

After the opening weekend, ‘Ghost in the Shell’ is a significant failure for everyone involved: actress, studio, and the Japanese anime genre. It’s not just a financial, but an artistic and imaginative failure.《攻殼機動隊》在週末上映後, 對所有相關人員而言, 不論是演員、電影公司, 還是日本動漫題材, 這都是一次明顯的失敗。 這不僅是一次財務上的失敗,


A Little About ‘Ghost in the Shell’《攻殼機動隊》簡介

“Ghost in the Shell” is a Japanese story from the 1990s about a woman who lives in a robotic body and does police work. She does not believe her her soul, [w=suffice]suffices to make her human, and struggles with the existential question concerning her humanity and whether life is worth living in a near-future where everything is being taken over by technology.《攻殼機動隊》源於90年代的日本, 講述了生活在一個機器人身體中的女子從事員警工作的故事。 她不相信她的靈魂有能力把她變成人類, 並且一直糾結於她的人性存在問題, 以及在一切都由技術掌控的不久的未來生活, 那樣的人生是否值得。

Another Entry In the Super-Soldier-Girl Genre另一篇超級女戰士題材

It’s the second wide-release movie headed by Scarlett Johansson after the 2014 action movie “Lucy,” in which she played a pretty girl who inexplicably develops superhuman powers and badly beats or kills every man on-screen while trying to find out the secret of her humanity-surpassing powers. That movie was a shocking success and women were half the movie’s American audience.在2014年上映的動作電影《超體》之後, 這是斯嘉麗·詹森主演的第二部公映的(同類題材的)電影。 在《超體》那部電影中, 她飾演了一個莫名其妙地擁有了超能力的漂亮女孩, 她在銀幕上憤怒地狠揍或殺掉每一個男人, 同時試圖找出使她的人性超越力量的秘訣。 那部電影特別成功, 而且女性就占美國觀影群眾的一半。

Well, whatever its worldwide audience turns out to be, in America 'Ghost in the Shell' has failed to get women to see it, or much of anyone else.好吧, 無論世界各地觀影的群眾會如何, 但在美國, 《攻殼機動隊》這部電影未能吸引女性或者大部分其他觀眾前去觀看。

This Plot Is Nothing New情節毫無新意

You walk into the theater, and after the first scene you know the plot. The scriptwriters had no interest in concealing who the bad guy is or making this person human. But it still takes two hours to wrap it all up! This is not an original story, so you have to ask yourself, what would Hollywood add to a foreign story to Americanize it?你走進影院, 看到第一個場景之後, 你就知道這部電影的情節了。 編劇沒什麼興趣去隱藏壞人或是把這個人變成人類, 但這部電影還是用了兩個小時來講述一切!這不是一個原創的故事, 所以你得問問自己, 好萊塢會在一個外國故事中添點什麼來使其美國化?

The Real Story Inside ‘Ghost in the Shell’《攻殼機動隊》的真實內幕

The all-American suggestion concerns feminism. As with feminism, we see trouble here: On the one hand, the heroine is supposed to play a strong woman who acts decisively by her own counsel; On the other, the only reason she’s on screen is because people like to stare at her body.代表全美國的建議就涉及到了女權主義。 說到女權主義, 我們就看到了問題所在:一方面女主理應是一名強大的女子, 她自主決策、行為果斷;而另一方面, 她在銀幕上的唯一原因是因為人們喜歡盯著她的身體看。

To Explore the Chaos Technocrats Unleash, Try Elsewhere要探索技術統治論者引起的混亂, 去別處試試吧

For all its failures, “Ghost in the Shell” aims to be humanistic. But it is trying to say it’s good to be human, even a machine-human, at least if democracy can keep some control over technological oligarchy. It says so explicitly. But it cannot show any of that. It can only give you tech-generated action, conspiracy theories, and a moralistic speech from a feminist-plausible heroine.雖然在各方面都不太成功, 但《攻殼機動隊》是以人性研究為目標的。 然而, 電影卻在試著講述至少在民主能控制技術的寡頭統治的時候, 成為人類, 甚至是一個機器人類是有好處的。 電影表達的十分明確, 但卻一點都沒展現出來, 只是向你展示了技術創造的動作場面、陰謀論以及一個貌似有理且主張女權主義的女主的道德主義演講。

The Update Eliminates the Core Existential Questions電影的改編忽略了核心存在問題

The core of the original was the protagonist, who has to prove to herself that she can live in her body, that she is still human. When she courts death, it is important to her that life is nevertheless a choice, if it is to be really human.原著的核心是主角必須證明自己:她能生活在自己的身體裡, 她依然是人類。 當她自尋死路的時候, 對她而言, 如果要成為真正的人類, 生命仍然是一種選擇。

However, in the American version, either the existential importance of the life choice is lost on the writers or they wanted to evacuate seriousness from the story.然而, 在美國人的版本裡, 要麼是作者忘記了關於生命選擇存在的重要性, 要麼就是他們想從原版故事的嚴肅性中脫離出來。


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