
用英語學英語口語:traffic jam 交通擁堵

用英語學英語口語:traffic jam 交通擁堵


那麼,你見到traffic jam這個英語詞彙,最好不要不假思索脫口而出中文:交通堵塞!


你也最好不要用中文記住traffic jam的中文意思後,又用中文記住它使用在句子裡的那幾個英文例句。你不要以為這樣“帶著中文翻譯”學那幾個英語例句,就是學英語口語了。離開了中文依託,


你不需要用中文去記traffic jam的對等中文意思“交通堵塞”的,你也不需要把它放到帶有中文翻譯的例句裡去學習記憶它的意思和“用法”的。

你只需要用英語練就見到traffic jam就能用英語“侃侃而談”traffic jam是什麼就好。這才是把英語真正學到家、練到家了。而你學英語以來(五年也罷,十年也罷,十五年也罷,再往下我都不好意思說了),最缺乏的不是別的我們大家都能說出來的學過的英語,


1. URead 體驗英語:

如果你實在想不起來用英語表達traffic jam該用到哪些英語詞句,我們在這裡先給你羅列一些作為提示,給你“歐耶,想起來了”的驚喜,然後強迫自己跟自己“說英語”。

What is traffic jam?

Traffic jam is bumper-to-bumper traffic. Bumper to bumper is cars are very close together with their bumpers almost touching one another and they are moving very slowly or not at all.

Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles on a road have stopped moving or are moving very slowly,with many stops and starts, one behind the other.

有了這麼“漂亮”的描述traffic jam的英語詞句和提示,你再不能“使用英語”就怎麼都說不過去了。

2) UTalk 自己跟自己說英語,使用英語:

1. 讀到Traffic jam is bumper-to-bumper traffic.時,用英語說英語:

Well when we say traffic jam, we can also say bumper-to-bumper(汽車前後杠) traffic.

2. 讀到Bumper to bumper is cars are very close together with their bumpers almost touching one another and they are moving very slowly or not at all時,說英語:

OK, when we say bumper-to-bumper, we mean a traffic jam and the cars on the road have their bumpers so close to one another that they almost touch each other.

When we have a traffic jam or a bumper-to-bumper traffic, the cars are forming a long line and are moving very slowly(見下句),with many stops and starts(多棒的英語?)

Traffic jam is a long line of vehicles on a road have stopped moving or are moving very slowly,with many stops and starts, one behind the other.

直接用這些漂亮的英語記憶積累traffic jam不比你只會使用中文“交通堵塞”理解記憶traffic jam更讓你的英語“受益”嗎?