

Julian Elloit:運營總監

Chris James: 產品開發經理


FigureFinance:introductions of your company’s current main products? Which one is the most popular with your Chinese clients?

簡單的介紹一下貴公司, 目前主要產品有哪些?最受中國客戶歡迎的產品是哪個?

Elloit:yes absolutely or maybe put up being of bridging technology so currently we are developing our matrix liquidity management system said this allows brokers to take feed for multiple acquitted providers create the rain price and offer that to their kinds through their MT4/ MT5.

好的, 我們提供橋技術, 目前我們正在開發矩陣流動性管理系統, 將使經紀商能夠從多個提供商獲取流動性, 通過MT4/ MT5提供給客戶。


FigureFinance:MetaQuotes has stopped updating the functions of MT4 in April, will your company focus on the technology development of MT5 later?

邁達克公司現已停止更新MT4, 貴公司之後是否會著重MT5相關的技術研發?

James:so we currently have some products already in our portfolio for MT5 so we're finding that our multi man probe is very popular for MT5 we also have an adaption of our gold-i bridge,that is the gold-i gateway.the available for MT5 has connections to our platform as Julian mentioned,and we also have connections to around 70 quality providers,thats alrealy developed.we are also developing along our road map for multiple other products that have been very popular in MT4 so that we can bring them into the MT5 world.

目前我們在產品組合中已經針對MT5準備了一些產品, 因此我們發現對於MT5, 我們的多人調查非常受歡迎, 我們還針對MT5對一個Gold-i Bridge進行了調整, 正如Julian 所說, 這是一個Gold-i閘道, 已經與我們的平臺連接。 我們還與約70家流動性提供商建立了連接。

按照路線圖, 我們開發了多款其他產品, 這些產品在MT4中一直非常受歡迎, 我們將其採用到MT5領域。


FigureFinance:How about your clients’ demand for MT5, Could you introduce to us about some relevant data or information?

貴公司的經紀商客戶對MT5的需求有沒有增加, 是否方便透露數量或占比?

Elliot:yes we are seeing a lot of demand from Asia for MT5 that tends to be because ah there are new brokers in this region so a lot more of the established brokers are in Europe Middle East uh have MT4 but with that currently looking at MT5 and looking in the best way to be able to move from ninety four twenty five but from Asia because there are a lot of new brokers they are taking MT5 and come to us with lots of questions about how to set up how to configure how to understand

是的, 我們看到亞洲市場對MT5有大量需求, 因為在該地區有眾多新經紀商, 歐洲和中東的成熟經紀商提供MT4, 但是目前正在關注MT5, 尋求從MT4轉向MT5的最佳方式。 但是在亞洲, 因為有很多新經紀商, 他們選擇MT5, 在如何創建、如何安裝、如何瞭解方面, 他們向我們提出了很多問題。

James:It’s definitely where the majority of the demands coming from so many strata for is a very well established product but the best rate of five platform is being pushed heavily by next quotes they're making lots of sales these days um and we're seeing a lot of that coming from the age of reason region because of the new starts are focus.

可以很定的是, MT4佔據絕大多數需求, 因為它是非常成熟的產品, 但是邁達克在推進MT5平臺方面下了很大力氣, 他們實現了很大的銷量, 我們看到很多是來自亞洲地區,



FigureFinance:Gold-i has entered into Chinese market for one year, how is everything going? What about the challenges that gold-i has faced in Chinese market?

貴公司進入中國市場已有一年, 發展如何?在中國市場面臨過哪些挑戰?

Elloitt: yes it's going very well um we've made a great start to work in mainland china with the opening of the office.The biggest challenge really is around um developing our brand and developing credibility in the chinese market so a company that has been established for nearly ten years in the uk um is is very new into the chinese market and so a lot of what we are doing at the moment is to educate chinese brokers about who we are what we do our expertise with meta trader and with MetaQuotes the diversity of all of our products that we offer.and educating brokers in terms of how to use metal trader and what our products can do for them to make them more profitable to reduce their costs and how they can differentiate from competitors

進展非常順利, 在中國大陸市場, 我們取得了很好的開局, 在該地區創建了辦事處。 在中國市場, 實際上最大的挑戰是創建我們的品牌, 樹立信譽度, 因此作為一家在英國市場積累了近10年經驗的公司, 中國市場對我們來說是全新的。 我們目前正在做的主要是讓中國經紀商瞭解我們是誰、我們做什麼、我們在MT和邁達克方面的專業知識、我們提供的產品的多元化, 讓經紀商瞭解經紀商如何使用MT、我們的產品可以為其做什麼, 從而使其增加利收益, 降低成本、他們如何在競爭中實現差異化。


FigureFinance:What kind of institutions are your clients in China? How do you think about the differences between Chinese clients and overseas clients?


