

It is not just a normal postcard, but a rare 'Harry Potter' prequel handwritten that has been stolen and so, its author JK Rowling doesn't want you to buy it.被偷走的不只是一張普通的明信片, 而是哈利波特前傳的珍貴手稿, 所以作家JK·羅琳不希望你去購買。

In 2008, Rowling wrote an 800-word manuscript, on two sides of an A5 postcard, for a charity auction, which has been stolen during a burglary in central England between April 13 and 24.2008年, 羅琳在一張A5大小的明信片的正反面寫下了一篇800字的手稿。

後來這張手稿被拿來用於慈善拍賣, 然而在4月13日至24日英格蘭中部發生的一起盜竊事件中, 這張手稿被偷走了。

The distressed author took to Twitter and requested Harry Potter fans, "PLEASE DON'T BUY THIS IF YOU'RE OFFERED IT. Originally auctioned for @englishpen, the owner supported writers' freedoms by bidding for it."這位苦惱的作家通過推特發帖請求哈利波特的粉絲, “如果有人向你出售這張手稿, 請不要購買。 該手稿原本是為了英國作家協會而拿出來拍賣的, 所有者競拍了這張手稿, 支持了作家的自由。 ”

The 800-word storywas sold for 25,000 British Pound and the proceeds of the auction were donated to an organization English PEN, which champions freedom of expression.這篇800字的故事以25000英鎊的價格出售, 拍賣收益捐給了英國作家協會, 而該組織是言論自由的捍衛者。

The untitled prequel features the characters Sirius Black and Harry's father James.這篇未命名的前傳的主人公是小天狼星布萊克和哈利的父親詹姆斯。

More than 450 million copies of the seven original 'Harry Potter' books have been sold worldwide in 79 languages.哈利波特第七部作品已被翻譯成79種語言, 在全球已售出4.5億多本。


▶ 限時領取價值888元學習紅包, 和吳磊一起免費學外語!

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