

彼得·哈里森 著

張蔔天 譯


通常認為, 自然神學為整個歷史中的自然科學和神學提供了主要銜接點。 於是, 這裡我們不妨追問一下, 我們一直在討論的處理自然界的進路與自然神學有何關係。 我們在本章開篇提到了湯瑪斯·內格爾的看法, 他認為當代的一些分析哲學家主要是從他們目前關注的東西來理解傳統哲學, 因此常常誤解傳統哲學的追求。 還有一種相關的誤解涉及中世紀對自然界神學意義的理解。 21世紀的讀者往往會把自然研究中任何帶有神學動機的興趣都歸於自然神學範疇,

認為自然神學是指這樣一種活動, 它從“中立的”前提出發, 論證神及其一些屬性的存在。

分析宗教哲學家威廉·奧爾斯頓(William Alston)給出了這種被廣泛接受的自然神學定義:“自然神學是指這樣一種事業, 它從既非宗教信念亦不預設宗教信念的前提出發, 為宗教信念(religious belief)提供支援。 ”[1]警覺的讀者無疑會想起“宗教信念”這個片語中每一個術語都是成問題的, 還會意識到, 時代誤置地使用這些術語有潛在的危險。 同樣值得注意的是, “自然神學”這一表達從一開始就幾乎完全不見於教父時代和中世紀的文獻。 [2]最早的英文書籍也有類似的情況, 【72】直到17世紀中葉以後, 對它的使用才逐步增多。 中世紀之所以很少提及“自然神學”,

部分是因為“神學”這個詞本身用得並不太多。 而在“自然神學”的確出現的那些場合, 比如在奥古斯丁和阿奎那那裡, 它是以一種反面方式來使用的。 阿奎那遵循瓦羅和奥古斯丁的做法區分了三種神學:“自然神學”(physicum theologiae)、“神話神學”(mythical theology, 本質上是“神話即歷史論”[euhemerism], 對已故英雄的崇拜)和“政治神學”(civil theology, 由城邦發起的偶像崇拜), 他認為所有這些都是“迷信的偶像崇拜”。 [3]像這樣把“自然神學”與異教思想聯繫起來一直持續到17世紀, 我們看到法蘭西斯·培根聲稱, 柏拉圖主義者通過把自然哲學與自然神學混合起來而敗壞了自然哲學。 [4]

當然, 相關活動可以在沒有現代標籤的情況下進行, 但出於我希望現在已經明瞭的理由, 我們應該抵制住誘惑,

不把“自然神學”應用於我一直在描述的教父時代和中世紀處理自然界的進路。 首先, 現代以前所從事的自然哲學被認為提供了一種特殊的心靈訓練, 它將有利於道德行為和神學洞見。 它實際上是一個認知形成(cognitive formation)過程, 即為那些未經必要訓練的人便無法獲得的一種認知作準備。 這種認識方式更像是直接體驗——嘗和看——而不是從前提進行邏輯演繹或推理。 至關重要的是, 一個人所“知道”的東西並不限於與自然神學有關的範圍很有限的真理——神、神的某些屬性、不朽、也許還有死後的獎懲。 毋寧說, 自然提供了一種類似的啟示, 證明了神的三位一體, 基督救贖性的死和復活, 同時加強了一套相當具體的道德規定。
舉幾個例子, 聖維克多的於格堅稱, 神的三位一體可以通過冥想造物的大小、美和功用來認識。 [5]波那文圖拉也主張, 神的三位一體在某種意義上鐫刻在他的造物之上:“世界這個造物就像一本書, 有創造力的三位一體反映、表示和書寫於其中。 ”[6]【73】隨後, 15世紀的西班牙神學家塞邦德的雷蒙德(Raymond of Sabunde, 活躍於1434年左右)在其《自然神學或造物之書》(Theologia naturalis seu liber creaturarum, 1434-1436)中指出, 自然之書就像神的另一本書, 足夠拯救人的靈魂和顯示神的三位一體。 [7]顯然, 這並非我們所理解的自然神學, 此時所提到的“自然之書”並非指一種為設計論論證尋找前提的練習。

我們在湯瑪斯·阿奎那那裡也許可以看到當代自然神學版本更有前途的候選者。 但即使在這裡, 事情也並非那麼簡單。

[8]作為中世紀最傑出的自然神學家, 阿奎那的這一聲譽部分建立在對“五路證明”(five ways)不成比例的關注上, 所謂“五路證明”是指《神學大全》第二個問題第三條中證明神存在的五種所謂論證。 宗教哲學家已經對此作了極多闡述, 儘管它只是阿奎那作品中一個微不足道的部分。 雖然關於“五路證明”的地位人們看法各異, 但一些評注者認為, 其目的並不是要為整個神學事業提供基礎, 即一開始就通過理性確定神的存在。 [9]毋寧說, 考慮到我們通過啟示已經確信了神的存在, 它是要解釋神的存在相對於有限造物的意義。 哲學家列奧•埃爾德斯(Leo Elders)甚至提出了一種有趣的看法, 即五路證明闡述了一個沉思冥想的過程, 代表心靈上升到對神的存在的更深層次理解的各個階段。[10]



[1] William Alston, Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991), p. 289. Compare this with Lord Gifford’s understanding of the “science” of natural theology, which, as he expresses it in his bequest, is devoid of “reference to or reliance upon any supposed special exceptional or so-called miraculous revelation.”

