

有多少位建築師和建築評論家就有多少個關於建築學的定義。 雖然有些人贊成將其視為藝術, 但其他人則將建築所承擔的重要社會責任視為其最明確的屬性。

一旦談及“建築學是什麼”, 就意味著大膽開啟了一個充滿爭議性的議題。 可是每當我們埋頭苦幹於重大專案或是思考為何選擇了這條職業道路時, 大部分人或多或少會捫心自問——“建築學究竟是什麼”。

很多時候, 從事建築設計有如苦行;然而有時, 它卻能給予人極大的滿足感。 也許, 最重要的是, 建築學本就具有較強的適應性及變化萬千的可能性。

這個語錄的合集揭示了瞬息萬變的建築學含義;不同場合下我們會賦予建築學以不同的定義, 可能是我們與同僚討論時, 或是調整措辭向外行解釋時。

注意:當今, 人們癡迷於僅憑寥寥數字便可勾人思緒, 可這種做法很容易使人脫離評論所處的時代背景。

但是這些評論同時又屬於一個更宏觀、微妙的話語體系下。 來源和(或)時代背景被每一個定義所包含。

1.“建築活動絕對是一種政治行為。 ” —— 彼得·艾森曼 《國土報》

"Architecture is definitely a political act." - Peter Eisenman in Haaretz

2.“建築設計不是困難的, 而是堅苦卓絕的。 ” —— 紮哈·哈迪德《衛報》

"Architecture is unnecessarily difficult. It's very tough." - Zaha Hadid in The Guardian

3.“建築活動, 顧名思義,

是指一個合作的過程。 ”—— 約書亞·拉姆斯

"Architecture is by definition a very collaborative process." - Joshua Prince-Ramusin Fast Company

4.“通過建築設計, 我們可以觀察, 思考並探究我們所處的世界及人類在其中的位置。 ”—— 湯姆·梅恩 普里茲克頒獎演說

"Architecture is a way of seeing, thinking and questioning our world and our place in it." - Thom Mayne in his Prtizker Prize Acceptance Speech

5.“建築學是藝術和科學的結晶, 它能夠真正地確保城市和建築物與我們想要的生活方式相適應:它是一個將社會理想呈現於真實世界的過程。 ” —— 比雅克·英格斯 (Bjarke Ingels) 來自 ArchDaily 採訪

"Architecture is the art and science of making sure that our cities and buildings actually fit with the way we want to live our lives: the process of manifesting our society into our physical world. - Bjarke Ingels in AD Interviews

6.“建築是誠實的:無論如何它就在那裡, 它要麼有效要麼失敗, 其中的分別顯而易見。 ”——雅克·赫爾佐格源自哥倫比亞大學的一場講座

"Architecture is merciless: it is what it is, it works or doesn’t, and you can clearly see the difference." - Jacques Herzog in a lecture at Columbia University

7.“建築活動永遠伴隨著權力與重大利益, 不論是經濟方面的還是政治方面的。 ” —— 伯納德·屈米 《紐約時報》

“Architecture is always related to power and related to large interests, whether financial or political." - Bernard Tschumi in The New York Times

8.“建築活動是複雜行為的典範—— Jeffrey Inaba

"Architecture is a good example of the complex dynamic of giving." - Jeffrey Inaba in World of Giving

9.“建築活動是十分繁雜的, 它並不適合獨行俠般的工作方式, 我崇尚團隊合作。 ” —— 理查·羅傑斯 《衛報》

"Architecture is too complex for just one person to do it, and I love collaboration." - Richard Rogers in The Guardian

10.“建築活動是人類所能想到的最有影響力的行為。 ” —— 本·凡·伯克爾和卡洛琳·博斯 (Ben vanBerkel and Caroline Bos)

"Architecture is the most powerful deed that a man can imagine." - Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos in Volume

11.“建築活動是表達歡愉的一種行為。 ”—— NicolaiOuroussoff 《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is an act of optimism." - Nicolai Ouroussoff in The LA Times

12.“建築活動即人類的造物行為。 ”—— 馬里奧·博塔

"Architecture is an artificial fact." - Mario Botta in Perspecta

13.“建築活動不乏浪漫主義者, 對於他們來說, 即便是建築環境內微小的改變也能激發出其對美好社會的強烈願望”——Mark Wigley 《表皮》雜誌

"Architecture is full of romantics who think that even relatively small changes to the built environment create the aspiration for a better society." - Mark Wigley in Surface Magazine

14.“建築活動本應服務於大眾, 然而現實發展已與初衷漸行漸遠。 ”—— Alexandra Lange

"Architecture is for us, the public, and it is going to get scuffed." - Alexandra Langein Design Observer

15.“進行建築活動是國家職能之所在。 ”—— 約翰·拉斯金

"Architecture is the work of nations..." John Ruskin in Stones of Venice

16.“建築總是關於理想與職責, 它是表達烏托邦思想的一種便利手段。 ”—— 羅蘭·巴特

"Architecture is always dream and function, expression of a utopia and instrument of a convenience." - Roland Barthes in "Semiology and Urbanism"

17.“建築活動是一種價值觀的體現——建造方式即為居住方式的直接反映。”—— 諾曼·福斯特

"Architecture is an expression of values – the way we build is a reflection of the way we live." - Norman Foster in The European

18.“建築設計是磨練身心的試煉場。” —— 密斯·凡·德·羅

"Architecture is the real battleground of the spirit." - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in "ID Merger Speech"


"Architecture is not a question of the purely theoretical if you're interested in building buildings. It's the art of what is possible." - Paul Rudolph in Chicago Architects Oral History Project


"Architecture is geometry." - Álvaro Siza in Imaginar a Evidência (Imagining Evidence)

21.“建築能夠改善生活條件:不論是環境的,還是社會的,有時甚至是政治的”—— Arjen Oosterman

"Architecture is about improving conditions: environmental, social and sometimes also political." - Arjen Oosterman in Volume

22.“建築不單是一種事物,也並非只是一種藝術形式……它必須能夠解決實際問題;它必須是有益於社會的。”——劉曉都 《建築的作用是什麼?對話劉曉都》ArchDaily 採訪

"Architecture is not just one thing. It is not just an art. … It has to deal with the real situation; it has to do something good for the society." - Xiaodu Liu in "What Can Architecture Do? An Interview with Xiaodu Liu" on ArchDaily

23.“建築設計不單指場地上的建築物:它更關乎於場地自身的重塑”—— Sean Lally

"Architecture is much more than the building of an object on a site: it is a reinvention of the site itself." - Sean Lally in The Air From Other Planets


"Architecture is a language: new designs should abide by grammatical rules to avoid dissonance with existing structures." - Prince Charles in The Architectural Review

25.“建築學如同一座未被開發的寶藏,如此多的宏偉篇章等待著人們去構想,去呈現,去建造。”——Matthew Hoffman

"Architecture is an untapped source of magnificent stories waiting to be imagined, visualized, and built." - Matthew Hoffman in "Blank Space Launches Architecture Storytelling Competition"

26.“通過設計建築環境以服務他人是建築設計的宗旨。”——Kevin J Singh

"Architecture is about serving others through the design of the built environment." - Kevin J Singh in "21 Rules for A Successful Life in Architecture"