Elloitt:the main is Chris said is that because um meta trader 4 is well established a lot of the brokers uh have a good understanding of meta trader and how it works.the main item we find with the chinese market is uh there's relatively little knowledge about meta trader and how it works and what is available for meta trader so in terms of setting up and running a brokerage there's a a certain amount of education needed and not just from technology providers but also liquidity providers as well so that um the brokers can optimize they are set up and and really uh deliver an outstanding product to their clients

Chris所說的要點是, 因為MT4非常成熟, 很多經紀商對MT及其運行方式有充分的瞭解, 我們發現在中國市場面臨的主要問題是, 對MT及其運行方面和適用範圍方面的相關認知較少, 因此在創建和運營經紀業務方面, 有一定的教育需求, 不僅是來自技術提供商, 也來自流動性提供商, 因此經紀商可以對其創建的業務進行優化, 真正的為客戶提供優秀產品。

James:we have a well established support team as well so we always on hand we provide twenty four five support we have a team of sixty over in the uk 3 here in shanghai so we're hoping with you know with the start we've made to the first year operating in shanghai and an excellent support we can provide startup brokers with education and doing training and that you know the next year will be even more successful.

我們還擁有一支成熟的支援團隊, 總是在客戶身邊, 提供24*5的服務, 我們在英國的團隊超過60人, 在上海的團隊達到3人, 因此在上海運營的第一年, 我們取得了良好開局, 通過優秀的支援團隊, 我們可以為經紀商提供教育和培訓,



FigureFinance:The oversea forex brokers would certainly face opportunities and challenges, while China opening FX trading, so how about the forex technology companies?

中國若開放外匯交易, 對國外經紀商來說必定是機遇與挑戰並存, 那麼對於外匯科技公司的影響如何?

Elloitt :yes its a quite difficult task to build credibility and of branded in china .there are a lot of local companies that uh offer similar technology um and to somebody to a broker who uh has no uh ideas about uh trusted companies and so forth these local companies can look quite appealing. as i said gold-i has been established for nearly ten years now so we have lots of experience and expertise with with the products we use and and so we feel that by establishing our brand and establishing our credibility more brokers will will come to us as they learn um that we we can be uh a good business partner for them a trusted reliable partner all of our experience with not just the bridging technology uh but the risk management as well so helping brokers to manage their risks so that they become more profitable and and can reduce their costs and establish a partnership with them for the longer term.

不錯, 在中國創建信譽和品牌是非常艱巨的任務。 有很多本地公司向對可靠公司毫無概念的經紀商提供類似的技術, 因此這些本地公司看起來非常具有吸引力。 正如我所說, Gold-i已經運營將近10年, 利用我們使用的產品, 我們積累了大量和專業知識, 因此我們認為, 通過創建自己的品牌和信譽, 更多的經紀商將選擇我們, 因為他們瞭解到, 對於他們來說, 我們是優秀的業務合作夥伴, 我們不僅在橋技術方面擁有豐富經驗, 而且在風險管理也是如此, 因此可以幫助經紀商對風險進行管理,

使其獲得更高利潤, 降低運營成本, 與其創建長期合作關係。


FigureFinance:In the current market environment, how do you think about the prospects of Bridging Technology companies?

在當前的市場環境下, 您如何看待橋接技術公司在未來的前景?

