

Tens of thousands of mumbaikars decided to brave the hours-long sweatfest in the scorching heat on May 10 at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai, which typically seats 56,000 people.5月10日這一天, 成千上萬的孟買人聚集在新孟買可容納5萬6千人的頤帕蒂爾體育場, 共度了一場幾小時的盛會。

The reason for the mania? Justin Bieber’s first-ever live concert in India. It’s not every day that global celebrities like the 23-year-old Canadian singer perform in India.這般狂熱, 所為何事?(答案是)賈斯汀·比伯首度奔赴印度開現場演唱會啦!畢竟,

像這位23歲的加拿大籍歌手那樣的世界級明星來印度演出的事情, 並不是天天有。

The organizers [w=go all out]went all out, [w=shell out]shelling out $4 million on arrangements, CNN reported. The gig marked the most expensive concert in India ever.據CNN報導, (為迎接演出)主辦方可是卯足了勁兒, 在裝備佈置上投了4百萬美元。 這場表演可謂印度史上最貴演唱會。

Before arriving in India, Bieber’s team reportedly delivered an extremely long list of demands. The singer was also meant to get Z+ security—a special protection the government provides to just 36 influential people in the country.據傳, 比伯團隊在抵達印度前開出了一長串要求清單。 歌手本人還想得到Z+級安全保護待遇 — 該保護待遇由印度政府提供, 只有全國最具影響力的36位大人物才有權享受。

Bieber had also called for a chopper but ended up journeying to the concert venue by road. In the hours leading up to his concert, he even walked into a Starbucks to grab coffee.比伯還欽點了直升機, 不過最終還是通過陸路交通來到演出會場。 演唱會開始前幾小時, 他甚至徒步至星巴克買咖啡。

The “Baby” singer also won hearts by paying a visit to underprivileged kids.同時, 這位演唱過《寶貝》一曲的歌手, 還因前去拜訪貧困兒童而虜獲民眾芳心。

Everything was going smoothly until the concert began and the singer began crooning—well, technically, the problem was that he didn’t croon.總之, 可謂萬事亨通。 然而等到演唱會拉開帷幕、歌手開口“低吟淺唱”, 這片祥和之態戛然而止 — 而問題就出在, 嚴格意義上來說, 他並未高開貴口“淺唱低吟”。

Fans eagerly awaiting Bieber’s biggest smash hits like “Where Are You Now,” “Sorry,” “Boyfriend,” “Love Yourself” amid other popular tracks, were subject to a botched lip-sync performance for most of the night.(比伯的)粉絲們是如此熱切地期盼著自己的偶像演唱諸如《你在何方》《抱歉》《男友》《愛你自己》之類的熱門流行單曲, 沒想到竹籃子打水一場空, 只等來一場拙劣的“口型對對碰”盛會。

Worse, it seemed he didn’t even try to make his act believable.更令他們心寒的則是, 偶像甚至連對口型都對得心不在焉。

Comedian Ashish Shakya from the popular comedy group All India Bakchod (AIB) described one such moment in a Facebook note, saying, “Bieber was wiping his face with a towel such that the towel covered his entire face, and the vocals just played on unchanged.”著名喜劇團體《印度騙子》的演員阿西施·薩迦在一條臉書推文中這樣描述道:“比伯當時正用毛巾擦臉, 毛巾把臉蓋得嚴嚴實實,

但他的歌聲卻絲毫沒有受到影響。 ”

Many lashed out on Twitter, criticizing Bieber’s deadpan expression and ghar ke kapde (clothes worn at home).許多粉絲也紛紛發表推文, 以譴責比伯漫不經心的表現與相當隨意的衣著。

“@justinbieber dude u might be a rockstar , but don't take India for granted! Be a man #fakeconcert” — neha singhal (@nehasinghal15) May 11, 2017“@賈斯汀·比伯 哥們兒, 你是大牌了不起, 但不要以為印度人民的喜愛是理所應得、非你莫屬的!有點男人樣可以不 #假唱盛宴”

“Why #bieber is dressed so shabbily @ his 1st concert in India, like he is playing basketball in his driveway ?, @justinbieber” — NewEnglandRa (@NewenglandRa) May 11, 2017“為何 #比伯公子 在他的印度首唱會上衣著如此簡陋, 就像是在馬路邊上打籃球?, @賈斯汀·比伯”

“@justinbieber just disappointed n heartless

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