

He is juggling a newborn baby and royal duties and Prince William appeared to show the strain today as he battled heavy eyelids in Westminster Abbey.威廉王子在迎接新生兒到來的同時也在盡力履行皇室職責, 然而, 今天在威斯敏斯特大教堂舉辦的活動中, 他似乎有些疲憊, 努力抵擋著睡意。

The Duke of Cambridge joined his younger brother Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle at an Anzac Day service in London.劍橋公爵與他的弟弟哈裡王子及其未婚妻梅根·馬克爾一起在倫敦參加澳新軍團紀念日活動。

But while he was in good spirits laughing and joking before the service, it appeared tiredness may have overcome him once he sat down for the ceremony.活動之前, 他還興高采烈地與大家說說笑笑, 然而當他坐下來參加儀式的時候, 他似乎特別疲憊。

William has returned to royal duties for the first time since his wife the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to their third child on Monday.自從他的妻子劍橋公爵夫人于週一生下他們的第三個孩子以來, 這是威廉王子首次回來履行皇室職責。

He now has three young children at home - his two-day-old son, Princess Charlotte, who will turn three next month, and Prince George, four.如今他是三個幼兒的父親了, 他的三個孩子有剛出生兩天的兒子、下個月就滿三歲的夏洛特公主以及四歲的喬治王子。

As William met Sir Jerry Mateparae, New Zealand High Commissioner in Westminster Abbey, joked about the eagerly anticipated name, saying: 'Jerry would like it to be Jerry.'威廉王子在威斯敏斯特大教堂見到了紐西蘭高級專員傑裡·邁特派瑞爵士。 他輕鬆地談到了新生兒備受期待的名字, 說:“傑裡希望新生兒的名字會是傑裡。 ”

William replied: 'Jerry's a strong name.'威廉答覆道:“傑裡是個好名字。

The Queen, who is at Windsor this week, will likely be informed by phone as to the name of her sixth great-grandchildren.本周留在溫莎市的女王可能會通過電話得知她的第六個曾孫的名字。

Meanwhile, royalists have waited patiently since Monday to find out the name of Prince William and Kate Middleton's new arrival.從星期一起, 英國保皇黨員就在耐心地等待威廉王子和凱特王妃新生兒名字的公佈。


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