
IEW ing|從此,泰康東路199號多了一家電影院




等等, 請問這裡不是勞倫斯報告廳嗎?

是的, 但是現在它又多了一個名字——


作為“國際教育周(International Education Week)”中備受矚目的活動之一,



在全校師生收到“校園影院”預告郵件的半小時內, 電影票就被搶購一空。

畢竟這次, 只需要花費1元就能觀看本屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片《水形物語》。


奧斯卡頒給“政治正確”不無趣, 頒給童話故事才窩心。 暗黑成人、政治相關、考究浪漫, 童話的兩面性有時讓你覺得它講了所有, 有時又讓你慨歎這還是那個從小聽了千萬遍的故事。

愛會因為無法發聲就無法發生嗎?看您理解, 或看天氣。


來自學生發展中心的老師Ellen Tong表示:

“《水形物語》僅僅是個開頭, 下周即將上映的是同學們呼聲很高的斯皮爾伯格最新作品《頭號玩家》。

今後, 除開考試季和剛開學第一周,

我們每週都會挑選一部正在熱映的正版好萊塢大片在Laurence Auditorium放映。 ”

“校園影院”的電影票價遠低於市面商業影院售價, 2D和3D影片的售價一般分別是15和20元。

語言的選擇上也充分考慮了寧諾高度國際化的實際情況, 讓中外師生同享觀影樂趣。

電影散場後, 商學院副院長Peter Morgan感慨道:


以後只要有好電影, 我都會來看的。 ”

寧諾“校園影院”引進了21世紀校園電影院線股份有限公司(21st Century Campus Cinema)的系統和整套影院設備, 包括金屬銀幕、完整的身歷聲環繞系統等。

再加上勞倫斯報告廳原本層高的優勢及良好的環境, “最美校園影院”的名號還能是別人的?

選片、購票、選座僅通過微信就可完成, 簡直是不能更令人讚歎了。

影院的運營, 包括排片、宣傳、現場放映等都由甯諾的學生組織——社團中心寧諾銀屏的團隊負責。

社團中心的理事長敖瑞民同學在首映的開場演講中說, 社中在接手到這個項目時十分激動, 因為這是一項學生感興趣、也真正能使學生受益的項目。



除了“校園影院”,國際教育周期間的世界電影產業研討會還邀請了好萊塢前製片人Cheryl Lee Fast女士和在中國電影業頗有成就的張小玲教授來到校園給師生們分享充滿創造性和神秘感的電影製作經歷,讓大家不僅在影院享受視聽盛宴,還能對幕後一探究竟。


Cheryl Lee Fast 女士

As one of the most notable activities in International Education Week, the UNNC "campus cinema" was unveiled and presented the first movie yesterday.

The movie tickets were sold out in half an hour after UNNC students and staff received the "campus cinema" notice mail. This time, you only spend 1 yuan to watch the Shape of Water, which won the Oscar for Best Picture this year.

“The Shape of Water is just a beginning, and next week we are going to have a Spielberg movie, Ready Player One.

In the future, except the weeks during exams season and the first week of each semester, there will be a hot Hollywood blockbuster in Laurence Auditorium every week."

Ellen Tong from the Student Engagement Office

The price of movie tickets on campus cinema is much lower than that of commercial cinemas. The selling prices of 2D and 3D movies are generally 15 yuan and 20 yuan respectively.

The "campus cinema" introduced the 21st Century Campus Cinema system and the complete set of cinema equipment, including the metal screen and the complete stereo surround system. Ticket booking can be simply completed on WeChat.


SEO, SSC, NewsAgency

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除了“校園影院”,國際教育周期間的世界電影產業研討會還邀請了好萊塢前製片人Cheryl Lee Fast女士和在中國電影業頗有成就的張小玲教授來到校園給師生們分享充滿創造性和神秘感的電影製作經歷,讓大家不僅在影院享受視聽盛宴,還能對幕後一探究竟。


Cheryl Lee Fast 女士

As one of the most notable activities in International Education Week, the UNNC "campus cinema" was unveiled and presented the first movie yesterday.

The movie tickets were sold out in half an hour after UNNC students and staff received the "campus cinema" notice mail. This time, you only spend 1 yuan to watch the Shape of Water, which won the Oscar for Best Picture this year.

“The Shape of Water is just a beginning, and next week we are going to have a Spielberg movie, Ready Player One.

In the future, except the weeks during exams season and the first week of each semester, there will be a hot Hollywood blockbuster in Laurence Auditorium every week."

Ellen Tong from the Student Engagement Office

The price of movie tickets on campus cinema is much lower than that of commercial cinemas. The selling prices of 2D and 3D movies are generally 15 yuan and 20 yuan respectively.

The "campus cinema" introduced the 21st Century Campus Cinema system and the complete set of cinema equipment, including the metal screen and the complete stereo surround system. Ticket booking can be simply completed on WeChat.


SEO, SSC, NewsAgency

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