27.“放之四海,建築設計都是一項十分複雜的工作。所有的推動力和專案進程恰巧同時發生是十分罕見的。”—— 雷姆·庫哈斯

"Architecture is a very complex effort everywhere. It’s very rare that all the forces that need to coincide to actually make a project proceed are happening at the same time." - Rem Koolhaas in Co.Design

28.“通過成為工藝的一種表達方式,建築旨在傳承為人們提供庇護和安全這一簡單訴求。”——Jay A. Pritzker 1985 年普里茲克頒獎演說

"Architecture is intended to transcend the simple need for shelter and security by becoming an expression of artistry." - Jay A. Pritzker in his 1985 Pritzker Ceremony Speech

29.“建築是唯一一種讓人自發的想要為之心醉神迷的藝術形式。你可以回避繪畫,你可以回避音樂,你甚至可以回避歷史。但無論如何,你都無法抵擋建築的魅力。”——Philippe Daverio

"Architecture is the only art that you can't help but feel. You can avoid paintings, you can avoid music, and you can even avoid history. But good luck getting away from architecture." - Philippe Daverio in Humans of New York

30.“建築就是文化凝練沉澱的那一刻。”—— 讓·努維爾 《新聞週刊》

"Architecture is the petrification of a cultural moment." - Jean Nouvel in Newsweek

31.“從事建築設計需要耐力和長壽這兩個要素:接受持久的教育,長期的訓練,投入大量的時間和生命。”——Catherine Slessor

"Architecture is characterised by endurance and longevity: a long education, long training, long hours and long lives." - Catherine Slessor in The Architectural Review

32.“建築學是對立事物的中和。”—— Juhani Pallasmaa

"Architecture is a muddle of irreconcilable things." - Juhani Pallasmaa in The Architectural Review

33.“從很多方面上講,建築可看作是一類非常具體的科幻作品。它自成一套邏輯方式。”—— Geoff Manaugh 《建築師》

"Architecture is, in many ways, a very specific type of science fiction; it is its own genre of speculative thought," - Geoff Manaugh in Architect

34.“建築設計基本上與龐大的世界人口無關,因為建築師們自己選擇了這條道路。”—— Bruce Mau 《建築師》

"Architecture is largely irrelevant to the great mass of the world's population because architects have chosen to be." - Bruce Mau in Architect

35.“建築學不再單指地平線上那些生殖崇拜般的封閉塔樓,更多的是關於那些與城市互動的公園及公共空間。”——Alissa Walker

"Architecture is becoming less about a single walled-off phallus on the horizon, and more about parks and public spaces which engage with the city." - Alissa Walker in Gizmodo

36.“通常來說,建築的設計過程勝於建築的建造過程。”—— Sam Jaco

"Architecture is most often a victory over the process of creating architecture." - Sam Jacob in Log

37.“建築學能夠推動對社會現狀的深刻批判。”—— Reinhold Martin

"Architecture is capable of mounting a profound critique of the status quo." -Reinhold Martin in Places

38.“建築是如此醒目且龐大的物體,它的存在必然會影響到所有人。”—— Gautam Bhatia

"Architecture is such a conspicuous immensely physical object in space its presence is bound to influence everyone.” - Gautam Bhatia in India International Centre Quarterly

39.“建築學不僅僅是關於建造,它更多的是一種提高人們生活品質的手段。”——Diébédo Francis Kéré

"Architecture is not just about building. It's a means of improving people's quality of life." - Diébédo Francis Kéré in Washington Post

40.“建築需要用身體去體驗——通過觀察和觸摸方才能更完全的理解建築。”—— Nicolai Ouroussoff

“Architecture is a physical experience — it needs to be seen and touched to be wholly understood.” - Nicolai Ouroussoff in Los Angeles Times

41.“建築是很深奧困難的一件事,我直到最近才意識到。它就像音樂,你可以享受,但-要瞭解它-又是另一回事了。”——Diana Agrest,全國公共廣播電臺教育欄目(NPR Ed)

"Architecture is really difficult. I realized that only very recently. It's like music. You can enjoy it but — to know it — it's a different story." - Diana Agrest in nprEd

42. “建築有能力吸收任何事物,所以也會消融在一切之中。”—— Ole Bouman

"Architecture is capable of absorbing anything, and hence tends to dissolve into everything." - Ole Bouman in Volume

43.“ 建築不只是科技和美學的結合物,更是一種展現生活方式的框架結構 - 而且,如果幸運的話,展現的是一種明智的生活方式。”—— Bernard Rudofsky

"Architecture is not just a matter of technology and aesthetics but the frame for a way of life – and, with luck, an intelligent way of life." - Bernard Rudofsky

44.“建築是一門可以擁有多元興趣的學科。你可以是一個哲學家,一個地理學家,一個科學家,一個藝術家,一個工程師;對於建 築,你可以充滿詩意。”——Toshiko Mori 《都市報》

"Architecture is a discipline where you can have multivalent interests. You could be a philosopher, a geographer, a scientist, an artist, an engineer; you can be poetic about it." - Toshiko Mori in Metropolis

45. “建築是為了更遠大更高的目標。”—— Stanley Tigerman《新聞週刊》

"Architecture is supposed to be about a higher purpose." - Stanley Tigermanin Newsweek

46. “建築是最大眾廣泛的藝術,而大眾又是最嚴苛的評論家。”—— Eric Parry《衛報》

"Architecture is the most public of the arts, and the public are severe critics." - Eric Parry in The Guardian

47.“建築是一個形式製造者,問題解決者,也是環境創造者,而國際博覽會正是它的實驗室。”——Ada Louise Huxtable《紐約時報》

"Architecture is a form­maker, problem‐solver and environment‐creator, and the international exposition is its laboratory." - Ada Louise Huxtable in New York Times

48.“建築是為了完善自然,而優秀的建築能使自然環境更加美麗 - 它能給予自然一股能量。”—— Claudio Silvestrin

"Architecture is supposed to complete nature. Great architecture makes nature more beautiful—it gives it power."- Claudio Silvestrin in Elle Decor


"Architecture is a small piece of this human equation, but for those of us who practice it, we believe in its potential to make a difference, to enlighten and to enrich the human experience, to penetrate the barriers of misunderstanding and provide a beautiful context for life's drama." - Frank Gehry in his 1989 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech

50.“建築不是一件私有事物;即使是一幢房子也必須為全家人以及親朋好友使用,而更多的建築物都是為所有人,為各界人士所使用。如果這幢建築物需要滿足大眾需求,那麼建築師必須要找到一些所有人能共同理解和經歷的基礎。”——John Portman,“建築師作為發展商(The Architect as Developer)”

"Architecture is not a private affair; even a house must serve a whole family and its friends, and most buildings are used by everybody, people of all walks of life. If a building is to meet the needs of all the people, the architect must look for some common ground of understanding and experience." - John Portman in "The Architect as Developer"

51.“建築是一門社會性藝術。作為一門社會性藝術,我們有社會責任確保我們所呈現出的建築設計不僅能滿足功用、創造舒適的空間,更需要能夠提供精神的愉悅。”—— Samuel Mockbee

“Architecture is a social art. And as a social art, it is our social responsibility to make sure that we are delivering architecture that meets not only functional and creature comforts, but also spiritual comfort.” - Samuel Mockbee

52.“建築十分重要,以至於不能僅留於人類自身。”——Sarah Wigglesworth,《Parlour》雜誌

"Architecture is too important to be left to men alone." - Sarah Wigglesworth in Parlour

