
浙江龍泉青瓷5月31號日本開展 浙江先預展

中國網浪潮新聞訊 按照以往的習慣, 對外交流的展覽, 都是到了國外才掀起蓋頭、露出真容, 而就在4月21日下午, 日本·浙江文化年——浙江龍泉青瓷生活主題展的預展, 就把今年5月31日在日本開展的浙江龍泉青瓷給“劇透”了。

CNCAO NEWS According to the habits, the foreign exchange exhibitions will only set off the hijab and expose the true face abroad.However, on the afternoon of April 21st, Zhejiang Longquan celadon exhibition held in Japan on May 31st was spoiled by Japanese·Zhejiang Culture Year——the preview of Zhejiang Longquan celadon culture life theme exhibition

展覽中有近百件青瓷作品, 集中龍泉青瓷老中青三代近年來的優秀作品, 其中包括省內4位中國工藝美術大師徐朝興、夏侯文、毛正聰、張紹斌以及多位元浙江工藝美術大師的作品。 這次展覽將持續到5月5日, 地點在西湖文化廣場的程允賢雕塑館內。

There are hundreds of pieces of celadon works in exhibition, which concentrates the excellent Longquan celadon works of three generations in recent years.It includes works created by 4 arts and crafts masters:Xu Chaoxing,Xia Houwen,Mao Zhengcong,Zhang Shaobin as well as other various arts and crafts masters in Zhejiang. The exhibition will last until May 5th and the place is Cheng Yunxian sculpture museum in West Lake Cultural Square.

今年, 浙江省文化廳和東京中國文化中心合作, 舉辦以中國文化年為主題的系列文化活動, 包括浙江漫畫作品展、浙江浮水印版畫作品展等, 這次的龍泉青瓷生活主題展也屬於這個系列文化活動中的一項。

This year,Zhejiang Culture Department cooperates with Tokyo Chinese Cultural Center to hold a series of Chinese Culture Year themed activities,including Zhejiang comics exhibition, Zhejiang watermark prints Exhibition,etc. The Longquan celadon life theme exhibition is also one of the culture activities.

“這些對外文化交流的展品, 不但是工藝美術作品中的精品, 也是我們中國優秀傳統文化的瑰寶, 沒有理由不先讓市民欣賞。 ”浙江省文化館館長裘國樑告訴記者, 這次預展打破了之前在赴外展覽不在國內展覽的歷史, 是浙江省文化館今年的創新專案之一, 把這些名貴精緻的青瓷作品展現給普通百姓, 也體現了浙江文化藝術交流的資源分享,


“These foreign cultural exchange exhibits are not only the competitive products of arts and crafts works,but also the treasure of our excellent traditional culture.There is no reason not to let the public appreciate the exhibits.”Qiu Guoliang,the curator of Zhejiang cultural center said.He told the reporter that the preview broke the history of not exhibiting at home before going abroad.It is one of the Innovation projects this year.Exhibiting these precious and exquisite celadon works to ordinary people, reflects the resources sharing of Zhejiang cultural and artistic exchange ,and also show our cultural self-confidence.

裘國樑表示, 向廣大群眾提供精緻又免費的公共文化服務, 不但可以提高浙江的公共文化服務水準, 還可以更好地把浙江青瓷文化推廣到日本去, 加深在公共文化領域的國際合作與交流。

Qiu Guoliang said, providing the broad masses with exquisite and free public cultural services,could not only improve the level of public cultural services in Zhejiang, but also spread the Zhejiang celadon culture to Japan better to deepen the international cooperation and exchanges in the field of public culture.

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