Elloitt :I think it it's difficult to say because are we are well known for bridging technology as it is so good but i think we have such a broad range of products um the the we see ourselves um april able to work with brokers um in a much in a in a number of ways um compared with a standard bridging company, um i think more and more uh liquidity providers will be coming into the markets who we are already integrated with as chris said in over ten years we have uh we've we've conducted over seventy integrations so that gives the broker's a lot of choice and flexibility in terms of what they want and enables them to get a very competitive deal with their liquidity provider so i think there's a lot of opportunities still to be had um as as i mentioned i think a lot is um for us it's more than just being a bridging company um it's about what we do with our risk analytics or trade application tools are reporting packages and really how we can help the brokers to serve their clients better

我認為很難說, 因為我們以橋技術著稱, 這非常不錯, 但是我認為我們擁有廣泛的產品, 我們認為與一般橋公司相比, 我們能夠以更多方式與經紀商合作, 我認為將有越來越多的流動性提供商進入市場, 我們已經與其實現了整合, 正如 chris所說, 10年來我們已經與70多家流動性提供商整合, 針對經紀商需求為其提供了很多選擇和靈活性, 使其能夠與其流動性提供商達成非常具有競爭力的協定。 因此我認為將有大量機遇, 正如我之前所說, 對於我們來說, 不僅僅是作為一家橋公司運營, 還涉及到我們在風險分析、交易應用程式工具、報告套裝程式、幫助經紀商更好的為客戶服務方面所採取的措施。

James:think as as the space matured over here on the market expands um will be able to support broker's as they start to understand more about their risk and start moving from the the warehouse model that they tend to operate ftp more flow connecting to more prime and prime brokers um like julian said you know we have various tools that are available to help brokers risk manage um health brokers work with ibs um bringing different revenue streams um we have crm offerings we can integrate with different back ends as well so as as the space matures and grows we can help the brokers grow as well


數匯金融的讀者朋友們大家好, 數匯金融正在針對中國零售外匯交易者交易行為進行問卷調查,長按下方二維碼即可進入調查問卷(電腦端使用者可複製下方連結打開)。 您的協助將會使本研究更具價值。





數匯金融·悉尼峰會 ——悉尼(2018年3月29號)

【市場】:外匯 | 外匯市場 | 外匯交易者和交易對手 | 外匯標價方法和報價方法 | 外匯交易風險 | 流動性 | 市場層級 | 交易市場和時間

【貨幣】:外匯市場主要交易貨幣 | 美元 | 歐元

【模式】: PB | PoP | MM | STP | ECN | DMA | MTF | IB

【監管】: 套牌 | FCA | NFA | HKFSC | ASIC | CySEC

【交易】: CFD | 外匯保證金 | 帳戶類型 | 訂單類型 | 滑點 | 點差 | 杠杆 | 高頻 | 報價 | 離岸貨幣 | 避險貨幣

【科技】: MT4 | MT5 | 橋接 | VPS | FIX API

【訪談】:Christian Frahm | 程必逸 | 高明 | 金睿 | 張駿立 | Chris Rowe | Jamie Clinnick | Lennon Tam | Daire Ferguson | 周軒逸


James:think as as the space matured over here on the market expands um will be able to support broker's as they start to understand more about their risk and start moving from the the warehouse model that they tend to operate ftp more flow connecting to more prime and prime brokers um like julian said you know we have various tools that are available to help brokers risk manage um health brokers work with ibs um bringing different revenue streams um we have crm offerings we can integrate with different back ends as well so as as the space matures and grows we can help the brokers grow as well


數匯金融的讀者朋友們大家好, 數匯金融正在針對中國零售外匯交易者交易行為進行問卷調查,長按下方二維碼即可進入調查問卷(電腦端使用者可複製下方連結打開)。 您的協助將會使本研究更具價值。





數匯金融·悉尼峰會 ——悉尼(2018年3月29號)

【市場】:外匯 | 外匯市場 | 外匯交易者和交易對手 | 外匯標價方法和報價方法 | 外匯交易風險 | 流動性 | 市場層級 | 交易市場和時間

【貨幣】:外匯市場主要交易貨幣 | 美元 | 歐元

【模式】: PB | PoP | MM | STP | ECN | DMA | MTF | IB

【監管】: 套牌 | FCA | NFA | HKFSC | ASIC | CySEC

【交易】: CFD | 外匯保證金 | 帳戶類型 | 訂單類型 | 滑點 | 點差 | 杠杆 | 高頻 | 報價 | 離岸貨幣 | 避險貨幣

【科技】: MT4 | MT5 | 橋接 | VPS | FIX API

【訪談】:Christian Frahm | 程必逸 | 高明 | 金睿 | 張駿立 | Chris Rowe | Jamie Clinnick | Lennon Tam | Daire Ferguson | 周軒逸

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