

1, 情不言於口, 愛深藏於心。

Love does not speak to the mouth, love is deep in the heart.

2, It is alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry, but you should not let others see your weakness.你可以委屈, 可以痛哭, 但不要讓所有人都看到你的脆弱。


3, Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is your attitude. 人生中會有很多事情把我們擊敗, 但真正打垮我們的其實是我們自己的態度。

4, Everyone‘s got a Prince Charming. Mine just took a wrong turning got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions.

----每個女孩兒都會有一個白馬王子的, 我的那位麼, 只是來的路上走錯了一個岔路, 還不好意思問路過來罷了。


5, 那種連見面都很奢侈的關係你要我怎麼去維護。

How do you want me to maintain a relationship that is so luxurious as to meet.

6, I finally understood what true love meant…love meant that you care for another person’s happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.---真愛意味著即便你要面對無法想像的痛苦, 你關心對方的幸福, 還是遠超過關心自己的。


7, 因為喜歡, 我開始變得膽怯。

Because of love, I began to become timid.

8, Some songs can make you sad&cry when you hear them. But it’s actually not the song that makes you cry, it’s the people behind the memories.----總有那麼一些歌,

讓我們悲傷, 讓我們哭泣。 但其實讓我們哭泣的並不是那些歌本身, 而是藏在回憶裡的那些人。


9, 我們剛好, 只是時間不湊巧。

We just don't happen, just time.

10, 世界上最遠的距離, 是愛到癡迷, 卻不能說我愛你。

The furthest distance in the world is I can't say I love you when I love you.


11, When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable. 當你相信一件事, 就全心全意地、含蓄而堅定地去相信。

12, 你浪夠了也別回來, 我早已去追逐我的自由。

You don't have to come back,I have to chase my freedom.


13, You had me at hello and killed me at goodbye. 你一句“你好”便可征服我, 一句“再見”便可毀滅我。

14, Sad? You'll later be happy. Cry? You'll later smile. Because according to Newton, for every action there's an opposite reaction. 悲傷?你以後總會開心起來。 哭泣?你之後總會微笑出來。 因為根據牛頓定律, 每個動作都有反作用力。

15, Young enough to know I can, old enough to know I shouldn't, stupid enough to do it anyway. 太年輕總覺得自己可以, 太年邁總覺得自己做不到, 只有帶點傻氣的人才會去實實在在地做。

16, 我還守在原地, 不為等你, 只是等自己放棄。

I still keep in place, not waiting for you, just waiting to give up.


Eatting porridge in the morning is better than drinking at late night.People who cheats you will say more sugared words than those who love you.

18,Scared to open up, afraid to let you see, and terrified that our friendship would never be the same if I do. 害怕打開心扉,害怕你看見我的內心,我害怕我這麼做了我們的友誼將不再如前。

I still keep in place, not waiting for you, just waiting to give up.


Eatting porridge in the morning is better than drinking at late night.People who cheats you will say more sugared words than those who love you.

18,Scared to open up, afraid to let you see, and terrified that our friendship would never be the same if I do. 害怕打開心扉,害怕你看見我的內心,我害怕我這麼做了我們的友誼將不再如前。

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