53.“建築不只純粹是建築師與客戶之間的私自交易。它影響到所有人,所以它需要被所有人理解。”—— Blair Kamin

"Architecture is not a purely private transaction between architects and clients. It affects everyone, so it ought to be understandable to everyone. - Blair Kamin

54.“ 建築是至關重要而持久存在的,因為它容納了我們;它展現出了物理空間,我們穿梭出入和得以使用的空間。”——理查•邁耶,1984年普里茲克建築獎頒獎典禮演說

"Architecture is vital and enduring because it contains us; it describes space, space we move through, exit in and use." - Richard Meier in his 1984 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech

55.“建築,相較於材料來說,更重要的是理念。”—— 馬清運,《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is more about ideas than materials." - Qingyun Ma in Los Angeles Times

56.“建築不只是為了像博物館一樣的明星作品而存在。它也是為了那些明星作品周圍的窮街陋巷。”——Juan Ramon Adsuara,全國公共廣播電臺(NPR)

"Architecture is not just for big star projects like museums. It's for the slums around them, too." - Juan Ramon Adsuara in npr

57.“建築羞于現實。”——Wouter Vanstiphout,

"Architecture is bashful about reality." - Wouter Vanstiphout in Archis

58.“建築只是一個背景,建築之美在於它能將人們聚集在一起並創造出公共意向。”——Ben Van Berkel,ArchDaily 訪談

"Architecture is just background. The beauty of architecture is that it brings people together and can create public constructs." - Ben Van Berkel in AD Interviews

59.“建築代表了希望,代表了改變 - 它讓生活變得更為精彩。”——Lars Lerup,《Architect》報刊

"Architecture is about hope, about change—it makes life more exciting." - Lars Lerupin Architect

60.“建築在那些偉人所瞭解的範圍外被祝福和詛咒:三度可感知的空間,四分之一的可穿越性,以及,不可言說地,五分之一的實用性,七分之一的意外驚喜,和十一分之一的災難可能性。”——Philip Nobel,《都市報》

"Architecture is blessed and cursed with more dimensions than its greats know what to do with: the three of sensible space, the celebrated fourth of travel through it; and others, ineffable, beyond—the fifth of utility, say, the seventh of happy accident, the ominous eleventh." - Philip Nobel in Metropolis

61.“建築是一個需要小心保守的秘密。”—— Jean Nouvel, 《赫芬頓郵報》

"Architecture is a mystery that must be preserved." - Jean Nouvel in Huffington Post

62.“建築與社會的願景一樣偉大。”—— Lisa Rochon,《環球郵報》

"Architecture is only as great as the aspirations of its society." - Lisa Rochon in Globe and Mail

63.“建築就如同道林·格雷的畫像(來自愛爾蘭作家奧斯卡·王爾德的小說):表面上它十分美麗,然而在看不到的地方,只有真正枯萎和腐爛的靈魂。”——Lance Hosey,《Architect》報刊

"Architecture is like the picture of Dorian Gray: It can look beautiful in public, while somewhere out of sight its true soul withers and rots." - Lance Hosey in Architect

64.“建築是關於理性的嗎?”——Alfred Caldwell,《芝加哥論壇報》

"Architecture is about reason-right?" - Alfred Caldwell in Chicago Tribune

65.“建築是一門樂觀主義的職業。”——Johanna Hurme,《Spacing》雜誌

"Architecture is a profession of optimism." - Johanna Hurme in spacing

66.“建築在於對於光的控制:既是照明光也是自然光。”——Tom Kundig,《建築實錄》雜誌

"Architecture is about the manipulation of light: both artificial light and day lighting."- Tom Kundig in Architectural Record

67. “建築在很多情形下背負了太多重量。”—— Patricia Patkau,《環球郵報》

“Architecture is expected to carry too much weight in many cases.” - Patricia Patkauin Globe and Mail

68.“建築不是一個目標。建築是為了生活,為了幸福,為了工作,為了人類。就如同一個畫框,而不是畫作本身。”——William Wurster

“Architecture is not a goal. Architecture is for life and pleasure and work and for people. The picture frame, not the picture.” - William Wurster

69.“建築是在社會文化中最為明顯的一朵鮮花。”——Alan Balfour,《藝術報》

"Architecture is the most obvious flower of a society's culture." - Alan Balfour in Art Papers

70.“建築不只是在街上作出宣示。它是為生活而創造良好環境。”——Dion Neutra,《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is more than making a statement from the street. It's making an environment for living.” - Dion Neutra in Los Angeles Times

71.“建築是一段翻譯過程。”——Fernando Romero,《都市報》

“Architecture is a translation process.” - Fernando Romero in Metropolis

72.“建築是一項頗為精細又分神的任務。”——Nicholas Grimshaw,《衛報》

"Architecture is quite a narrow, obsessive business." - Nicholas Grimshaw in The Guardian

73.“建築令人困惑的一點是,它對於傳達愉悅感的能力是不一致的,而我們關注點又建立在這種情感之上。”——Alan de Botton,文“建築之悅”

"Architecture is perplexing in how inconsistent is its capacity to generate the happiness on which its claim to our attention is founded." - Alain de Botton in The Architecture of Happiness

74.“建築是一種都市芭蕾。”—— Aaron Betsky,《紐約時報》

"Architecture is a kind of urban ballet." - Aaron Betsky in New York Times

75.“建築是由勝利者書寫的一段風韻歷史。”——Herbert Muschamp,《紐約時報》

"Architecture is a history of style written by the victors." - Herbert Muschamp in New York Times

76.“建築是由對於現實和物質本質的信念所推動:是那些具體如材料,形式,排列,實質,細節的物質特質而不是其他。”—— Kester Rattenbury,《這不是建築:媒體通訊的建設》

"Architecture is driven by belief in the nature of the real and the physical: the specific qualities of one thing - its material, form, arrangement, substance, detail - over another." - Kester Rattenbury in This is Not Architecture: Media Constructions

77.“建築不一定是房屋的同義詞。”——Francisco "Patxi" Mangado

"Architecture is not always synonymous with building." - Francisco "Patxi" Mangado

78.“建築是複雜的,也正像其他複雜的事物一樣,它從一開始就傾向於像熵一樣逐漸變得無序。”——Guy Horton,《都市報》

"Architecture is complicated and like other complicated things it is prone to entropy from the outset." - Guy Horton in Metropolis


"Architecture is where imagination meets life." - Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa in their 2010 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech

80.“建築是一段神奇的自我旅程。你能做出成就,你能建造房屋,你能欣賞它們。這就是我享受生活而不感到難受的原因。”—— Stanley Tigerman,《芝加哥論壇報》

"Architecture is an incredible ego trip. You get things done, you build them, you look at them. That's why I enjoy life and don't have an ulcer. - Stanley Tigerman in the Chicago Tribune

81. “建築是一個奇怪的領域,我們不斷被要求去一遍又一遍地展示設計何以是要緊的。這

令人精疲力盡。” ——Amale Andraos 《都市報》

"Architecture is a strange field where we’re constantly asked to demonstrate over and over why design matters, to everyone, all the time. It’s exhausting." - Amale Andraosin Metropolis

82. “建築是關於穩定性的缺乏以及如何去回應它;是關於虛空(void)以及如何去穿越它;是關於不可居住以及如何居住於其中。”—— Geoff Manaugh 《衛報》

