

電影《心理罪之城市之光》上映以來口碑爆棚, 影片由鄧超、阮經天等主演, 觀眾好奇電影《心理罪之城市之光》經典臺詞對白語錄有哪些, 影片哪些語句發人深省?一起看看相關介紹!

“既有淚點又有笑點, 壓制內心的憤怒, 用責任與正義點亮城市之光”“那一縷城市之光, 在哪裡點亮, 是我們要去看和感知的”。

“愛與希望永遠在閃爍”, 沒有看過《城市之光》的人也許很難想像“催淚”“感謝”以及“溫暖”等關鍵字頻繁地出現在一部犯罪動作電影的觀後感言中。

鄧超飾演的員警方木內心對於正義與責任的堅守讓大家感動, 片中最大的催淚點之一也是方木直面養女廖亞凡遇害的段落。

對於當時的方木來說, 失去至親的傷心之痛、對於罪犯江亞痛下殺手的憤怒之情、對於廖亞凡保護失責之悔交織在一起。




1、All love is humble, and when you open your heart to him, you are willing to surrender.

This is not a close race. And you, in the dust, are filled with joy. May the present be everlasting. May you never know.

所有的愛情都是卑微的, 在你向他敞開心扉的時候, 就已經心甘情願地投降。

這本就不是一場勢均力敵的較量。 而你, 偏偏在塵埃中,

內心充滿喜悅。 願此刻永駐。 願你永不知曉。

2、Maybe, all together, just to stay away one day. It is said that in order not to be excessively painful, it is best not to put too much emotion into the meeting.

But how many people can actually do it? Do you want to imagine the other person looking up or looking down on his face?

也許, 所有的相聚, 都只是為了在某一天別離。 有人說, 為了不讓自己過分痛苦, 最好在相聚時別投入太多感情。

然而, 又有幾個人能真正做到呢?在耳鬢廝磨, 盡展歡顏的時候, 你願意想像對方形容枯槁或者反目成仇的樣子麼?

3、If this balance is always tilted, let me make it.

如果這架天平從來都是傾斜的, 那就讓我來作這個砝碼。

4、"No, don't be afraid of your memories. It is a part of you and, sooner or later, it will become your strength."

“不, 不要懼怕你的回憶。 它是你的一部分, 並且, 遲早會變成你的力量。 ”

5、I think you're lea·ving. You're gonna say goodbye to the story and you're gonna be happy, you're gonna be happy, you're gonna...

我想你要走了。 你要告別了故事都說完了你要告別了你會快樂, 你會快樂, 你會...

6、If you don't love me, please let me keep my power not to harm myself.

如果你不愛我, 請讓我保留不傷害自己的權力。

7、Everyone has their own way, and everyone has their own way.

每個人都身不由己, 每個人都自作自受。

8、Evil is magnified, and the good is crushed into residue.

惡被無限放大, 善被粉碎成殘渣。

9、The so-called heartache is not a psychological feeling, but a real, physical pain. It is buried deep inside, unable to alleviate, like a shadow.

所謂心痛, 並不是心理感受,

而是一種實實在在的, 物質性的疼痛。 它埋在內心深處, 無法減輕, 如影隨形。

10、Some of them, some of them, are enemies. You are in the cycle, and I am still struggling here. Death may not be a release, but it must be torture.

However, some people live to prevent even worse death.

這些人, 有的是戰友, 有的是仇敵。 你們已然墮入輪回, 而我, 還在這裡苦苦掙扎著。 死, 未必是解脫, 生, 卻一定是折磨。

然而, 有些人的生存, 就是為了阻止更慘烈的死亡。

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