
Bilingual · Foreign Business丨香港航空成為空客A350XWB新用戶

大家好, “外企頭條”欄目又跟大家見面了。 今天的主要內容有:


DowDuPont merger successfully completed


The launch of a new WeChat Mini Program onboard Costa Asia's fleet


Canon Photography Creation Gallery opening

香港航空成為空客A350 XWB寬體機新用戶

Hong Kong Airlines becomes new operator of the A350 XWB



DowDuPont merger successfully completed

陶氏杜邦日前宣佈, 陶氏化學公司(陶氏)與杜邦公司(杜邦)於2017年8月31日成功完成對等合併。

DowDuPont announced the successful completion of the merger of equals between The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) and E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (“DuPont”), effective Aug. 31, 2017.

合併後的實體為一家控股公司, 名稱為“陶氏杜邦”, 擁有三大業務部門:農業、材料科學、特種產品。

The combined entity is operating as a holding company under the name “DowDuPont™” with three divisions – Agriculture, Materials Science and Specialty Products.


它們將各自訂自己所在的市場、推動增長、為所有的利益相關方創造價值。 ”

“The true value of this merger lies in the intended creation of three industry powerhouses that will define their markets and drive growth for the benefit of all stakeholders,”said Andrew Liveris, executive chairman of DowDuPont.

陶氏杜邦首席執行官溥瑞廷表示:“對於股東、客戶和員工來說, 完成這項合併交易是我們邁出的決定性一步, 我們將由此打造一個基於可持續增長和創新的美好未來, 創造更高價值, 擁抱更大機遇。 ”

“For shareholders, customers and employees, closing this transaction is a definitive step toward unlocking higher value and greater opportunities through a future built on sustainable growth and innovation,” said Ed Breen, chief executive officer of DowDuPont.


Costa Cruises launches a new WeChat mini program

嘉年華集團旗下意式文化品牌歌詩達郵輪, 日前宣佈與中國移動社交應用平臺——微信合作, 將于歌詩達亞洲船隊上啟用全新微信小程式, 開創郵輪數位化體驗“微”時代。

Costa Cruises of Carnival Corporation & plc recently announced the launch of a new WeChat Mini Program onboard Costa Asia's fleet.

歌詩達郵輪將於9月2日在大西洋號上首次啟用微信小程式, 中國遊客將體驗由此帶來的便捷移動支付服務和全新升級的郵輪假期。

With WeChat, a leading online social communication platform in China, Chinese guests will be able to enjoy hassle-free mobile payment and enhanced onboard experiences starting with Costa Atlantica on September 2.

歌詩達郵輪集團亞洲總裁馬睿哲表示:“中國是全球移動數位化發展的領先市場, 歌詩達郵輪聯手微信開啟郵輪數位化體驗新時代, 提供的領先平臺和技術所帶來的巨大發展潛力, 不僅為遊客帶來更便捷的一站式郵輪預約和移動支付, 更是為升級船上數位化體驗帶來無限的可能。 ”

"With China being one of the world's leaders in mobile and digital advancements, we see great potential in leveraging WeChat's leading position and technologies to not only facilitate hassle-free payment, but also provide a more immersive and digitized onboard experience for our guests,”said Mario Zanetti, president of Costa Group Asia.


Canon Photography Creation Gallery opening

由佳能(中國)有限公司主辦的“佳能印像創作坊三周年影展”, 日前在北京798藝術區悅•美術館正式開幕。

The 3rd Annual Canon Photography Creation Gallery hosted by Canon (China) took place at the Enjoy Museum of Art in Beijing’s 798 Arts District.

本次“佳能印像創作坊三周年影展”, 展出了13名攝影師超過110幅攝影作品, 內容涵蓋人文紀實、舞臺攝影、時尚廣告、婚禮攝影等等。

The 3rd Annual Canon Photography Creation Gallery exhibited 13 photographers and 110 of their works, with content covering topics like human documentary, stage photography, fashion advertisements, wedding photography, etc.

開幕儀式上, 負責影像列印掃描業務的佳能(中國)副總裁山崎學表示:“佳能一直致力於為用戶提供高水準的專業影像輸入及輸出服務, 也只有輸入與輸出相結合, 才能構成完整的’影像’, 兩者缺一不可”。

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Yamazaki Manabu, VP in charge of Canon (China)’s printing and scanning business, commented, “Canon has always been committed to providing users with a high standard of input and output services for professional photography; only by combining input and output together could complete the term of ‘photograph’, which you can’t have one without the other.”


Hong Kong Airlines becomes new operator of the A350 XWB

香港航空日前接收了其首架A350-900飛機, 成為全球第15家運營這款最新最高效雙通道飛機的航空公司, 該飛機租賃自AerCap航空租賃公司。

Hong Kong Airlines has taken delivery of its first A350-900, on lease from AerCap, making the carrier the 15th airline to operate the world’s newest and most efficient twin aisle airliner.

運營初期該飛機將投入香港航空的區域航線運營, 2017年12月18日起, 香港航空將使用A350-900開通香港至洛杉磯航線。

After an initial period flying on regional routes, Hong Kong Airlines’ A350-900 will begin long haul operations in December this year, flying on the carrier’s non-stop service to Los Angeles.

截至目前, 空中客車共收到來自45家客戶總計848架A350XWB系列飛機確認訂單, A350XWB已成為全球最成功的寬體飛機之一。

To date, Airbus has recorded a total of 848 firm orders for the A350 XWB from 45 customers worldwide, already making it one of the most successful wide-body aircraft ever.

其中亞太地區航空公司共訂購了287架A350XWB寬體飛機, 占總訂單數的三分之一。

With 287 firm orders for the A350 from carriers in Asia-Pacific, the region represents over a third of total sales for the type to date.


編輯 / 閆偉奇、朱軼琳

來源 / 經濟日報記者陳頤、朱琳

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