"Architecture is about the lack of stability and how to address it. Architecture is about the void and how to cross it. Architecture is about inhospitability and how to live within it." - Geoff Manaugh in The Guardian

83. “建築同時是一門藝術和實踐追求。這項專業又總是被分為那些強調藝術、純粹設計的,和那些以務實為先的。”—— Paul Goldberger 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is both an art and a practical pursuit, and the profession has always been divided between those who emphasize the art, that is pure design, and those who give priority to the practical." - Paul Goldberger in New York Times

84. 建築是一個文明永久性的反映之一。——Charlie Rose

Architecture is one of the reflections of the permanence of a civilization. - Charlie Rose

85. 建築不是適合那些內心孱弱、意志不堅或短壽促命的人的職業。——Martin Filler 《紐約書評》

Architecture is not a profession for the faint-hearted, the weak-willed, or the short-lived. - Martin Filler in The New York Review of Books

86. “建築是一份十分危險的工作。如果一個作家寫了一本糟糕的書,呃,人們可以不去讀它。但如果你造了一棟糟糕的建築,你將在一處地方留下一百年的醜陋身影。” ——Renzo Piano 《時代》雜誌

"Architecture is a very dangerous job. If a writer makes a bad book, eh, people don't read it. But if you make bad architecture, you impose ugliness on a place for a hundred years." - Renzo Piano in Time


"Architecture is the pathology of the contemporary era." - Forensic Architecture

88. “建築是一門直接參與塑造外殼、建造或推翻障礙,或更明確地說,延伸或限制“自由”的學科。”——E. Sean Bailey 和 Erandi de Silva 發表於《BI》創刊號《自由:無拘無束的建築》

"Architecture is a discipline directly engaged with shaping enclosure, of erecting and toppling barriers or—more explicitly—of extending and limiting ‘freedoms’." - E. Sean Bailey & Erandi de Silva in "BI's First Print Edition Released - FREE: Architecture on the Loose"

89. “建築是有趣的,但它自身毫無意義。”—— Massimiliano Fuksas 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is interesting, but by itself it means nothing." - Massimiliano Fuksas in New York Times

90. “建築是一門藝術,但我們很少像關注戲劇、書籍和繪畫那樣關注建築。”—— Witold Rybczynski 《都市報》

"Architecture is an art, yet we rarely concentrate our attention on buildings as we do on plays, books, and paintings." - Witold Rybczynski in Metropolis

91. “建築涉及監控系統並與之同步。” ——Eric Howeler 《體塊》

"Architecture is aligned with and implicated in the systems of surveillance and control." - Eric Howeler in Volume

92. “建築有百分之九十是生意,百分之十是藝術。” ——Albert Kahn

"Architecture is 90 per cent business and 10 per cent art." - Albert Kahn

93. “建築可能是最理論化、深思熟慮和痛苦自省的一門藝術。” ——Paul Gapp 《芝加哥論壇報》

"Architecture is probably the subject of more theorizing, navel-gazing and introspective agonizing than any of the other arts." - Paul Gapp in the Chicago Tribune

94. “建築即發明。” —— Oscar Niemeyer 《新聞週刊》

"Architecture is invention."- Oscar Niemeyer in Newsweek

95. “建築總是與政治相關。” ——Richard Rogers 《金融時報》

"Architecture is always political." - Richard Rogers in Financial Times

96.“建築是一個思維框架,它關乎想法;而這個職業關乎將那些想法轉化為現實。”——Christopher Janney《建築實錄》

"Architecture is a frame of mind, it’s about ideas; the profession is about how to translate those ideas into the real world." - Christopher Janney in Architectural Record

97. “建築是居住於其中的人們之間互動的積極參與者。” —— Jonathan C. Molly 發表於 ArchDaily

"Architecture is an active participant in the interactions of people within it." - Jonathan C. Molloy in ArchDaily

98. “建築不僅在自己的領域中發展,它同時持續吸收著其他領域的成果。”——Maya Engeli 《體塊》雜誌

"Architecture is not only developing in its own realm, it is constantly assimilating achievements from other fields. - Maya Engeli in Volume

99. “建築首先同時最重要的,是為人和社會服務。建築師的責任是:設計滿足實用目的的建築,團結人們並將我們和自然聯繫起來,同時保存珍稀的資源。” —— Steven Ehrlich 《都市報》

"Architecture is first and foremost about serving people and society. This is an architect’s responsibility: to design buildings that fulfill their practical purpose, bring people together, and connect us to the natural world while preserving precious resources." - Steven Ehrlich in Metropolis

100. “建築是關於在宇宙中建造一個地方,而不是模仿一個廢棄破舊的現實。” ——Stefanos Polyzoides《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is about building a place in the universe, not about mimicking a depleted, decrepit reality." - Stefanos Polyzoides in The LA Times

101. “建築是一個公共商品,因此需要公眾的審查。”——Reed Kroloff

"Architecture is a public commodity, and as such invites public scrutiny." - Reed Kroloff in Architecture*

102. “建築不在於創造新,而在於滿足需求和期望。” —— André Tavares 《福布斯》

“Architecture is not about the creation of newness but rather about the fulfillment of needs and expectations." - André Tavares in Forbes

103. “建築和宣傳品牌的廣告是一樣的。” —— Patrizio Bertelli 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is the same as advertising for communicating the brand." - Patrizio Bertelli in The New York Times

104. “建築不只滿足特定的需要,還同時刺激生活的演變。” ——Bjarke Ingels 《協同設計》

"Architecture is not just about accommodating very prescriptive demands—it’s doing it in a way that stimulates the unfolding of life. - Bjarke Ingels in Co.Design

105.“建築暴露在生活中。如果它足夠敏感,就可以具有見證過去的品質。” —— Peter Zumthor 《思考建築》

"Architecture is exposed to life. If its body is sensitive enough, it can assume a quality that bears witness to past life." - Peter Zumthor in Thinking Architecture

106. “建築是靈活可調節的。”—— Krzysztof Wodiczko 《聖路易斯郵報》

"Architecture is flexible.” - Krzysztof Wodiczko in St. Louis Post - Dispatch*

107.“建築是科學與虛構的結合。”——Winy Maas 《Domus》

"Architecture is a combination of science and fiction." - Winy Maas in Domus

108. “建築是我們最常見、最親近的藝術,但正因為它是功能性的,並且為生活所需,所以要辨清建築中的“藝術”從何處開始是困難的 。”——Jonathan Jones 《衛報》

"Architecture is the art we all encounter most often, most intimately, yet precisely because it is functional and necessary to life, it's hard to be clear about where the "art" in a building begins." - Jonathan Jones in The Guardian

109. “建築不是依靠靈感的生意,它是一個理性的程式,用於從事合理且有望是美麗的事情;就是這樣。”——Harry Seidler 《悉尼晨報》

"Architecture is not an inspirational business, it's a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that's all." Harry Seidler in the Sydney Morning Herald

110. “建築被政治領袖用來號召、感染和震懾。” —— Deyan Sudjic 《華盛頓郵報》

"Architecture is used by political leaders to seduce, to impress, and to intimidate.” - Deyan Sudjic in The Washington Post

