

全民熱追一部劇, 達康書記一心只追GDP。 隨著《人民的名義》熱播, 達康書記不僅活躍了一批中國製造表情包, 更抖擻一群歪果仁Darkcom Darkcom Darkcom 高呼不止, 劇情大快人心, 這不, 連BBC都忍不住報導, 讓我們一起來看看歪果仁眼中的《人民的名義》吧!



A dashing detective bursts into a secret villa and uncovers huge stacks of cash stuffed in fridges, closets and beds. Meanwhile, the villa's owner - a government official - crawls on the floor and begs for his life.

一位一身正義的檢察官闖進一幢隱蔽的別墅, 發現冰箱、壁櫥和床上堆疊著大量的現金。 隨即, 這幢別墅的房主,

也就是一位政府官員立馬跪地求饒, 苦命懇求檢察官能夠放他一命。

This is the dramatic opening scene in China's latest hit TV show, In the Name of the People, which made its high-profile debut last month.


The series, about China's anti-corruption campaign, has gripped millions of viewers across the country. Some have compared it to the American political drama House of Cards, which has a huge Chinese following.

這部以中國反腐行動為題材的電視劇, 吸引了數百萬的觀眾收看。 有人把它稱為“中國版《紙牌屋》”, 而《紙牌屋》在中國亦有非常多的追捧者。

In The Name of the People chronicles the internal power struggle of the Chinese Communist Party in the fictional city of Jingzhou, featuring stories about Chinese politics that are often talked about but never seen on mainstream television.

這部《人民的名義》的電視劇虛構講述了中國共產黨在一個名為“京州”的城市裡的內部權力鬥爭, 反映著中國真實的政治生態。 這些話題在此前也常常被討論, 但是從未在電視螢幕上有過呈現。

In the show, local government leaders try to sabotage a top justice's arrest order; laid-off workers hold violent protests against a corrupt deal between the government and a corporation; and fake police drive bulldozers into forced eviction sites.


Viewers have been lapping it up. "This TV drama feels so real. It really cheers people up," one viewer wrote on social media network Weibo.

"I shed tears after watching this drama. This is the tumour of corruption that has been harming the people," said another Weibo commenter.

What makes In The Name of the People remarkable is not just how frankly it depicts the ugly side of Chinese politics, but that it also has the blessing of the country's powerful top prosecutors' office.

讓《人民的名義》電視劇吸引觀眾的原因不僅僅在於其真實坦率地描繪了中國政治生態醜陋的一面, 同時也在於其蘊含著國家檢察機關懲治腐敗的強大決心。

More than a decade ago, anti-corruption dramas suddenly disappeared from Chinese primetime television. Authorities in 2004 had decided to restrict the production of such dramas as too many were of poor quality.

在十多年前, 反腐題材的電視劇在中國螢幕的黃金檔時段上消失了。 這是其中大部分的反腐電視劇品質較差, 所以當局決定限制這一類題材電視劇的製作。

But when Chinese President Xi Jinping took power in 2012 and launched a sweeping campaign against graft, anti-corruption got back in vogue.

但是, 自從國家主席習近平在2012年上臺後, 從上至下重拳開展一系列的反貪反腐行動, 反腐敗相關的影視作品開始大量出現。

In The Name of The People is thus the latest piece of propaganda aimed at portraying the government's victory in its anti-corruption campaign.

因此, 《人民的名義》這部新近播出的電視劇順利播出, 旨在反映政府在反腐攻堅工作上取得階段性勝利。

At least it does a decent job in entertaining viewers, building suspense and intrigue.In one episode an investigator gets hit by a truck just as he is about to meet an informant, while in another the deputy mayor flees the country with the help of a mysterious government mole.

至少, 在迎合觀眾口味上,

這部劇通過製造懸念和重重陰謀做得相當不錯。 一位檢察官就在他調查工作取得關鍵性進展之際, 卻遭到了一輛卡車的撞擊, 不幸身亡;另外又有一位副市長在政府鼴鼠的幫助下逃往海外。

Who's who in China's hit TV show


1Hou Liangping侯亮平

The tall and handsome chief investigator and hero of the show. He is played by Chinese heartthrob Lu Yi, whom netizens have criticised for his awkward acting, particularly in scenes with his screen wife. "Are they a model couple or a fake couple?" complained one Weibo commenter.

2Qi Tongwei祁同偉

The crafty and calculating public security chief and villain of the show, played by veteran actor Xu Yajun. He appears decent but turns out to be a sycophant, always thinking about his next move to advance his political career.

這位深諳計算、陰險狡猾的公安廳廳長在劇中是一個不折不扣的惡棍, 由老戲骨徐亞軍飾演。 他看起來為人正派, 但事實證明他是一個阿諛奉承者, 並且時刻算計著自己的政治生涯下一步應該怎麼走。

3Li Dakang李達康

The blunt party chief obsessed with GDP growth and rising political star who likes to chastise his subordinates. Actor Wu Gang rose to fame with this role - viewers now regularly make online memes featuring his character.


The show's screenwriter, Zhou Meisen, is a seasoned writer of anti-corruption fiction and no stranger to censorship by the Chinese government.

He declined to speak to the BBC, saying he "received instruction not to speak to any foreign media".

But in interviews with Chinese media, he expressed surprise that officials approved all 55 episodes of his show - the review team reportedly even called the series "earth-shattering".




"For a long time, many people thought that if we kept our eyes closed, there wouldn't be any corruption," Mr Zhou said. "Many government officials in charge of culture have become security hawks blocking the public from seeing artistic works on anti-corruption."

He said he aimed to show that corrupt officials were not all "monsters" and were real people - but at the end of the day, the good people always win.



He made sure that Hou Liangping - the hero of In The Name Of the People - did not come from a privileged background with a lot of political connections, so that the character would be more "idealised".

"We all badly need heroes, upright law-enforcing heroes like Hou Liangping."



The blunt party chief obsessed with GDP growth and rising political star who likes to chastise his subordinates. Actor Wu Gang rose to fame with this role - viewers now regularly make online memes featuring his character.


The show's screenwriter, Zhou Meisen, is a seasoned writer of anti-corruption fiction and no stranger to censorship by the Chinese government.

He declined to speak to the BBC, saying he "received instruction not to speak to any foreign media".

But in interviews with Chinese media, he expressed surprise that officials approved all 55 episodes of his show - the review team reportedly even called the series "earth-shattering".




"For a long time, many people thought that if we kept our eyes closed, there wouldn't be any corruption," Mr Zhou said. "Many government officials in charge of culture have become security hawks blocking the public from seeing artistic works on anti-corruption."

He said he aimed to show that corrupt officials were not all "monsters" and were real people - but at the end of the day, the good people always win.



He made sure that Hou Liangping - the hero of In The Name Of the People - did not come from a privileged background with a lot of political connections, so that the character would be more "idealised".

"We all badly need heroes, upright law-enforcing heroes like Hou Liangping."



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