

人之初, 性本善。 性相近, 習相遠。

Man on earth, Good at birth. The same nature, Varies on nature.

苟不教, 性乃遷。 教之道, 貴以專。

With no education, There'd be aberration. To teach well, You deeply dwell.

昔孟母, 擇鄰處。 子不學, 斷機杼。

Then Mencius' mother, Chose her neighbor. At Mencius sloth, She cut the sloth.

子不教, 父之過。 教不嚴, 師之惰。

What's a father? A good teacher. What's a teacher? A strict preacher.

玉不琢, 不成器。 人不學, 不知義。

No jade crude,Shows craft good. Unless you learn, Brute you'll turn.

為人子, 方少時。 親師友, 習禮儀。

Son of man, Mature you can. Teacher or peer, Hold them dear.

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