



如果我們讀到這樣的中文:上映17小時僅1.5萬, 年度第一爛片出爐?網友:真想打負分。

不過票房最慘的電影還屬國產恐怖片《壹號別墅》, 上映17小時票房僅1.5萬, 實在是尷尬。


然後我不是直接用“用中文學英語”的方式直接“告訴”你“第一爛片”的英語“怎麼說”(worst box office bomb/flop), 我是給你提供一個“語言環境”(原版原著英語文章閱讀):

Greatest Box-Office Bombs, Disasters and Film Flops:Films have the potential to skyrocket the profits of a studio, or to send it into ruins and bankruptcy. Films that cost more to make than they acquire in revenue (both domestic and worldwide) are considered box-office catastrophes or bombs. Studios split grosses with theater owners, so even if a movie makes as much as its production budget, it's still losing, and that's before even considering marketing costs. A film often must make almost double its budget to become profitable.

Most big box-office bombs are summer blockbusters which are enormously expensive and face stiff competition.

There are many reasons for a film to "bomb" at the box-office - the major causes are lack of studio promotion, heavy competition from other movies released at the same time, exorbitant production costs difficult to recoup and other production problems, negative word of mouth (especially in the era of the Internet and social media) or critical reviews, and other external factors such as bad timing or economic problems in society at large.Movie audiences often love to relish the fact that some films, such as Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001), Cutthroat Island (1995) or Heaven's Gate (1980) turn out to be monumental flops (which bankrupted their studios), and are fascinated by the details of why certain directors/actors and their films fail. Sometimes an actor's or director's career suffers, sometimes not.


然後, 我們可以開始我們的英語學習了:

然後我們就用“徹底摒棄用中文學英語, 把英語翻譯成中文”的閱讀方法, 而是“用英語讀(“翻譯”翻譯成)英語”, “讀的是英語, 腦子裡的想的說的還是英語”的方法做“原版原著英語閱讀”, 我們就獲得很大學習的“收穫”, 你的口語啦, 你的的“把你學過的英語用起來”訓練啦, 你的“在沒有語言環境下自己跟自己說英語啦(俞敏洪語)”)。

如果你還是問:“”有什麼學習英語的(好)方法”嗎?那麼, 我告訴你:這就是方法之一。

問題是“方法”有了, 問題是:




問題先是“沒有方法怎麼辦?”, 問題然後便是“有了方法怎麼辦?”


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