


PIL offers additional gateway option to Chongqing via Qinzhou

太平船務為新加坡領先集裝箱船務公司宣佈提供客戶全新貨運航線。 通過太平船務多式聯運服務,

客戶可以將貨物經由在重慶的“渝桂新”鐵路轉運至欽州。 除卻現有的傳統海運方式, 這是本公司提供的另一路徑選擇。

Pacific International Lines (PIL) Group, Singapore’s leading containership operator offers an additional gateway option to Chongqing via Qinzhou in Guangxi. This option is available for our customers in addition to the traditional sea routes.

Customers today have the option to tap on the inter-modal expertise offered by PIL;shipping goods to Qinzhou and then accessing Chongqing by rail on the Qinzhourailway.


The Qinzhou railway is also known as the "Yuguixin" railway ("渝桂新"鐵路) and it began operations in early September this year.

通過“渝桂新”鐵路, 由重慶出發的貨物可在短短的四十八小時內運至中國南部主要港口。

With the rail system in place, it takes roughly 48 hours for goods from Chongqing to be shipped out through the Southern China ports.


This additional route is demonstrative of PIL’s wider involvement in the Southern Transport Corridor under China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

太平船務執行董事張麗聲(企業發展)表示公司期望通過這史無前例的運輸方式進入中國以及亞洲, 歐洲與非洲的偏遠地區發展也持續的增加貨物流量。 “除了沿海發達城市, 我們將通過多式聯運進入更多船隻無法服務的地方。 ”

Ms Lisa Teo, Executive Director (Corporate Development) of PIL said: “By having such unprecedented access into China and other remote regions of Asia, Europe and Africa, we expect to see heightened levels of cargo flows from previously inaccessible places by ships. Unlike the developed coastal cities, the inlandregions of China are largely untapped and their potential growth could represent a new strong and steady source of cargo volume as they continue todevelop.”


鐵路 (經由欽州)

轉運時間 (新加坡出發)

15 - 20 天






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