111. “建築是一個重新考慮研究的範例。” —— B.D. Wortham 《建築教育期刊》

"Architecture is a paradigm for reconsidering research.” B.D. Wortham in Journal of Architectural Education*

112. “建築是關於賦予人們所居之地以形式。它不比這複雜,也不比這簡單。” ——Alejandro Aravena 發表於2016普里茲克獎獲獎感言

"Architecture is about giving form to the places where people live. It is not more complicated than that but also not simpler than that. - Alejandro Aravena in his 2016 Pritzker Prize acceptance speech

113. “建築大致是諸如電影、時尚和產品設計的可憐親戚。即使它在經濟上更為重要,卻由於某些原因沒有得到相應的重視。“ ——Tamsie Thomson 《建築師期刊》

"Architecture is generally a poor relative to things like film, fashion and product design. Even though it is economically more important, for some reason it is not getting the recognition." - Tamsie Thomson in The Architects' Journal

114.”建築是一個複雜而明確的過程,如果你失去這個過程而只保留形式,那就丟了建築實踐的核心。”——André Tavares 《牆紙》

"Architecture is a complex and articulated process but if you lose the process and only keep the form you lose the core of architectural practice." - André Tavaresin Wallpaper*

116. “建築是一門實踐的詩學。”——Bjarke Ingels 發表于紐約客文化節

"Architecture is practical poetry." - Bjarke Ingels at the New Yorker Festival

117.“建築是不可避免的協商的總和。” —— Felipe Mesa《Domus》

"Architecture is the sum of inevitable negotiations." - Felipe Mesa in Domus

118. “建築不只是房屋;這些建造物能啟發驅使人們去做偉大的事。”——Fisk Johnson 發表於2017芝加哥建築雙年展

"Architecture is more than just buildings; these structures can inspire and motivate people to do great things." Fisk Johnson for the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial

119. “建築是那些永遠不缺意見的學科之一。” ——Guy Horton 發表於《都市報》

"Architecture is one of those disciplines that has no shortage of voices." - Guy Horton in Metropolis

120.“建築永遠是對空間、城市、景觀的暫時改變。我們自認為它是永恆的,但誰也說不準。” ——Jean Nouvel 《紐約時報》

“Architecture is always a temporary modification of the space, of the city, of the landscape. We think that it’s permanent. But we never know.” - Jean Nouvel in The New York Times

121.“建築如同生活,都是關於權衡。” ——Paul Goldberger 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is like life: a matter of trade-offs." - Paul Goldberger in The New York Times


”—— 羅蘭·巴特

"Architecture is always dream and function, expression of a utopia and instrument of a convenience." - Roland Barthes in "Semiology and Urbanism"

17.“建築活動是一種價值觀的體現——建造方式即為居住方式的直接反映。”—— 諾曼·福斯特

"Architecture is an expression of values – the way we build is a reflection of the way we live." - Norman Foster in The European

18.“建築設計是磨練身心的試煉場。” —— 密斯·凡·德·羅

"Architecture is the real battleground of the spirit." - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in "ID Merger Speech"


"Architecture is not a question of the purely theoretical if you're interested in building buildings. It's the art of what is possible." - Paul Rudolph in Chicago Architects Oral History Project


"Architecture is geometry." - Álvaro Siza in Imaginar a Evidência (Imagining Evidence)

21.“建築能夠改善生活條件:不論是環境的,還是社會的,有時甚至是政治的”—— Arjen Oosterman

"Architecture is about improving conditions: environmental, social and sometimes also political." - Arjen Oosterman in Volume

22.“建築不單是一種事物,也並非只是一種藝術形式……它必須能夠解決實際問題;它必須是有益於社會的。”——劉曉都 《建築的作用是什麼?對話劉曉都》ArchDaily 採訪

"Architecture is not just one thing. It is not just an art. … It has to deal with the real situation; it has to do something good for the society." - Xiaodu Liu in "What Can Architecture Do? An Interview with Xiaodu Liu" on ArchDaily

23.“建築設計不單指場地上的建築物:它更關乎於場地自身的重塑”—— Sean Lally

"Architecture is much more than the building of an object on a site: it is a reinvention of the site itself." - Sean Lally in The Air From Other Planets


"Architecture is a language: new designs should abide by grammatical rules to avoid dissonance with existing structures." - Prince Charles in The Architectural Review

25.“建築學如同一座未被開發的寶藏,如此多的宏偉篇章等待著人們去構想,去呈現,去建造。”——Matthew Hoffman

"Architecture is an untapped source of magnificent stories waiting to be imagined, visualized, and built." - Matthew Hoffman in "Blank Space Launches Architecture Storytelling Competition"

26.“通過設計建築環境以服務他人是建築設計的宗旨。”——Kevin J Singh

"Architecture is about serving others through the design of the built environment." - Kevin J Singh in "21 Rules for A Successful Life in Architecture"

27.“放之四海,建築設計都是一項十分複雜的工作。所有的推動力和專案進程恰巧同時發生是十分罕見的。”—— 雷姆·庫哈斯

"Architecture is a very complex effort everywhere. It’s very rare that all the forces that need to coincide to actually make a project proceed are happening at the same time." - Rem Koolhaas in Co.Design

28.“通過成為工藝的一種表達方式,建築旨在傳承為人們提供庇護和安全這一簡單訴求。”——Jay A. Pritzker 1985 年普里茲克頒獎演說

"Architecture is intended to transcend the simple need for shelter and security by becoming an expression of artistry." - Jay A. Pritzker in his 1985 Pritzker Ceremony Speech

29.“建築是唯一一種讓人自發的想要為之心醉神迷的藝術形式。你可以回避繪畫,你可以回避音樂,你甚至可以回避歷史。但無論如何,你都無法抵擋建築的魅力。”——Philippe Daverio

"Architecture is the only art that you can't help but feel. You can avoid paintings, you can avoid music, and you can even avoid history. But good luck getting away from architecture." - Philippe Daverio in Humans of New York

30.“建築就是文化凝練沉澱的那一刻。”—— 讓·努維爾 《新聞週刊》

"Architecture is the petrification of a cultural moment." - Jean Nouvel in Newsweek

31.“從事建築設計需要耐力和長壽這兩個要素:接受持久的教育,長期的訓練,投入大量的時間和生命。”——Catherine Slessor

"Architecture is characterised by endurance and longevity: a long education, long training, long hours and long lives." - Catherine Slessor in The Architectural Review

32.“建築學是對立事物的中和。”—— Juhani Pallasmaa

"Architecture is a muddle of irreconcilable things." - Juhani Pallasmaa in The Architectural Review

33.“從很多方面上講,建築可看作是一類非常具體的科幻作品。它自成一套邏輯方式。”—— Geoff Manaugh 《建築師》

"Architecture is, in many ways, a very specific type of science fiction; it is its own genre of speculative thought," - Geoff Manaugh in Architect

34.“建築設計基本上與龐大的世界人口無關,因為建築師們自己選擇了這條道路。”—— Bruce Mau 《建築師》

"Architecture is largely irrelevant to the great mass of the world's population because architects have chosen to be." - Bruce Mau in Architect

35.“建築學不再單指地平線上那些生殖崇拜般的封閉塔樓,更多的是關於那些與城市互動的公園及公共空間。”——Alissa Walker

"Architecture is becoming less about a single walled-off phallus on the horizon, and more about parks and public spaces which engage with the city." - Alissa Walker in Gizmodo

