

寧波諾丁漢大學與中國中車股份有限公司再續前緣, 簽下2018合作專案協定, 共同為“一帶一路”倡議培養國際化人才。


中國中車是世界最大的軌道交通設備供應商和中國唯一的火車製造商, 在“一帶一路”倡議的推進過程中扮演著至關重要的角色。 隨著其海外業務的不斷拓展, 對國際化高端人才的需求日益凸顯。


2012年, 寧波諾丁漢大學就開始了與中國中車的合作, 憑藉其豐富的全球化教學資源和先進的教學理念為中國中車量身定制全方位國際化人才培養課程, 為其開拓海外市場、實現國際化戰略提供科技和人才助力。

2018年, 雙方再次簽署“631 工程” 國際化人才高級培養專案, 加深彼此之間的合作。 中國中車將繼續, 借助寧諾優質的師資力量和教學資源,



在未來幾年, 中國中車還將繼續加大投入, 在全集團範圍內, 為其國際項目培養1000餘名具有國際化視野的高管,


我們跟諾丁漢大學的合作從2012年就開始了, 聯合為中車定制國際化高級人才培養專案。

截止到目前, 中車通過諾丁漢大學已經培養了515名國際化人才, 成為中車國際化先鋒隊, 分佈在全球各地。 我們分公司通過寧波諾丁漢大學培養了5名國際化人才, 分佈在前端技術、工程師和國際市場行銷領域。

在未來的兩三年裡, 我們還計畫招收4-5名從寧波諾丁漢大學畢業的本科生和研究生。

我們特別喜歡諾丁漢大學裡有理工科背景的學生, 他們具有國際化的視野、具有比較強的綜合能力, 在我們企業的用人過程當中表現出眾。

——寧波中車時代電氣設備有限公司總經理, 王紅強

General Manager, Ningbo CRRC Co. Wang Hongqiang

作為中外合作大學的領導者, 甯諾為國內外企業交流提供更多機會的同時, 與企業在產業領域的合作也越來越深入。

中外合作大學的出現, 為中國希望走出去的企業和國外期待走進來的企業帶來了機遇。 通過這個視窗和橋樑, 中國企業有機會瞭解國外的市場和需求, 國外的企業也有了一個走進中國的管道。

隨著瞭解的深入, 我們也開始在產學研領域進行合作。 英國諾丁漢大學在電機、電驅動、機械製造領域一直處於世界領先地位。 寧波諾丁漢大學將這些領域內的技術和人才引進到國內, 讓我們也有機會接觸到世界前沿的資訊和動態。 從科技支撐和人才培養的角度講,




在這次合作項目中, 寧諾為中國中車量身定制了培訓課程和五大目標:

1) 提升國際商務技能, 重點關注跨文化談判交流及國際市場准入;

2) 提升在並購整合企業的管理技能;

3) 培養跨國企業領導力;

4) 培養國際化思維及分析能力;



University of Nottingham Ningbo China and China Railway and Rolling Stock Corporation signed 2018 Advanced International Talent Development Programme Contract.

CRRC Corporation Limited - the world's largest supplier of rail transit equipment is deepening its partnership with UNNC with a new international training programme for 152 CRRC managers worldwide.

CRRC will continue to work with the UNNC to develop over 1000 pioneering international executives to lead its international projects.

The programme will see customized core MBA modules in English and a comprehensive business English training, based at UNNC plus 1-month study, internship and company visits in the UK (Nottingham and across the Midlands Engine)/ Europe – connecting the University’s pioneering education international offer in China with the UK’s expert strengths in innovation and education.

This programme aims to systematically develop competence of top talents in CRRC who have high potential to become CRRC’s leading talents tomorrow. The complete programme has five key goals:

1)to develop international business skills especially those relating to cross-culture negotiation and interaction and foreign market entry;

2)to develop management skills in post-M&A environment;

3)to develop leadership skills in a MNE;

4)to develop analytical ability in a global mind-set;

5)to develop improve English language skills.

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2) 提升在並購整合企業的管理技能;

3) 培養跨國企業領導力;

4) 培養國際化思維及分析能力;



University of Nottingham Ningbo China and China Railway and Rolling Stock Corporation signed 2018 Advanced International Talent Development Programme Contract.

CRRC Corporation Limited - the world's largest supplier of rail transit equipment is deepening its partnership with UNNC with a new international training programme for 152 CRRC managers worldwide.

CRRC will continue to work with the UNNC to develop over 1000 pioneering international executives to lead its international projects.

The programme will see customized core MBA modules in English and a comprehensive business English training, based at UNNC plus 1-month study, internship and company visits in the UK (Nottingham and across the Midlands Engine)/ Europe – connecting the University’s pioneering education international offer in China with the UK’s expert strengths in innovation and education.

This programme aims to systematically develop competence of top talents in CRRC who have high potential to become CRRC’s leading talents tomorrow. The complete programme has five key goals:

1)to develop international business skills especially those relating to cross-culture negotiation and interaction and foreign market entry;

2)to develop management skills in post-M&A environment;

3)to develop leadership skills in a MNE;

4)to develop analytical ability in a global mind-set;

5)to develop improve English language skills.

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