

馬賽克就是石頭玻璃磨一磨拼一拼, like this☝☝☝

有的馬賽克用扁平的小材料拼成的, 而有的則是用小圓塊的卵石拼成的, 這樣的馬賽克常用在地板的裝飾上。


馬賽克也是工藝界的老祖宗了。 它起源于美索不達米亞一帶。 在麥錫尼還有卵石馬賽克的遺址。 在古希臘和古羅馬時期, 馬賽克工藝開始普遍起來。 古羅馬時期, 因為當時貴族對基督教的打壓,

基督教徒只能在地下室中聚會。 那時大多數群眾都不識字, 所以他們就用馬賽克拼畫把基督教徒的故事講述出來。 從第四世紀早期開始, 基督教建築的牆上和天花板上都裝飾著馬賽克。

▲Roman Mosaic of a Stork

▲A Plant Mosaic with dolphin, from the 4th century CE, found in the Villa del Soto de Ramalete (Tudela, Navarre) (Photo by Carole Raddato at the National Archaeological Museum of Spain) -- Ancient History Encyclopedia

▲What Did the Ancient Romans Eat?

▲Octopus mosaic from a Pompeii bath house. Photo: Helen Miles Mosaics

▲Dionysus riding a panther, mosaic floor in the 'House of Dionysos' in Pella, late 4th century BC, Archaeological Museum of Pella, Greece

從西元六世紀到西元十五世紀, 馬賽克藝術在拜占庭帝國盛行起來, 這也是馬賽克藝術的巔峰時期。 在西元十二世紀, 這一工藝通過諾曼王國傳到東部的威尼斯還有烏克蘭。 而在文藝復興時期, 馬賽克退出了流行大潮, 儘管像拉斐爾的藝術家還堅持著。

▲byzantio: Mosaic portrait of Empress Irene on the Comnenos mosaic in the Hagia Sophia, Constantinople

▲Byzantium Mosaic Kaleidolantern

▲St Michael. 12th-century mosaic from the Byzantine part of La Martorana, also known as Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio in Palermo, Sicily

▲Mosaic paradise: The old ostrogothic capital Ravenna, Italy is a jewel of mosaic art from the 5th and the 6th centuries. Eight sites in the city are registered on the World Heritage List. One of them is Basilica of San Vitale, finished in 546. by Guenther



▲byzantio: Mosaic portrait of Empress Irene on the Comnenos mosaic in the Hagia Sophia, Constantinople

▲Byzantium Mosaic Kaleidolantern

▲St Michael. 12th-century mosaic from the Byzantine part of La Martorana, also known as Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio in Palermo, Sicily

▲Mosaic paradise: The old ostrogothic capital Ravenna, Italy is a jewel of mosaic art from the 5th and the 6th centuries. Eight sites in the city are registered on the World Heritage List. One of them is Basilica of San Vitale, finished in 546. by Guenther



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