36.“通常來說,建築的設計過程勝於建築的建造過程。”—— Sam Jaco

"Architecture is most often a victory over the process of creating architecture." - Sam Jacob in Log

37.“建築學能夠推動對社會現狀的深刻批判。”—— Reinhold Martin

"Architecture is capable of mounting a profound critique of the status quo." -Reinhold Martin in Places

38.“建築是如此醒目且龐大的物體,它的存在必然會影響到所有人。”—— Gautam Bhatia

"Architecture is such a conspicuous immensely physical object in space its presence is bound to influence everyone.” - Gautam Bhatia in India International Centre Quarterly

39.“建築學不僅僅是關於建造,它更多的是一種提高人們生活品質的手段。”——Diébédo Francis Kéré

"Architecture is not just about building. It's a means of improving people's quality of life." - Diébédo Francis Kéré in Washington Post

40.“建築需要用身體去體驗——通過觀察和觸摸方才能更完全的理解建築。”—— Nicolai Ouroussoff

“Architecture is a physical experience — it needs to be seen and touched to be wholly understood.” - Nicolai Ouroussoff in Los Angeles Times

41.“建築是很深奧困難的一件事,我直到最近才意識到。它就像音樂,你可以享受,但-要瞭解它-又是另一回事了。”——Diana Agrest,全國公共廣播電臺教育欄目(NPR Ed)

"Architecture is really difficult. I realized that only very recently. It's like music. You can enjoy it but — to know it — it's a different story." - Diana Agrest in nprEd

42. “建築有能力吸收任何事物,所以也會消融在一切之中。”—— Ole Bouman

"Architecture is capable of absorbing anything, and hence tends to dissolve into everything." - Ole Bouman in Volume

43.“ 建築不只是科技和美學的結合物,更是一種展現生活方式的框架結構 - 而且,如果幸運的話,展現的是一種明智的生活方式。”—— Bernard Rudofsky

"Architecture is not just a matter of technology and aesthetics but the frame for a way of life – and, with luck, an intelligent way of life." - Bernard Rudofsky

44.“建築是一門可以擁有多元興趣的學科。你可以是一個哲學家,一個地理學家,一個科學家,一個藝術家,一個工程師;對於建 築,你可以充滿詩意。”——Toshiko Mori 《都市報》

"Architecture is a discipline where you can have multivalent interests. You could be a philosopher, a geographer, a scientist, an artist, an engineer; you can be poetic about it." - Toshiko Mori in Metropolis

45. “建築是為了更遠大更高的目標。”—— Stanley Tigerman《新聞週刊》

"Architecture is supposed to be about a higher purpose." - Stanley Tigermanin Newsweek

46. “建築是最大眾廣泛的藝術,而大眾又是最嚴苛的評論家。”—— Eric Parry《衛報》

"Architecture is the most public of the arts, and the public are severe critics." - Eric Parry in The Guardian

47.“建築是一個形式製造者,問題解決者,也是環境創造者,而國際博覽會正是它的實驗室。”——Ada Louise Huxtable《紐約時報》

"Architecture is a form­maker, problem‐solver and environment‐creator, and the international exposition is its laboratory." - Ada Louise Huxtable in New York Times

48.“建築是為了完善自然,而優秀的建築能使自然環境更加美麗 - 它能給予自然一股能量。”—— Claudio Silvestrin

"Architecture is supposed to complete nature. Great architecture makes nature more beautiful—it gives it power."- Claudio Silvestrin in Elle Decor


"Architecture is a small piece of this human equation, but for those of us who practice it, we believe in its potential to make a difference, to enlighten and to enrich the human experience, to penetrate the barriers of misunderstanding and provide a beautiful context for life's drama." - Frank Gehry in his 1989 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech

50.“建築不是一件私有事物;即使是一幢房子也必須為全家人以及親朋好友使用,而更多的建築物都是為所有人,為各界人士所使用。如果這幢建築物需要滿足大眾需求,那麼建築師必須要找到一些所有人能共同理解和經歷的基礎。”——John Portman,“建築師作為發展商(The Architect as Developer)”

"Architecture is not a private affair; even a house must serve a whole family and its friends, and most buildings are used by everybody, people of all walks of life. If a building is to meet the needs of all the people, the architect must look for some common ground of understanding and experience." - John Portman in "The Architect as Developer"

51.“建築是一門社會性藝術。作為一門社會性藝術,我們有社會責任確保我們所呈現出的建築設計不僅能滿足功用、創造舒適的空間,更需要能夠提供精神的愉悅。”—— Samuel Mockbee

“Architecture is a social art. And as a social art, it is our social responsibility to make sure that we are delivering architecture that meets not only functional and creature comforts, but also spiritual comfort.” - Samuel Mockbee

52.“建築十分重要,以至於不能僅留於人類自身。”——Sarah Wigglesworth,《Parlour》雜誌

"Architecture is too important to be left to men alone." - Sarah Wigglesworth in Parlour

53.“建築不只純粹是建築師與客戶之間的私自交易。它影響到所有人,所以它需要被所有人理解。”—— Blair Kamin

"Architecture is not a purely private transaction between architects and clients. It affects everyone, so it ought to be understandable to everyone. - Blair Kamin

54.“ 建築是至關重要而持久存在的,因為它容納了我們;它展現出了物理空間,我們穿梭出入和得以使用的空間。”——理查•邁耶,1984年普里茲克建築獎頒獎典禮演說

"Architecture is vital and enduring because it contains us; it describes space, space we move through, exit in and use." - Richard Meier in his 1984 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech

55.“建築,相較於材料來說,更重要的是理念。”—— 馬清運,《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is more about ideas than materials." - Qingyun Ma in Los Angeles Times

56.“建築不只是為了像博物館一樣的明星作品而存在。它也是為了那些明星作品周圍的窮街陋巷。”——Juan Ramon Adsuara,全國公共廣播電臺(NPR)

"Architecture is not just for big star projects like museums. It's for the slums around them, too." - Juan Ramon Adsuara in npr

57.“建築羞于現實。”——Wouter Vanstiphout,

"Architecture is bashful about reality." - Wouter Vanstiphout in Archis

58.“建築只是一個背景,建築之美在於它能將人們聚集在一起並創造出公共意向。”——Ben Van Berkel,ArchDaily 訪談

"Architecture is just background. The beauty of architecture is that it brings people together and can create public constructs." - Ben Van Berkel in AD Interviews

59.“建築代表了希望,代表了改變 - 它讓生活變得更為精彩。”——Lars Lerup,《Architect》報刊

"Architecture is about hope, about change—it makes life more exciting." - Lars Lerupin Architect

60.“建築在那些偉人所瞭解的範圍外被祝福和詛咒:三度可感知的空間,四分之一的可穿越性,以及,不可言說地,五分之一的實用性,七分之一的意外驚喜,和十一分之一的災難可能性。”——Philip Nobel,《都市報》

"Architecture is blessed and cursed with more dimensions than its greats know what to do with: the three of sensible space, the celebrated fourth of travel through it; and others, ineffable, beyond—the fifth of utility, say, the seventh of happy accident, the ominous eleventh." - Philip Nobel in Metropolis

61.“建築是一個需要小心保守的秘密。”—— Jean Nouvel, 《赫芬頓郵報》

"Architecture is a mystery that must be preserved." - Jean Nouvel in Huffington Post

