
BBC News:英國將派醫療團隊奔赴獅子山 習近平主席督促各地政府加入到救災隊伍當中

BBC News with Justin Greene.

Justin Greene為您播報BBC新聞。

The United States has made an urgent plea for an unprecedented global effort to fight the Ebola outbreak that's originated in West Africa. The Secretary of State John Kerry said the disease was a global crisis demanding a global response. Ali Mcbull reports from Washington.

美國為對抗西非埃博拉疫情發出了迫切的懇求。 國務卿克裡表示埃博拉疫情是一種全球疾病需要國際社會合作共同對抗該疾病。 Ali Mcbull從華盛頓發回報道。

President Obama is now trying to reassure a nervous American public that fighting Ebola is, in his words, not just a public health issue, but a national security priority. But the death in Texas of 42-year-old Thomas Eric Duncan has for many raised questions about just how effectively health officials here can isolate the virus. A new screening regime including taking the temperature of visitors has been announced at five American airports that together receive over 90% of those arriving from the Ebola-affected countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia where Mr. Duncan arrived from in mid September.

奧巴馬總統目前正試圖安撫緊張的美國公民, 他指出對抗埃博拉疫情只不過是一場公共衛生問題, 但是首先要確保的就是國家安全。 但是德克薩斯州42歲的Thomas Eric Duncan卻引起了公眾對有效隔離病毒擴散的疑問。 一項新的篩選機制, 包括對機場出入境旅客的提問檢查一共檢測除了倆字幾內亞, 獅子山和利比亞90%旅客。 其中Thomas Eric Duncan就在九月中旬被檢測出該病症。

Britain has said it would send 750 military personnel and a medical ship to Sierra Leone to help with efforts there. Washington has pledged more than 3,000 soldiers for Liberia. The Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf said the response from the rest of the world to the Ebola crisis in West Africa has been too slow. During a tour of villages in remote northern Liberia, he said the human and financial response was well appreciated but needed to be speeded up.

英國已經表示將派遣750名軍事人員和一支醫療船隊到達獅子山幫助其對抗埃博拉病毒。 華盛頓已經承諾將會派遣另外3000名士兵奔赴利比亞。 利比亞總統Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf稱來自世界其他地區對西非埃博拉疫情工作的援助行動非常緩慢。 在利比亞北部一個偏遠村莊中進行採訪過程中他說, 目前國際社會對該國投入的人力和資金的支持是非常值得讚揚的, 但是局勢刻不容緩需要加快行動速度。

France has said it backed a proposal by Turkey to create a buffer zone along its border with Syria to protect the country and help refugees fleeing from Islamic State militants. A fierce battle has been taken place between IS militants and Kurdish fighters for control of the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani. Paul Adams is on the border of Turkey and Syria.

法國表示已經支持土耳其建立一個緩衝區, 條件是説明與敘利亞接壤地區難民順利逃脫並予以保護。 在伊斯蘭恐怖組織和庫爾德戰士之間已經就爭奪敘利亞庫爾德地區城鎮Kobani發生了激烈衝突。 Paul Adams從敘利亞-土耳其邊境發回報道。

At times today, it seemed the entire eastern side of Kobani was one vast street battle. It was relentless. Thick clouds of smoke drifted across the town as grenades exploded. At one point a suicide truck bomb driven by a lone jihadist detonated in flames. The Kurds said they managed to blow it up before it reached its target. And all day, another series of massive airstrikes.

在今天, 似乎Kobani城鎮整個東部地區是一場巨大的街區戰爭, 戰鬥是無情的, 隨著手榴彈的爆炸濃濃的煙霧穿過整個城市上空。 在其中一個據點, 一輛自殺式卡車在聖戰分子的駕駛下緩緩駛入城鎮, 庫爾德戰士表示他們試圖在它到達引爆地點之前設法令其爆炸。 整整一天的時間, 一系列的空襲接連不斷發生。

The UN says at least 330 people have died in violence in eastern Ukraine since last month's ceasefire deal. I beg your pardon. A senior United Nations official says the rural glories are failing in eastern Ukraine. J. M. from the UN Human Right Agency says people there are being terrorized by armed groups.

聯合國表示自上月烏克蘭東部停火協議簽訂以來已經有至少330人死於暴力衝突。 我請求你們的原諒。 一位聯合國高級官員稱, 烏克蘭東部村莊的和平正受到威脅。 聯合國人權機構J. M. 稱那裡的人民正受到武裝團體的威脅。

It is a total breakdown of law and order. There are no measures of redress effectively available. There is continuing abduction, torture, disappearances, even executions ongoing. There is seizure of property where there is apartment, businesses or even cars.

這裡的法律和秩序已經完全崩潰, 沒有任何救濟措施來幫助那裡的人民,

只有無盡的綁架, 酷刑, 失蹤, 甚至正在進行的處決。 那裡有的還有財產, 有公寓, 有企業甚至有汽車。

BBC News.


Mali has asked the United Nations to send a rapid intervention force to help fight Islamist extremists in the north of the country. Mali's Foreign Minister told the UN Security Council that urgent measures were needed following recent killings of UN peacekeepers. A Senegalese soldier was killed on Tuesday days after nine peacekeepers from Nigeria were killed by Islamist militants.

馬里已經要求聯合國派遣一支快速反應部隊來幫助其共同對抗該國北部的伊斯蘭極端恐怖分子組織。 馬里外交部長告訴聯合國安理會稱在聯合國維和人員遇害之後就該採取緊急措施。 在九名聯合國維和人員在幾內亞被伊斯蘭恐怖分子殺害之後又一名塞內加爾士兵在週二遇難。

Chinese state media says thousands of rescuers have been sent to Yunan Province after an earthquake on Tuesday that forced more than 100,000 people from their homes. The strong quake which struck at night is said to have led at least one person dead and more than 300 others injured. President Xi Jinping has urged local governments and the armed forces to join relief efforts.

中國國家媒體稱數千名救援人員被派往雲南地震受災區。 地震發生在當地時間週二, 已經迫使10萬多人離開家園。 強烈地震發生在晚上時間, 據報導稱造成至少一人死亡300多人受傷。 習近平主席督促各地政府和軍隊加入到救災隊伍當中。

Some of the earliest cave paintings which were produced by humans have been found on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. That discovery challenges the belief that arts originated in Europe. Pub Ghost described them.

印尼蘇拉威西島發現早期人類洞穴壁畫, 這項發現重新對藝術源於歐洲的解釋發出了挑戰。 Pub Ghost發回報道。

Some are of bright rust-colored outlines of human hands, which the researchers describe as hand stencils. Early artists made them by carefully blowing paint around hands that would press tightly against the cave walls and ceilings. There are also detailed pictures of wild hoofed animals. Art and therefore the ability to think in abstract concepts is what distinguish our species from other animals. Its emergence therefore marks one of the key moments when our species became truly human.

這些壁畫匯總有的是一些關於人類手掌的色彩鮮明的作品, 研究者稱起為手掌科學。 早期藝術家非常仔細的對手掌輪廓進行繪畫, 並緊緊壓在洞穴牆壁上和洞穴頂部。 還有一些是關於野生有蹄類動物的詳細繪畫。 所以藝術成為了區分人類與其他生物不同的能力概念。 這些壁畫的出現標誌著我們“人類”這種物種真正成為人類的關鍵時刻。

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