

ACCA中國區事務總監梁淑屏談到:“在過去的20年來, 越來越多的企業開始使用共用服務、外包及全球商業服務的模式來改善財務資訊的品質, 降低成本並增強有效性。

共用服務作為一種新興的商業模式正在快速的發展, 並成為財務轉型的主要組成部分。 全球共有750,000的財務人員在共用服務領域工作。 在中國, 越來越多的企業已經或開始建立共用服務中心, 逐步形成共用財務, 業務財務及戰略財務的財務轉型模式。 而市場上能夠提供的適合這樣財務轉型模式的人才卻十分稀少, 更沒有適合的方式來培養這些人才。

在ACCA看來, 共用服務是財務轉型的不可或缺的發展基礎, 同時也是一個優秀的業務財務、戰略財務具備良好的商業洞察及追跟溯源能力的基礎。 因此, ACCA在2016年年初推出了ACCA全球商業服務證書(ACCA GBS Qualification), 該證書提供三種不同的級別, 以幫助財務轉型和共用服務中不同階段及不同職能的財會人才提供最適合的課程。

更重要的是, ACCA全球商業服務證書與ACCA的專業資質緊密結合, 通過獲得ACCA全球商業服務證書將可豁免ACCA專業資質裡的相關課程。 ”

財務已步入兩極分化的時代, 要麼轉型要麼被替代!

“在ACCA看來, 共用服務、業務財務、戰略財務是財務轉型的不可或缺的發展基石。 因此, 在2016年初ACCA推出了“全球商業服務證書”(ACCA GBS Qualification)專案, 以幫助期望轉型與升級成為卓越財務管理領袖的財會人提供最適合的課程。

—— ACCA中國區事務總監, 梁淑屏


ACCA(the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)today launches its Global Business Services(GBS)Qualifications,a suite of three qualifications which are the first dedicated to finance and accounting in shared services and GBS.

Based on its expertise in this field,ACCA has specially designed this new professional qualification for the shared services sector,at three levels:

-Certificate in Global Business Services:Includes an independently-assessed online course and covers all the basic knowledge and skills required by global shared services employees.

-Diploma in Global Business Services:Includes the five modules of the above certificate and ACCA syllabus-related financial and accounting management knowledge.This Diploma boosts employees'financial expertise so that they can succeed in more challenging roles.

-Advanced Diploma in Global Business Services:Places a greater focus on advanced financial management,management accounting and performance management,improving employees'high-end professional skills.

David Hand,head of global business services at ACCA,says:'Over the past 20 years,an increasing number of companies have started to use shared services,outsourcing and global business service to improve their quality,lower costs and increase efficiency.Shared services is a rapidly-developing business model that has become a major component of financial transformation.The industry currently employs more than 750,000 finance personnel across the globe.

'In view of the growth of the shared services sector around the world,ACCA has listened to the needs of CFOs and companies and introduced the ACCA GBS Qualifications to help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the sector.'

Over the coming weeks and months,ACCA will be holding events to launch the Qualifications in key markets,from Ireland to Poland.It has already launched in China with senior executives from well-known companies such as Changhong Electric,ZTE and Bosch,as well as over one hundred finance professionals,attending the ceremony.

David Hand continues:'GBS is more than just meeting efficiencies.It represents a fundamental shift in how businesses think about and manage shared services and outsourcing.Potentially,GBS places a new premium on the value that the retained finance function can actually produce by freeing it to perform higher-level tasks.It could be a game changer for finance by redefining its value.It is time for ACCA to lead within the profession and offer GBS qualifications.'

ACCA has always supported the development of the shared services industry through its professional qualification,its expert research projects,and through its extensive collaboration with businesses and government agencies.

David Hand concludes:'Successful completion of the GBS Qualifications not only helps employees acquire the specialist knowledge required for shared services work,but also takes their studies in the ACCA Qualification a step further,laying a firm foundation for their progression to fully-fledged finance talent.'

▍ACCA GBS課程介紹:

ACCA GBS高級學位證書課程:


ACCA GBS學位證書課程:


ACCA GBS考試與ACCA全科統考一致, 通過考試的科目可免考ACCA對應科目。




這幾年, 財務轉型的話題一直是非常熱門的話題。 市場上卻沒有一些真正有效及適合的課程為需要轉型的企業及個人提供支援。 很高興看到ACCA推出了全球商業服務證書,

仔細閱讀裡面的內容, 我發現這不僅僅是一個針對共用服務中心的證書, 而是站在企業的角度去看從共用和業務財務兩個不同的角度, 如何更好的為企業創造價值。 課程中不僅結合了ACCA的經典課程, 更包含了共用服務中心的運營、管理和創建的過程中所需要的各項技能及最佳實踐。 我向那些需要轉型的企業和個人強烈推薦這張證書。


作為共用服務中心的負責人, 我深刻的覺得市場上真正適合共用服務中心的人才是非常緊缺的。 過往的財會的教育方式讓很多人忽略了財務共用服務中心的價值。 我很高興的看到ACCA推出的全球商業服務證書中特別以共用服務中心的環境作為背景,

詳細講述了在財務共用裡所需要的溝通能力, 流程管理, 人才管理, 技術運用等方方面面。 並用ACCA的經典課程做輔助, 以加強共用服務中心為業務提供專業判斷和意見的能力, 從而真正強化共用服務中心作為價值創造的功能。


作為ACCA的資深會員, 我很高興的看到ACCA在其完整的專業課程體系之餘, 為在職人員量身打造了ACCA全球商業服務證書(ACCA GBS Qualification), 十分欣喜的發現, 此證書是提取了ACCA課程中與企業運營最為相關的幾門課程, 如業績管理和財務報告, 這些都是我在ACCA學習的過程中發現的十分有用的一些內容。 現在, 在職人士可以選擇通過這樣比較輕盈的方式開始學習ACCA, 並能獲得一張全球通認的ACCA全球商業服務證書, 真正體現了ACCA的靈活性!








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