

感覺這兩天的頭條都被英國威廉王子夫婦即將迎來第三寶的消息給佔領了, 不過哈裡王子和女票梅格漢·馬克爾 (Meghan Markle) 這邊廂也放出了一波猛料~

(劃重點)梅格漢登上《名利場》(Vanity Fair) 封面, 並首度回應與哈裡王子的戀情↓↓↓


They have gone to great lengths to keep their burgeoning romance under wraps for over a year.

But in the strongest indication yet that their relationship is growing more serious by the day, Meghan Markle has spoken about Prince Harry for the first time in a candid interview with Vanity Fair.

The US actress, who graces the cover of the society magazine's October issue, has never spoken publicly about her love affair with the fifth-in-line to the throne - until now.

But she has finally admitted the pair are very much 'in love' and confirmed that the royal, who joined his brother the Duke of Cambridge at the Support4Grenfell Community Hub on Tuesday, is indeed her 'boyfriend'.

馬上學:上文中的go to great lengths 是個固定搭配, 意為“不遺餘力, 竭盡全力”。 如:He went to great lengths to learn the truth. (他竭盡全力去瞭解真相。 )

在接受《名利場》雜誌的採訪時, 梅格漢終於鬆口承認了自己與哈裡王子的戀情:“我們現在是一對兒,

我們戀愛了。 ”(We’re a couple. We’re in love.)


“我確定, 終有一天我們會站出來公開一切, 並告訴人們我們的故事, 但我希望大家會理解, 那是屬於我們的時刻。 ”

“I’m sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell, but I hope what people will understand is that this is our time.”

在這之前, 兩人的戀情一直十分低調, 被拍到的同框照總共也沒幾張……

不過, 在兩人戀情曝光之後, 還是引發了一場不小的轟動。 網上有不少言論開始攻擊梅格漢, 哈裡王子挺身而出發佈公開信來保護女票。

而梅格漢在這次採訪中也談到了網上引起的一些轟動, 她表示一切對她來說是個挑戰, 她也試著不被網上的言論影響。

“我親近的人支持著我, 我知道自己是誰。 剩下的只是一些雜音罷了。 我一點兒也沒變, 還是原來的那個我。 我從不用自己的戀愛關係定義我自己。 ”

“The people who are close to me anchor me in knowing who I am. The rest is noise. Nothing about me changed. I’m still the same person that I am, and I’ve never defined myself by my relationship.”


“But I still have this support system all around me, and, of course, my boyfriend’s support.”




“But I still have this support system all around me, and, of course, my boyfriend’s support.”



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