



釉色純正、器形規整、寶光明顯, 繪畫工藝精湛, 碗內鳳紋逼真細膩, 底部落款“大清乾隆年制”方正清晰, 實屬罕見, 具有極大的文化收藏價值和經濟投資價值。

The eight fairies are (Lv Dongbing, Zhang Guo old, He Xiangu, Lan Caihe), and the outside are (Qian Guaili, Han Xiang Zi, Cao Guo uncle, Khan Zhonglin), and there are Fairy Poems, pure glaze, neat shape and bright light, exquisite painting technology, vivid and exquisite phoenix pattern in the bowl, the bottom of the money "big Qing Qian Longnian" "Founder" is very rare. It has great cultural collection value and economic investment value.

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