

At 10 in the morning of April 14, 1927, sales manager Hilmer Johansson drove the first mass-produced Volvo car – the ÖV4 (Swedish abbreviation for Open Car, 4 cylinders) – through the factory gates in Lundby in Gothenburg, Sweden. At the helm of the young company – and staying with their hands on the tiller all the way to the mid-fifties – were the company’s two founders Assar Gabrielsson, President, and Gustaf Larson, Director of Engineering.

Almost exactly 90 years later to the day on April 12, 2017, some 400 Volvo S90L sedans left the factory gates in Daqing, Heilongjiang Province headed for the U.S.

And oh, Volvo Cars has a parent company called Geely and a chairman named Li Shufu.

The rest is history.

Happy 90th Birthday, Volvo Cars!

1927年4月14日上午10點, 初出茅廬, 蹣跚學步的富豪ÖV4開出了瑞典哥德堡希辛延島隆德比工廠的大門, 從此拉開了富豪品牌90年傳奇的大幕。 幾乎是整整90年後的2017年4月12日, 400餘量最新款的S90長軸距豪華車則開出了在大洋彼岸中國大慶工廠的大門裝車前往美國。 這期間, 雖然經歷了滄桑起伏、再塑輝煌, 富豪汽車卻依然秉承著其創始人古斯塔夫·拉爾森和亞瑟·格布林森建廠時的初衷。

時值90華誕, 富豪仍舊意氣風發, 在母公司吉利集團的協助下, 繼續傳奇之路。


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