hands is preferred. The preferred beverage to go with these tasty freshwater lobsters? Ice cold Chinese beer.


Lamb Hot Pot 涮羊肉

“羊肉”有兩種翻譯方法,mutton和lamb,mutton是成年羊的肉,而lamb是小羊羔的肉。“羊肉串”一般翻譯為lamb kebabs。

Guilin Rice Noodles 桂林米粉

Located in southern China among clear rivers and Karst Mountains, Guilin isn't only famous for its heavenly landscape, but also bowls of refreshing rice noodles topped with preserved long beans, peanuts, bamboo shoots and spring onions.


There are noodles stalls everywhere in Guilin and surrounding areas. Locals like to mix the silky noodles and ingredients in a spicy and sour brine then eat them dry; or savor the whole combination in the beef stock.


Different meats can be added. The most popular tend to be slices of beef and chunks of beef belly.


Yan Du Xian Soup 醃篤鮮


Lanzhou Hand-Pulled Noodles 蘭州拉麵

Sugar-Coated Haws(Candied Haw/Tong Hu lu) 糖葫蘆

sugar-coated是“糖衣的”“糖裹的”,haw是山楂果,糖葫蘆其實就是裹著糖的山楂果。順便提一下,“山楂樹”是hawthorn,曾經有一部電影叫《山楂樹之戀》,就被翻譯為Under the Hawthorn Tree。

Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐

Fried, braised, streamed or grilled -- stinky tofu is delicious no matter how it's prepared.


Somewhat similar to cheese, it's an acquired taste or one that perhaps you have to grow up with to fully appreciate.


Stinky tofu is most popular in Hunan, the Yangtze River Delta region (especially Shaoxing) and Taiwan. Recipes vary from region to region, but the basic method is to let bean curd ferment in a special brine then deep-fry it.


It can be eaten with chili sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil or kimchi. Despite its underwhelming appearance and sharp smell, stinky tofu has a pleasant texture -- crispy on the outside, tender inside.


Shanghai Hariy Crab 上海大閘蟹

大閘蟹的鉗子上長有毛,所以翻譯為hairy crab。

Sugar-Fried Chestnuts 糖炒栗子

Street vendors in China use all sorts of curious appliances to make great foods.


For this ever-popular autumn snack, chefs fry chestnuts (which are cut open) in an enormous wok filled with black sand and granulated sugar. When properly done, they're soft, sweet and extremely fragrant.


Although chestnuts can be found all over the world, the best ones for this popular snack come from the regions around Beijing, especially the Fangshan area.


Bullfrog Poached in Chilli Oil(Sichuan Boiled Bullforg) 水煮牛蛙


Boiled Chicken Chops Served Cold (Cold Chopped Chicken) 白斬雞

chop是“帶骨頭的肉條”,是可數名詞,如豬排骨就是pork chops,因為提到排骨的時候一般是多塊,所以要用複數。

Ma la tang 麻辣燙

It's hard to find a dish with a more straightforward name: it translates to "numb, spicy and boiling hot."


Diners get to choose their own ingredients from a large fridge -- meatballs, different meat fillets, leafy green, bean curd products, all sorts of noodles.


Customers hand ingredients to the chef to boil in a large communal pot filled with spices and bone stock.


The cooked meats and vegetables are served in a tongue-numbing broth for eating in or takeaway.



街邊小吃 street food

夜市 night market

夜宵 late-night snacks

大排檔、路邊攤 food stalls

烤鴨頭鴨脖 roasted duck heads and necks

上海生煎包 Shanghai-style pan-fried buns

驢肉火燒 donkey meat sandwich

烤串 kebab

蔥油餅 deep-fried scallion pancakes

烤魷魚 coal-roasted squid

水煮鵪鶉蛋 poached quail eggs

牛肉拉麵 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

豆花 tofu pudding

酸梅汁 plum juice

豆干 dried tofu

煎餃、鍋貼 pan-fried dumplings

鹵煮 stewed pork offal

涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton

涼皮 cold noodles

肉夾饃 meat burger






Proper Street Kebabs 正宗街邊烤串

The most unforgettable meals in China don't come from Michelin-starred restaurants. They're eaten in the streets in noisy, crowded, pungent food quarters in the heart of cities.


In places like Guijie in Beijing, Yunnan Nan Lu in Shanghai and Mingwalang in Nanjing, foodies can sample all sorts of freshly cooked skewers while witnessing the ultimate in food theater.


From lamb kebabs with cumin and teppanyaki squid to swords of spicy chicken wings and grilled oyster, China's street kebabs present a combination of good food and a street buzz unique to the country.


