


1.就喜歡看你著急的樣子, 因為這是我知道你愛我。

Just like the way you look worried, because I know you love me.

2.幸福, 不是左轉, 不是右轉, 而是, 向前走!

Happiness is not to turn left, not to turn right, but to move forward!

3.每個人心裡, 都住著這麼一個人,


Everyone in the heart, have lived such a person, distant love.

4.你走了, 留給我那刻苦銘心的回憶。

You go, I left the unforgettable memories.

5.看著你的幸福, 我是該咒怨, 還是該祝福。

Looking at your happiness, I am the grudge, or the blessing.


I am most happy thing is when a person quietly miss you.

7.有一個人, 曾讓我知道, 活在世上多麼美好。

There was a man who had let me know how wonderful it was to live in the world.


I don't need to be cold and indifferent.

9.明明愛的很疼, 卻要執著的看著自己繼續疼下去。

Obviously love is very painful, but to continue to look at their persistent pain.

10.我永遠都願意當一個聽眾, 安慰著你的痛。

I always want to be a listener, comfort your pain.

11.因為愛過, 所以慈悲:因為懂得, 所以寬容。

Because of love, so mercy: because to understand, so tolerant.

12.愛是對的, 錯的是我們還沒學會愛, 就急著去愛。

Love is right, wrong is that we haven't learned to love, eager to love.

13.遲早有一天, 我會知道你會找各種藉口離開我,

Sooner or later, I'll know you'll find excuses to leave me

14.如果有一天我們不在一起了, 也要像在一起一樣。

If one day we are not together, but also like together.

15.想被人愛, 就要去愛別人, 並讓自己可愛。

If you would be loved, love and be lovable.

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