

我們知道身體各部位的英文單詞, 那麼和身體部位相關的有趣表達大家都熟悉嗎?今天就一起來學習一下吧~

Eye 眼睛

To keep an eye on 對(某人或某物)保持關注、照顧、保護等。


1、 I need to use the bathroom, can you keep an eye on my drink?

我要去一下洗手間, 你可以幫我看一下我的飲料嗎?

2、 Could you keep an eye on dinner and the baby while I answer the door? 我去開門的時候, 你可以照看下孩子和晚飯嗎?

Nose 鼻子

1、On the nose (時間的)整點


A:What time is it?現在幾點啦?

B:It's six pm on the nose. 晚上六點整。

2、"on the nose" 完全(Exactly)的意思

例如:你的心事被一個朋友看透了, 你就可以對他說:

Your guess was right on the nose.你的猜測完全正確。

3、Have a nose for finding something 善於發現某事物

e.g She has a nose for finding the beauty in this world.


4、Get one’s nose in the air 自負、傲慢的

e.g. We don't like him. He always gets his nose in the air.

我們才不喜歡他呢, 他總是用鼻孔看人(他總是這麼傲慢)。

5、Poke one’s nose in someone’s business 干預某人的事物, 管閒事

e.g. Please don't poke your nose in my business, okay?


6、Right under one’s nose 顯而易見的, 一目了然

e.g.There's no doubt about it, it's right under my nose.

沒什麼可懷疑的, 這件事很明顯啊。

Ear 耳朵

All ears 洗耳恭聽;全神貫注地聽

e.g. Hi Eric, how was your weekend? Tell me about it, I'm all ears!

Eric, 週末過得如何?給我說說啊, 我洗耳恭聽!

Shoulder 肩膀

The cold shoulder 不理不睬;愛理不理

e.g. I don’t know what I’ve done. Ever since I got back from the party, Gillian has given me the cold shoulder.

我不知道我做錯了什麼, 自從我們從那個派對回來, Gillian就對我愛理不理的。

Hand 手

To give a hand 助人一臂之力

e.g. I can give you a hand when you redecorate your room.

你重新裝潢房間的話, 我可以幫幫你。

Could you give me a hand, please?


(the third hand 和 five-finger discount 這兩個短語是什麼意思呢?快去錄音裡尋找答案吧~~~)

Back 背部

1、Behind someone's back 在某人背後, 背著別人做某事, 不讓人發現

e.g. My daughter is very sad because she discovered that her best friend had spoken behind her back.

我的女兒傷心極了, 因為她發現她最好的朋友背著她跟別人說她壞話。

2、Have someone’s back 支持某人

e.g.If you like it, just go for it! I totally have your back.

如果喜歡的話, 就去做吧!我完全支持你。




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