


You're atough kid. And I ask you about war, you'd probably, uh, throwShakespeare at me, right? "Once more onto the breach, dear friends…"

你年輕彪悍, 我如果和你談論戰爭, 你會向我大拋莎士比亞, 朗誦“共赴戰場, 親愛的朋友”


But you've never been near one. You've never held your best friend'shead in your lap…and watched him gasp his last breath, lookin' to youfor help.

但你從未親臨戰陣, 未試過把摯友的頭擁入懷裡, 看著他吸著最後一口氣, 凝望著你, 垂死向你求助。


I ask you about love, you'll probably quote me a sonnet. Butyou've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable……

我問你何為愛情, 你可能只會吟風弄月, 但你未試過全情投入真心傾倒。


Knownsomeone that could level you with her eyes……feelin' like God put anangel on earth just for you……who could rescue you from the depths ofhell……

四目交投時彼此瞭解對方的心, 好比上帝安排天使下凡只獻給你, 把你從地獄深淵拯救出來。


And you wouldn't know what it's like to be her angel……to havethat love for her, be there forever…through anything…through cancer.

對她百般關懷的感受你也從未體會, 你從未對她情深款款矢志廝守, 明知她患了絕症也在所不惜, 你從未嘗試過痛失摯愛的感受。


And you wouldn't know about sleeping sittin' up in a hospital room fortwo months, holding her hand, because the doctors could see in youreyes that the terms "visiting hours" don't apply to you.


緊握著她的纖手, 因為醫生知道你根本就不在乎“探訪時間”的明文約束。


You don't knowabout real loss……'cause that only occurs when you love something morethan you love yourself. I doubt you've ever dared to love anybody thatmuch.

你並沒有體會過“失去”的真正意義...因為只有在你愛某人甚于自身時才會領悟。 我懷疑你從未付出過這樣的愛。


I look at you.I don't see an intelligent, confident man. I see acocky, scared-shitless kid.

現在我看著你, 眼前所見並非一位聰敏、自信的男人, 而是一個無恥狂妄、內心恐懼的孩子


But you're a genius, Will. No one deniesthat. No one could possibly understand the depths of you.

但是你是個天才, 威爾。 這是毋庸置疑的。 沒人可以完全認識到你的深度。


But youpresume to know everything about me, because you saw a painting ofmine. You ripped my fuckin' life apart.



You're an orphan, right? Do youthink I know the first thing about how hard your life has been? How youfeel? Who you are? Because I read Oliver Twist? Does that encapsulateyou?

你是個孤兒吧?但你認為我能看穿你的悲慘生活、認識你的全部, 僅僅因為我讀過《霧都孤兒》?莫非它能簡化你的人生?


Personally, I don't give a shit about all that. Because you knowwhat? I can't learn anything from you I can't read in some fuckin'book.

個人而言, 我對此漠不關心。 因為你知道嗎?我無法通過一些破書來認識你的一點一滴。


Unless, you wanna talk about you…who you are. Then I 'm fasciated. I'm in. But you don't want to do that, do you? You'reterrified of what you might say.

除非你先談論自己, 告訴我你到底是誰。 於是我對此著迷, 我願意來幫助你。 但是你並不想這麼做, 是嗎?你甚至還怕你會被說出來的話嚇到。


People call these things "imperfections," but they're not.That's the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds.

人們稱之為“瑕疵”, 但其實不然。 “不完美”那才是好東西, 能選擇讓誰進入我們的小世界。


You're not perfect. And let me save you the suspense.This girl you met, she isn't perfect either.But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other.That's the whole deal. That's what intimacy is all about.Now you can know everything in the world, but the only way you're findin' out that one is by givin' it a shot.

你並不是完美的, 我也不想吊你胃口。 我想說的是, 你認識的那個女孩, 也不是完美的, 但關鍵是你們能否完美的適應彼此。 親密關係就是這麼回事。 你可以瞭解世間萬物, 但追根溯源的唯一途徑便是親身嘗試。


That's why I'm not talkin' right now about some girl I saw at a bar 20 years ago...and how I always regretted not goin' over and talkin' to her.



I don't regret the 18 years I was married to Nancy.I don't regret the six years I had to give up counseling when she got sick,and I don't regret the last years when she got really sick. And I sure as hell don't regret missin' a damn game.That's regret.

我不後悔跟南茜結縭的18年, 不後悔為照顧她重病而放棄輔導, 不後悔那最後幾年默默的堅守,

更不會後悔當初錯過的球賽。 只是遺憾, 僅此而已。


Every day I come by your house, and I pick you up.We go out and have a few drinks and few laughs, and it's great.You know what the best part of my day is?It's for about ten seconds: from when I pull up to the curb and when I get to your door.'Cause I think maybe I'll get up there and I'll knock on the door and you won't be there.No "good-bye," no "see ya later." No nothing. You just left.I don't know much, but I know that.

我每天到你住處來接你。 我們出去花天酒地, 玩得很開心。 但你可知我一天中最好的時刻是什麼嗎?大概只有十秒:從停車到走到你住所門口的這段時間。 因為每當我敲門, 都希望你不在屋子裡面。 沒有一句“再見”或是“明天見”, 什麼都不用說, 你就是這樣離開了。 我懂得不多, 但這些我很清楚。

以上18句經典台詞源于電影《心靈捕手》, 一起學習分享。

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