62.“建築與社會的願景一樣偉大。”—— Lisa Rochon,《環球郵報》

"Architecture is only as great as the aspirations of its society." - Lisa Rochon in Globe and Mail

63.“建築就如同道林·格雷的畫像(來自愛爾蘭作家奧斯卡·王爾德的小說):表面上它十分美麗,然而在看不到的地方,只有真正枯萎和腐爛的靈魂。”——Lance Hosey,《Architect》報刊

"Architecture is like the picture of Dorian Gray: It can look beautiful in public, while somewhere out of sight its true soul withers and rots." - Lance Hosey in Architect

64.“建築是關於理性的嗎?”——Alfred Caldwell,《芝加哥論壇報》

"Architecture is about reason-right?" - Alfred Caldwell in Chicago Tribune

65.“建築是一門樂觀主義的職業。”——Johanna Hurme,《Spacing》雜誌

"Architecture is a profession of optimism." - Johanna Hurme in spacing

66.“建築在於對於光的控制:既是照明光也是自然光。”——Tom Kundig,《建築實錄》雜誌

"Architecture is about the manipulation of light: both artificial light and day lighting."- Tom Kundig in Architectural Record

67. “建築在很多情形下背負了太多重量。”—— Patricia Patkau,《環球郵報》

“Architecture is expected to carry too much weight in many cases.” - Patricia Patkauin Globe and Mail

68.“建築不是一個目標。建築是為了生活,為了幸福,為了工作,為了人類。就如同一個畫框,而不是畫作本身。”——William Wurster

“Architecture is not a goal. Architecture is for life and pleasure and work and for people. The picture frame, not the picture.” - William Wurster

69.“建築是在社會文化中最為明顯的一朵鮮花。”——Alan Balfour,《藝術報》

"Architecture is the most obvious flower of a society's culture." - Alan Balfour in Art Papers

70.“建築不只是在街上作出宣示。它是為生活而創造良好環境。”——Dion Neutra,《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is more than making a statement from the street. It's making an environment for living.” - Dion Neutra in Los Angeles Times

71.“建築是一段翻譯過程。”——Fernando Romero,《都市報》

“Architecture is a translation process.” - Fernando Romero in Metropolis

72.“建築是一項頗為精細又分神的任務。”——Nicholas Grimshaw,《衛報》

"Architecture is quite a narrow, obsessive business." - Nicholas Grimshaw in The Guardian

73.“建築令人困惑的一點是,它對於傳達愉悅感的能力是不一致的,而我們關注點又建立在這種情感之上。”——Alan de Botton,文“建築之悅”

"Architecture is perplexing in how inconsistent is its capacity to generate the happiness on which its claim to our attention is founded." - Alain de Botton in The Architecture of Happiness

74.“建築是一種都市芭蕾。”—— Aaron Betsky,《紐約時報》

"Architecture is a kind of urban ballet." - Aaron Betsky in New York Times

75.“建築是由勝利者書寫的一段風韻歷史。”——Herbert Muschamp,《紐約時報》

"Architecture is a history of style written by the victors." - Herbert Muschamp in New York Times

76.“建築是由對於現實和物質本質的信念所推動:是那些具體如材料,形式,排列,實質,細節的物質特質而不是其他。”—— Kester Rattenbury,《這不是建築:媒體通訊的建設》

"Architecture is driven by belief in the nature of the real and the physical: the specific qualities of one thing - its material, form, arrangement, substance, detail - over another." - Kester Rattenbury in This is Not Architecture: Media Constructions

77.“建築不一定是房屋的同義詞。”——Francisco "Patxi" Mangado

"Architecture is not always synonymous with building." - Francisco "Patxi" Mangado

78.“建築是複雜的,也正像其他複雜的事物一樣,它從一開始就傾向於像熵一樣逐漸變得無序。”——Guy Horton,《都市報》

"Architecture is complicated and like other complicated things it is prone to entropy from the outset." - Guy Horton in Metropolis


"Architecture is where imagination meets life." - Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa in their 2010 Pritzker Prize Ceremony Speech

80.“建築是一段神奇的自我旅程。你能做出成就,你能建造房屋,你能欣賞它們。這就是我享受生活而不感到難受的原因。”—— Stanley Tigerman,《芝加哥論壇報》

"Architecture is an incredible ego trip. You get things done, you build them, you look at them. That's why I enjoy life and don't have an ulcer. - Stanley Tigerman in the Chicago Tribune

81. “建築是一個奇怪的領域,我們不斷被要求去一遍又一遍地展示設計何以是要緊的。這

令人精疲力盡。” ——Amale Andraos 《都市報》

"Architecture is a strange field where we’re constantly asked to demonstrate over and over why design matters, to everyone, all the time. It’s exhausting." - Amale Andraosin Metropolis

82. “建築是關於穩定性的缺乏以及如何去回應它;是關於虛空(void)以及如何去穿越它;是關於不可居住以及如何居住於其中。”—— Geoff Manaugh 《衛報》

"Architecture is about the lack of stability and how to address it. Architecture is about the void and how to cross it. Architecture is about inhospitability and how to live within it." - Geoff Manaugh in The Guardian

83. “建築同時是一門藝術和實踐追求。這項專業又總是被分為那些強調藝術、純粹設計的,和那些以務實為先的。”—— Paul Goldberger 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is both an art and a practical pursuit, and the profession has always been divided between those who emphasize the art, that is pure design, and those who give priority to the practical." - Paul Goldberger in New York Times

84. 建築是一個文明永久性的反映之一。——Charlie Rose

Architecture is one of the reflections of the permanence of a civilization. - Charlie Rose

85. 建築不是適合那些內心孱弱、意志不堅或短壽促命的人的職業。——Martin Filler 《紐約書評》

Architecture is not a profession for the faint-hearted, the weak-willed, or the short-lived. - Martin Filler in The New York Review of Books

86. “建築是一份十分危險的工作。如果一個作家寫了一本糟糕的書,呃,人們可以不去讀它。但如果你造了一棟糟糕的建築,你將在一處地方留下一百年的醜陋身影。” ——Renzo Piano 《時代》雜誌

"Architecture is a very dangerous job. If a writer makes a bad book, eh, people don't read it. But if you make bad architecture, you impose ugliness on a place for a hundred years." - Renzo Piano in Time


"Architecture is the pathology of the contemporary era." - Forensic Architecture

88. “建築是一門直接參與塑造外殼、建造或推翻障礙,或更明確地說,延伸或限制“自由”的學科。”——E. Sean Bailey 和 Erandi de Silva 發表於《BI》創刊號《自由:無拘無束的建築》

"Architecture is a discipline directly engaged with shaping enclosure, of erecting and toppling barriers or—more explicitly—of extending and limiting ‘freedoms’." - E. Sean Bailey & Erandi de Silva in "BI's First Print Edition Released - FREE: Architecture on the Loose"

89. “建築是有趣的,但它自身毫無意義。”—— Massimiliano Fuksas 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is interesting, but by itself it means nothing." - Massimiliano Fuksas in New York Times

90. “建築是一門藝術,但我們很少像關注戲劇、書籍和繪畫那樣關注建築。”—— Witold Rybczynski 《都市報》

"Architecture is an art, yet we rarely concentrate our attention on buildings as we do on plays, books, and paintings." - Witold Rybczynski in Metropolis

