

據臺灣“聯合新聞網”12月14日報導稱, 著名詩人、翻譯家余光中於14日上午10時多病逝, 享年90歲。

1928年, 餘光中出生在南京。 因為母親原籍為江蘇, 所以他以“江南人”自稱。

抗戰時期在四川讀中學, 所以餘光中對四川的感情很深, 自認為是蜀人。 他的生日正好是重陽節, 因此也常常稱呼自己為“茱萸的孩子”。

1940年進入南京青年中學, 後考取北京大學和金陵大學(南京大學的前身), 選擇了金陵大學外文系。 1949年轉入廈門大學外語系, 隨後移居香港。

1950年遷至臺灣, 同年進入臺灣大學外文系。 1953年, 赴美進修, 獲愛荷華大學藝術碩士學位。

畢業後, 曾在臺灣東吳大學、臺灣師範大學、臺灣大學、臺灣政治大學、香港中文大學等多所高校任教。

從1985年開始, 就一直擔任臺灣中山大學教授及講座教授, 還曾兼任文學院院長及外文研究所所長。

余光中還是廈門大學、江南大學、浙江大學等大陸高校的客座教授。 他被北京大學聘為“駐校詩人”, 也是北京師範大學(珠海分校)文學院榮譽院長。

余光中生前專注於詩歌、散文的創作, 從事評論和翻譯工作。 他把自己的寫作稱為“四度空間”。

生前出版了40多本文學作品, 包括翻譯集13本、詩集21本、散文集11本和評論集5本。



當時, 已經離開大陸20多年的餘光中, 思鄉情切, 在臺北廈門街的舊居內創造了這首詩歌。

作為一個離開大陸三十多年的當代詩人, 這首《鄉愁》烙上深刻的時代印記。

寄情詩歌, 餘光中表達了萬千海外遊子的綿長鄉關之思。 這首詩歌傳頌幾十年, 說出了幾代人對大陸的思念, 對統一的期盼。

作為一名詩人, 21歲時, 餘光中在臺灣寫下《鄉愁》, 從此被國內讀者所熟知。

Homesick 趙俊華 譯

As a boy,

I was homesick for a tiny stamp,

I was here,

Mom lived alone over there.

When grow up,

I was homesick for a small ship ticket.

I was here

My bride remained over there.

Later on,

I was homesick for a little tomb.

I was here,

Mother rested over there.

And to-day, I am homesick for a shallow strait,

I am here,

The Mainland lies over there.

Nostalgia 楊鐘琰 譯

When I was a child,

Nostalgia seemed a small stamp:

Here am I and there my mother.

Then I was a grown-up,

Nostalgia became a traveling ticket

Here am I And there my bride.

During the later years

Nostalgia turned to be a graveyard

Here am I And yonder my mother.

And now at present,

Nostalgia looms large to be a channel

Here am I

and yonder my Continent !

Nostalgia 許景城 譯

As a child,

Nostalgia was a tiny stamp,

Connecting me here on this shore With my mother far away on that shore.

As an adult,

Nostalgia was a narrow ship ticket,

Linking me here on this coast And my bride far away on that coast.

Later Nostalgia was a low tomb,

Walling me outside And my mother inside.

Now Nostalgia is a shallow strait,

Separating me here at this end,

From my mainland at the other end.

Nostalgia 佚名 譯

When I was young,

Nostalgia was a tiny stamp,

Me on this side,

Mother on the other side.

When I grew up,

Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket,

Me on this side,

Bride on the other side.

But later on,

Nostalgia was a low, low grave,

Me on the outside,

Mother on the inside.

And at present,

Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait,

Me on this side,

Mainland on the other side.

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