Spicy Crayfish 麻辣小龍蝦

Crayfish has taken China by a storm in the past decade or so.


Cities all over the country go gaga over the crustaceans, which are simmered in a broth with chili and abundant spices then served dry. From spring to early autumn, crayfish-night-outs have become a ritual for many. Groups of friends find a jam-packed stall, sit on tiny plastic stools and order a bucket or two of bright red crayfish.


No chopsticks needed -- digging in with the hands is preferred. The preferred beverage to go with these tasty freshwater lobsters? Ice cold Chinese beer.


Lamb Hot Pot 涮羊肉

“羊肉”有兩種翻譯方法,mutton和lamb,mutton是成年羊的肉,而lamb是小羊羔的肉。“羊肉串”一般翻譯為lamb kebabs。

Guilin Rice Noodles 桂林米粉

Located in southern China among clear rivers and Karst Mountains, Guilin isn't only famous for its heavenly landscape, but also bowls of refreshing rice noodles topped with preserved long beans, peanuts, bamboo shoots and spring onions.


There are noodles stalls everywhere in Guilin and surrounding areas. Locals like to mix the silky noodles and ingredients in a spicy and sour brine then eat them dry; or savor the whole combination in the beef stock.


Different meats can be added. The most popular tend to be slices of beef and chunks of beef belly.


Yan Du Xian Soup 醃篤鮮


Lanzhou Hand-Pulled Noodles 蘭州拉麵

Sugar-Coated Haws(Candied Haw/Tong Hu lu) 糖葫蘆

sugar-coated是“糖衣的”“糖裹的”,haw是山楂果,糖葫蘆其實就是裹著糖的山楂果。順便提一下,“山楂樹”是hawthorn,曾經有一部電影叫《山楂樹之戀》,就被翻譯為Under the Hawthorn Tree。

Stinky Tofu 臭豆腐

Fried, braised, streamed or grilled -- stinky tofu is delicious no matter how it's prepared.


Somewhat similar to cheese, it's an acquired taste or one that perhaps you have to grow up with to fully appreciate.


Stinky tofu is most popular in Hunan, the Yangtze River Delta region (especially Shaoxing) and Taiwan. Recipes vary from region to region, but the basic method is to let bean curd ferment in a special brine then deep-fry it.


It can be eaten with chili sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil or kimchi. Despite its underwhelming appearance and sharp smell, stinky tofu has a pleasant texture -- crispy on the outside, tender inside.


Shanghai Hariy Crab 上海大閘蟹

大閘蟹的鉗子上長有毛,所以翻譯為hairy crab。

Sugar-Fried Chestnuts 糖炒栗子

Street vendors in China use all sorts of curious appliances to make great foods.


For this ever-popular autumn snack, chefs fry chestnuts (which are cut open) in an enormous wok filled with black sand and granulated sugar. When properly done, they're soft, sweet and extremely fragrant.


Although chestnuts can be found all over the world, the best ones for this popular snack come from the regions around Beijing, especially the Fangshan area.


Bullfrog Poached in Chilli Oil(Sichuan Boiled Bullforg) 水煮牛蛙


Boiled Chicken Chops Served Cold (Cold Chopped Chicken) 白斬雞

chop是“帶骨頭的肉條”,是可數名詞,如豬排骨就是pork chops,因為提到排骨的時候一般是多塊,所以要用複數。

Ma la tang 麻辣燙

It's hard to find a dish with a more straightforward name: it translates to "numb, spicy and boiling hot."


Diners get to choose their own ingredients from a large fridge -- meatballs, different meat fillets, leafy green, bean curd products, all sorts of noodles.


Customers hand ingredients to the chef to boil in a large communal pot filled with spices and bone stock.


The cooked meats and vegetables are served in a tongue-numbing broth for eating in or takeaway.



街邊小吃 street food

夜市 night market

夜宵 late-night snacks

大排檔、路邊攤 food stalls

烤鴨頭鴨脖 roasted duck heads and necks

上海生煎包 Shanghai-style pan-fried buns

驢肉火燒 donkey meat sandwich

烤串 kebab

蔥油餅 deep-fried scallion pancakes

烤魷魚 coal-roasted squid

水煮鵪鶉蛋 poached quail eggs

牛肉拉麵 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

豆花 tofu pudding

酸梅汁 plum juice

豆干 dried tofu

煎餃、鍋貼 pan-fried dumplings

鹵煮 stewed pork offal

涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton

涼皮 cold noodles

肉夾饃 meat burger



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