91. “建築涉及監控系統並與之同步。” ——Eric Howeler 《體塊》

"Architecture is aligned with and implicated in the systems of surveillance and control." - Eric Howeler in Volume

92. “建築有百分之九十是生意,百分之十是藝術。” ——Albert Kahn

"Architecture is 90 per cent business and 10 per cent art." - Albert Kahn

93. “建築可能是最理論化、深思熟慮和痛苦自省的一門藝術。” ——Paul Gapp 《芝加哥論壇報》

"Architecture is probably the subject of more theorizing, navel-gazing and introspective agonizing than any of the other arts." - Paul Gapp in the Chicago Tribune

94. “建築即發明。” —— Oscar Niemeyer 《新聞週刊》

"Architecture is invention."- Oscar Niemeyer in Newsweek

95. “建築總是與政治相關。” ——Richard Rogers 《金融時報》

"Architecture is always political." - Richard Rogers in Financial Times

96.“建築是一個思維框架,它關乎想法;而這個職業關乎將那些想法轉化為現實。”——Christopher Janney《建築實錄》

"Architecture is a frame of mind, it’s about ideas; the profession is about how to translate those ideas into the real world." - Christopher Janney in Architectural Record

97. “建築是居住於其中的人們之間互動的積極參與者。” —— Jonathan C. Molly 發表於 ArchDaily

"Architecture is an active participant in the interactions of people within it." - Jonathan C. Molloy in ArchDaily

98. “建築不僅在自己的領域中發展,它同時持續吸收著其他領域的成果。”——Maya Engeli 《體塊》雜誌

"Architecture is not only developing in its own realm, it is constantly assimilating achievements from other fields. - Maya Engeli in Volume

99. “建築首先同時最重要的,是為人和社會服務。建築師的責任是:設計滿足實用目的的建築,團結人們並將我們和自然聯繫起來,同時保存珍稀的資源。” —— Steven Ehrlich 《都市報》

"Architecture is first and foremost about serving people and society. This is an architect’s responsibility: to design buildings that fulfill their practical purpose, bring people together, and connect us to the natural world while preserving precious resources." - Steven Ehrlich in Metropolis

100. “建築是關於在宇宙中建造一個地方,而不是模仿一個廢棄破舊的現實。” ——Stefanos Polyzoides《洛杉磯時報》

"Architecture is about building a place in the universe, not about mimicking a depleted, decrepit reality." - Stefanos Polyzoides in The LA Times

101. “建築是一個公共商品,因此需要公眾的審查。”——Reed Kroloff

"Architecture is a public commodity, and as such invites public scrutiny." - Reed Kroloff in Architecture*

102. “建築不在於創造新,而在於滿足需求和期望。” —— André Tavares 《福布斯》

“Architecture is not about the creation of newness but rather about the fulfillment of needs and expectations." - André Tavares in Forbes

103. “建築和宣傳品牌的廣告是一樣的。” —— Patrizio Bertelli 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is the same as advertising for communicating the brand." - Patrizio Bertelli in The New York Times

104. “建築不只滿足特定的需要,還同時刺激生活的演變。” ——Bjarke Ingels 《協同設計》

"Architecture is not just about accommodating very prescriptive demands—it’s doing it in a way that stimulates the unfolding of life. - Bjarke Ingels in Co.Design

105.“建築暴露在生活中。如果它足夠敏感,就可以具有見證過去的品質。” —— Peter Zumthor 《思考建築》

"Architecture is exposed to life. If its body is sensitive enough, it can assume a quality that bears witness to past life." - Peter Zumthor in Thinking Architecture

106. “建築是靈活可調節的。”—— Krzysztof Wodiczko 《聖路易斯郵報》

"Architecture is flexible.” - Krzysztof Wodiczko in St. Louis Post - Dispatch*

107.“建築是科學與虛構的結合。”——Winy Maas 《Domus》

"Architecture is a combination of science and fiction." - Winy Maas in Domus

108. “建築是我們最常見、最親近的藝術,但正因為它是功能性的,並且為生活所需,所以要辨清建築中的“藝術”從何處開始是困難的 。”——Jonathan Jones 《衛報》

"Architecture is the art we all encounter most often, most intimately, yet precisely because it is functional and necessary to life, it's hard to be clear about where the "art" in a building begins." - Jonathan Jones in The Guardian

109. “建築不是依靠靈感的生意,它是一個理性的程式,用於從事合理且有望是美麗的事情;就是這樣。”——Harry Seidler 《悉尼晨報》

"Architecture is not an inspirational business, it's a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that's all." Harry Seidler in the Sydney Morning Herald

110. “建築被政治領袖用來號召、感染和震懾。” —— Deyan Sudjic 《華盛頓郵報》

"Architecture is used by political leaders to seduce, to impress, and to intimidate.” - Deyan Sudjic in The Washington Post

111. “建築是一個重新考慮研究的範例。” —— B.D. Wortham 《建築教育期刊》

"Architecture is a paradigm for reconsidering research.” B.D. Wortham in Journal of Architectural Education*

112. “建築是關於賦予人們所居之地以形式。它不比這複雜,也不比這簡單。” ——Alejandro Aravena 發表於2016普里茲克獎獲獎感言

"Architecture is about giving form to the places where people live. It is not more complicated than that but also not simpler than that. - Alejandro Aravena in his 2016 Pritzker Prize acceptance speech

113. “建築大致是諸如電影、時尚和產品設計的可憐親戚。即使它在經濟上更為重要,卻由於某些原因沒有得到相應的重視。“ ——Tamsie Thomson 《建築師期刊》

"Architecture is generally a poor relative to things like film, fashion and product design. Even though it is economically more important, for some reason it is not getting the recognition." - Tamsie Thomson in The Architects' Journal

114.”建築是一個複雜而明確的過程,如果你失去這個過程而只保留形式,那就丟了建築實踐的核心。”——André Tavares 《牆紙》

"Architecture is a complex and articulated process but if you lose the process and only keep the form you lose the core of architectural practice." - André Tavaresin Wallpaper*

116. “建築是一門實踐的詩學。”——Bjarke Ingels 發表于紐約客文化節

"Architecture is practical poetry." - Bjarke Ingels at the New Yorker Festival

117.“建築是不可避免的協商的總和。” —— Felipe Mesa《Domus》

"Architecture is the sum of inevitable negotiations." - Felipe Mesa in Domus

118. “建築不只是房屋;這些建造物能啟發驅使人們去做偉大的事。”——Fisk Johnson 發表於2017芝加哥建築雙年展

"Architecture is more than just buildings; these structures can inspire and motivate people to do great things." Fisk Johnson for the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial

119. “建築是那些永遠不缺意見的學科之一。” ——Guy Horton 發表於《都市報》

"Architecture is one of those disciplines that has no shortage of voices." - Guy Horton in Metropolis

120.“建築永遠是對空間、城市、景觀的暫時改變。我們自認為它是永恆的,但誰也說不準。” ——Jean Nouvel 《紐約時報》

“Architecture is always a temporary modification of the space, of the city, of the landscape. We think that it’s permanent. But we never know.” - Jean Nouvel in The New York Times

121.“建築如同生活,都是關於權衡。” ——Paul Goldberger 《紐約時報》

"Architecture is like life: a matter of trade-offs." - Paul Goldberger in The New York Times


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