[2] A search for theologia naturalis and variants in PL and Brepols’s Library of Latin Texts yielded two hits: Augustine, City of God VII.6, and William of Occam, Scriptum in librum primum Sententiarum (ordinatio) op. theol., vol. 1, prologus, quaestio 12, p. 365, line 3.

[3] Aquinas, ST 2a2ae, 94, 1. Cf. Augustine, City of God VI.5: “There are three kinds of theology, or reasoning concerning the gods: of these one is mythical, the other natural [physicum], the third civil”; Tertullian, Ad nationes 2.1: “the philosophers have ingeniously composed their physical [theology] (physicum theologiae) out of their own conjectures” [PL 1, 659]. The works of Marcus Terentius Varro (116–27 BC) survive only as fragments.

[4] Bacon, Novum Organum, I, 96, Works, vol. 4, p. 93.

[5] Hugh of Saint Victor, De tribus deibus, passim (PL 176, 811–38).

[6] Bonaventure, Breviloquium II.12.

[7] Ramon Sibiuda [Raymond of Sabunde], Theologia naturalis seu liber creaturarum, ed. F. Stegmüller (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann, 1966), Prologus.

[8] For a sustained argument that Aquinas is involved in natural theology precisely along the lines of Alton’s definition, see Norman Kretzmann, The Metaphysics of Creation: Aquinas’s Natural Theology in Summa Contra Gentiles (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), esp. p. 7.

[9] Kerr, After Aquinas, pp. 58–72; Eric L. Mascall, He Who Is: A Study in Traditional Theism (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1967), pp. 80–82; Edward Sillem, Ways of Thinking about God: Thomas Aquinas and Some Recent Problems (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1961); Thomas S. Hibbs, Dialectic and Narrative in Aquinas: An Interpretation of the Summa Contra Gentiles (Notre Dame, 1995). It is also significant that for Aquinas the assurance that we can know God from nature is itself given in divine revelation, and is not a postulate of reason.

[10] Leo Elders, “Justification des ‘cinq voies,’” Revue Thomiste 61 (1961): 207–25. The five ways can be mapped onto the “three ways” of ascent to God set out by Dionysius (via negationis, via causalitatis, via eminentiae). For Elders, admittedly, they are not to be understood only in this sense. See The Philosophical Theology of Aquinas (Leiden: Brill, 1990).

[11] Aquinas, SCG I.4.3 (vol. 1, p. 67).

[12] Aquinas’s distinction in SCG 1.3.2 is between two modes of truth—those accessible to natural reason, and those that exceed the ability of human reason.





[1] William Alston, Perceiving God: The Epistemology of Religious Experience (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991), p. 289. Compare this with Lord Gifford’s understanding of the “science” of natural theology, which, as he expresses it in his bequest, is devoid of “reference to or reliance upon any supposed special exceptional or so-called miraculous revelation.”

[2] A search for theologia naturalis and variants in PL and Brepols’s Library of Latin Texts yielded two hits: Augustine, City of God VII.6, and William of Occam, Scriptum in librum primum Sententiarum (ordinatio) op. theol., vol. 1, prologus, quaestio 12, p. 365, line 3.

[3] Aquinas, ST 2a2ae, 94, 1. Cf. Augustine, City of God VI.5: “There are three kinds of theology, or reasoning concerning the gods: of these one is mythical, the other natural [physicum], the third civil”; Tertullian, Ad nationes 2.1: “the philosophers have ingeniously composed their physical [theology] (physicum theologiae) out of their own conjectures” [PL 1, 659]. The works of Marcus Terentius Varro (116–27 BC) survive only as fragments.

[4] Bacon, Novum Organum, I, 96, Works, vol. 4, p. 93.

[5] Hugh of Saint Victor, De tribus deibus, passim (PL 176, 811–38).

[6] Bonaventure, Breviloquium II.12.

[7] Ramon Sibiuda [Raymond of Sabunde], Theologia naturalis seu liber creaturarum, ed. F. Stegmüller (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann, 1966), Prologus.

[8] For a sustained argument that Aquinas is involved in natural theology precisely along the lines of Alton’s definition, see Norman Kretzmann, The Metaphysics of Creation: Aquinas’s Natural Theology in Summa Contra Gentiles (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), esp. p. 7.

[9] Kerr, After Aquinas, pp. 58–72; Eric L. Mascall, He Who Is: A Study in Traditional Theism (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1967), pp. 80–82; Edward Sillem, Ways of Thinking about God: Thomas Aquinas and Some Recent Problems (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1961); Thomas S. Hibbs, Dialectic and Narrative in Aquinas: An Interpretation of the Summa Contra Gentiles (Notre Dame, 1995). It is also significant that for Aquinas the assurance that we can know God from nature is itself given in divine revelation, and is not a postulate of reason.

[10] Leo Elders, “Justification des ‘cinq voies,’” Revue Thomiste 61 (1961): 207–25. The five ways can be mapped onto the “three ways” of ascent to God set out by Dionysius (via negationis, via causalitatis, via eminentiae). For Elders, admittedly, they are not to be understood only in this sense. See The Philosophical Theology of Aquinas (Leiden: Brill, 1990).

[11] Aquinas, SCG I.4.3 (vol. 1, p. 67).

[12] Aquinas’s distinction in SCG 1.3.2 is between two modes of truth—those accessible to natural reason, and those that exceed the ability of human reason.


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