

日前, 赫伯羅特通過官網宣佈, 與UASC的合併過渡階段將結束, 即日起, UASC所有的訂單將由赫伯羅特處理。

赫伯羅特表示, 從10月6日起, UASC官網的e-Business功能將暫停使用, 為了防止業務中斷, 客戶可以在赫伯羅特官網使用e-Business進行操作。


此外, UASC官網也將逐步關閉。 目前, UASC網站的新用戶註冊功能已經取消, 計畫於2017年10月底正式關閉UASC官網。 (PS:各位小夥伴們可以動動手指截圖留念了)


北京時間2017年5月24日晚間, 赫伯羅特官網宣佈, 赫伯羅特與阿拉伯輪船的合併已經完成, 兩者正式成為一家公司。

但不同於被CMA對APL的收購, UASC此次被Hapag-Lloyd收購後, 原有的“UASC” 品牌不會被保留。 這意味著又一家船公司將要從全球船公司排名榜中消失。


在合併後, 將有12-15%的陸上職位被逐步削減。 赫伯羅特的董事會將維持不變, 一些原UASC的員工將會加入到新公司第二或更低層次的管理職位中。



UASC(United Arab Shipping Company (S.A.G). )全名阿拉伯聯合國家輪船,

正如其名, 是1979年7月由波斯灣六國(巴林、伊拉克、科威特、卡達、沙烏地阿拉伯、阿聯酋)的股東設立的, 是中東地區最大的集裝箱班輪公司, 阿拉伯聯合航運從2008年開始躋身世界20大集裝箱船公司行列。

UASC, 講不出再見。


我們很高興地宣佈, 我們的合併過渡期將要結束,

並希望通知您, 從現在起, UASC此前的所有訂單將由Hapag-Lloyd處理。

下一步, 我們將開始逐步關閉UASC官網, 該網站的新用戶註冊功能已經停止使用。 計畫在2017年10月底, UASC官網的所有線上功能都將停止使用。

為了防止網站關閉造成業務中斷, 請在今天註冊訪問我們網站的“Hapag-Lloyd e-Business”功能。

我們升級了網站的線上服務功能, 最新的註冊用戶將可以自助跟蹤貨物的進度。

由於UASC官網將逐漸關閉, UASC在INTTRA, GT-Nexus和CargoSmart等門戶網站註冊的選項也將被終止。

以上門戶網站提供的有關UASC的服務將於2017年10月9日結束, 您此前的貨物資訊仍然可見。


最後, 請注意, UASC官網系統(TRUST)已於2017年10月2日起停止提供EDI時間表資料, 赫伯羅特將替代UASC為您提供解決方案。

Termination of e-Business online features at UASC Website

Hapag-Lloyd informs about termination of e-Business online features at UASC Website

We are glad to announce that our Commercial Cutover period is coming to a close and would like to inform you that as from now on all your bookings formerly covered by UASC shall be placed with Hapag-Lloyd.

As a next step we will gradually commence with shut down of the UASC website, which started with the stop for new registrations. At the end of October 2017 the access to all online features of the UASC website will be discontinued.

For best business continuity, you are invited to register today for access to all vital e-Business functionalities in the Hapag-Lloyd Online Business section of our website.

To familiarize yourself with the features we offer, please watch our Online Business movie.

Our Online Business portfolio is frequently enhanced; the latest addition for registered users is a self-service alert for tracing and schedule adjustment.

In consequence of the gradual shutdown of the UASC website, the option to place registrations for UASC in portals like INTTRA, GT-Nexus and CargoSmart is being terminated as well.

Submission of UASC bookings via portals will end on October 9, 2017, whilst visibility of your current and past operated UASC shipments will still be available.

Naturally Hapag-Lloyd will continue to accept your shipments submitted via a.m. portals.

Finally, please note that feeding of EDI schedule data sourced from UASC systems (TRUST), has been terminated as from Oct 2, 2017 and replaced with an adequate Hapag-Lloyd solution accordingly.


Termination of e-Business online features at UASC Website

Hapag-Lloyd informs about termination of e-Business online features at UASC Website

We are glad to announce that our Commercial Cutover period is coming to a close and would like to inform you that as from now on all your bookings formerly covered by UASC shall be placed with Hapag-Lloyd.

As a next step we will gradually commence with shut down of the UASC website, which started with the stop for new registrations. At the end of October 2017 the access to all online features of the UASC website will be discontinued.

For best business continuity, you are invited to register today for access to all vital e-Business functionalities in the Hapag-Lloyd Online Business section of our website.

To familiarize yourself with the features we offer, please watch our Online Business movie.

Our Online Business portfolio is frequently enhanced; the latest addition for registered users is a self-service alert for tracing and schedule adjustment.

In consequence of the gradual shutdown of the UASC website, the option to place registrations for UASC in portals like INTTRA, GT-Nexus and CargoSmart is being terminated as well.

Submission of UASC bookings via portals will end on October 9, 2017, whilst visibility of your current and past operated UASC shipments will still be available.

Naturally Hapag-Lloyd will continue to accept your shipments submitted via a.m. portals.

Finally, please note that feeding of EDI schedule data sourced from UASC systems (TRUST), has been terminated as from Oct 2, 2017 and replaced with an adequate Hapag-Lloyd solution accordingly.


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