

美國女星達爾萊尼•凱茨上周日於德州家中在睡夢中辭世, 享年69歲。 她曾在電影《不一樣的天空》中飾演小李和約翰尼•德普所扮演角色的母親。

而小李還曾憑藉這部電影獲得其人生中的首個奧斯卡提名。 小李在得知凱茨離世的消息後, 於本週二通過臉書悼念這位銀幕上的媽媽, 他表示, 凱茨是最好的銀幕媽媽, 很榮幸可以與她合作。 她的為人及才華會留在認識她的人及喜愛她作品的人回憶中……

After "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" actress Darlene Cates died at the age of 69 over last weekend, Leonardo DiCaprio took to Facebook to remember "the best acting mom I ever had."

The Associated Press reported that Cates died in her sleep last Sunday at her home in Texas, US.

DiCaprio, 42, was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Cates' character's son Arnie in the 1993 film, which also starred Johnny Depp as the titular character.

"Darlene was the best acting mom I ever had the privilege of working alongside," DiCaprio wrote Tuesday.

He continued, "Her endearing personality and incredible talent will live on in the memories of those who knew her, and those who loved her work. My thoughts and prayers are with her family during this difficult time."

馬上學:Titular可以指“有名無實的”, 而這裡的titular character則表示與劇名同名的角色, 比如:《不一樣的天空》的英文原名是What's Eating Gilbert Grape, 而Gilbert Grape正是德普在片中的角色。 再比如:He played the titular role in Hamlet.(他在《哈姆雷特》中扮演哈姆雷特。 )


上周日阿黛爾的全球巡演在紐西蘭的奧克蘭火熱上演, 然而演唱會現場阿黛爾卻道出了一番心裡話, 她表示, “巡演並不是我擅長的事, 台下的掌聲讓我感到有些無助。 所以, 我不知道今後還會不會再辦巡演了。 我巡演的唯一理由就是你們, 但我不確定自己是否喜歡。 我事業中最高的成就, 或許就是這一場巡演了。 ”

It's increasingly looking like Adele's mammoth 2016-2017 tour will be her last. After announcing two enormous Wembley shows for this summer called "The Finale", the 28-year-old appeared to rule out future touring during the final show of her year-long tour in Auckland, New Zealand, last Sunday night.

"Touring isn't something I'm good at – applause makes me feel a bit vulnerable. I don't know if I will ever tour again," she told her audience during a rain-sodden stadium performance, according to the New Zealand Herald. "The only reason I've toured is you. I'm not sure if touring is my bag. My greatest accomplishment in my career is this tour."

馬上學:Bag大家都熟悉是“書包”的意思, 但它還可以表示某人喜歡、擅長的事, 短語(not) somebody’s bag則可以理解為“不是某人的菜”,

例如:Poetry isn't really my bag.(詩歌還真不是我的菜。 )


小貝家大兒子布魯克林在時尚圈+攝影圈早已小有名氣, 而他對於攝影的執著更是有目共睹。 日前, 據英國《太陽報》報導, 布魯克林今年9月就要上大學了, 而他選擇的正是攝影類相關專業。

據知情人士向該報透露, 布魯克林很獨立, 所以離開家上學對他來說不是什麼大問題。 雖然會想念家人, 但他已經準備好來一場冒險了。 不過, 布魯克林將前往哪所大學尚不得而知, 他此前曾表示想去美國讀書。

Brooklyn Beckham, who has proclaimed photography is his "passion", will be off to study the discipline at university in September, according to The Sun.

A source told the newspaper, "Brooklyn is already pretty independent so he has few qualms about living away from his family.

"He's obviously going to miss them all but he's ready for his next adventure."

Although it is not clear which university Brooklyn is headed for later this year, the teen has previously said he would like to study in the US.

馬上學:qualm表示“疑慮”、“不安”, 比如:She felt some qualms about moving to the big city.(搬去大城市讓她感到有些不安。 )


【福利】各年級最新合訂本上架啦!一本在手, 考試無憂!爆款隨時可能斷貨, 戳這裡進入商城開搶啦~

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