

手倒立式鍛煉上半身力量最好的方式之一。 今天推薦幾個練習手倒立的技巧, 嘗試練習2個星期, 你會發現肌肉、平衡和能量有很大的改變。

Handstand is one of the best upper body strengtheners. Today we recommend some technique of handstand. Try it for two weeks and you will find out how pleased you are with your new muscle definition, sense of balance, and energy.


Firming the outer arms in

這個, 事實上, 是最難的部分。 你要學會穩定肩胛帶, 再去練習手倒立。 否則, 你會把重量都放在手和手腕上, 那樣容易受傷。 在手倒立之前, 先試試這個熱身。

This, actually, is the hardest part. You have to learn how to engage and stabilize the shoulder girdle before you go upside down in a handstand. If you don’t do so, you are taking all your weight in your hands and wrists – yikes! Do this warm-up before practicing the handstand preps that follow.

1.拿到瑜伽磚, 舉過頭頂。 不要啟動手臂的肌肉, 想像它們是兩條麵條。 保持1分鐘。 放開磚塊, 手臂放鬆2分鐘。

Take a yoga block and hold it over your head. Don’t engage your arm muscles at all – imagine they are spaghetti noodles. Hold this for a minute. Release the block and rest your arms for a minute or two.

2.然後, 雙手再次舉過頭頂, 雙手用力夾磚塊, 手指尖向上延展。 伸直手臂, 想像大臂向內去找耳朵。 保持在這裡, 手用力推磚塊, 保持1分鐘。

Next, take your arms overhead again, and push hard with your hands into the block and reach up with your fingertips. Straighten your arms, and think about the upper arm muscles firming in towards your ears. Hold here, pushing as hard as you can with your hands into the block, for one minute.

哪個更難?當然是第二個。 第二個中手臂用力的方式, 就是手倒立中需要的。

Which version was more difficult? Of course the second one.Those muscles you feel working in the second version are the same ones you want to engage for handstand.


Handstand prep1

有些人發現這個比直接跳上去手倒立更難, 可能因為這個不能用慣性跳, 而需要慢慢用腳走上去, 去明白手倒立的感覺。

Some people find this more challenging than handstand, probably because there is no momentum at all to help you lift up. It allows you to walk up the wall into the pose, and understand what it feels like.

1.來到下犬式, 腳跟靠牆。 縮短下犬式的距離, 因為上去之後肩膀需要對齊手腕。 彎曲膝蓋, 慢慢走上牆。 肩膀向前移動。 直到腳和臀部同高, 身體呈90°。 可能需要一個同伴告訴你是否到達90°。 臀部在肩膀正上方。 啟動核心, 肚臍內收, 手臂外旋找耳朵, 就像剛剛雙手上舉磚塊那樣。

Come into downward facing dog with your heels right against a wall. You will probably need to shorten your dog, since as you come into this your shoulders need to line up over your wrists. Bend your knees and start to walk your feet up the wall; as you do so, your shoulders will move forward. It will feel funny. You will also probably walk your feet too high – you want to make a 90 degree angle. It helps to have someone there to tell you if you’re too high or too low. Your hips will end up over your shoulders.Fine-tuning: activate your core by drawing your navel in; firm your outer arms in towards your ears, like you did with the block over your head.

2.保持核心和手臂兩啟動, 你可以更進一步, 練習單腿的手倒立, 保持另外一隻腳踩牆。 保持幾次呼吸, 再換另外一隻腿。

With your core and upper arms engaged, you can take this a step further; practice lifting one leg up while you keep the other foot firmly planted on the wall. Push into your hands and your foot on the wall, while you lift through the toes of your other leg. Hold for a few breaths, then switch legs.

如果你發現第一個手就開始抖了, 那麼保持在第一個。 然後慢慢下來回到嬰兒式休息。

If you are shaking and feel that step one is very challenging, stay there for a few breaths (don’t try and lift a leg!) and then come down slowly into child’s pose. Make this your handstand practice until you are ready to move on.


Handstand prep2

接下來嘗試背對牆練習手倒立。 練習的時候, 不要用太多的慣性, 在這裡, 我們不用雙腿都向上伸直, 而是讓兩條腿相互垂直, 找到控制的感覺, 而不是利用慣性倒到牆上去。

you should not rely on momentum and kicking up to get you into the pose. This is how holes get kicked in walls. If you are controlling your lift off, there is very little momentum.

1.來到下犬式, 雙手離牆一個腳掌的距離。 把你的下犬式距離縮短, 然後抬起一條腿來到單腿的下犬, 下方的腿彎曲一點, 另外一條腿保持伸直抬高。

Come into downward dog with your hands a little over a foot from the wall. Shorten your dog somewhat, and then lift one leg in the air into three-legged dog. Your bottom leg becomes the launch leg. The other leg must stay lifted. Bend the launch leg knee and lift the other leg as high as you can.

2.把覺知帶到彎曲的那條腿, 開始蹬地讓身體向上, 保持抬起的腿向上。 一定要有控制的。 開始時不要跳太高, 循序漸進。

Bring your awareness into your launch leg. Start by practicing small hop ups, while keeping the lifted leg up. These should feel very controlled. Start small, and then make your hops bigger.

3.當你越跳越高, 下面的腿會抬高, 上面的腿會輕微碰到牆面。 如果你是有控制的, 你會有那麼一瞬間穩定在控制, 需要核心的力量。

As your hops get bigger, your launch leg will come up higher and your lifted leg may lightly touch the wall. If you are in control, you will “catch air” and hover for a second or two in your hops. This comes from using your core.

多練習這步, 會給你帶來更加有控制的手倒立。

This helps you negotiate the space, and make the mind/body connection of how to come into the pose with control.


Handstand at wall

在做完前面的準備動作之後, 來到靠牆手倒立。

You’ve arrived. After mastering the previous prep work, you are ready to come into the full pose at the wall.

1.只是腳跟輕輕碰牆, 不要把太多重量放在牆上, 不要向後彎曲。

Only your heels are touching the wall, lightly – don’t dig them in. The wall is a very small part of your support.


Your drishti, or gazing point, between your hands.

3.下來的時候也要保持有控制, 一條一條腿下來。

下來之後, 不要立刻站起來, 做下犬式保持5次呼吸。

Come down slowly with control, by lowering your lifted leg first and letting your launch leg follow.Don’t stand up right after. Keep in downward dog for 5 breaths.

原文摘自《YogaCompany》 翻譯編輯:Selina

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