


《銀河護衛隊》是漫威影業出品的一部科幻動作電影, 取材自漫威漫畫, 是漫威電影宇宙的第十部電影。 影片劇情講述因偷走神秘球體而被瘋狂追殺的“星爵”彼得·奎爾被迫結盟四個格格不入的烏合之眾——卡魔拉、火箭浣熊、樹人格魯特和毀滅者德拉克斯, 他們必須破釜沉舟決一死戰, 才可能拯救整個銀河系。


Drax: You dare. You know who I am, yes. And you know why they call me this. Ronan murdered my wife, Ovette, and my daughter, Camania. He slaughtered them where they stood. And he laughed. Her life is not yours to take. He killed my family. I shall kill one of his in return.

Gamora: I’m no family to Ronan or Thanos. I’m your only help at stopping him.

Drax: Woman, your words mean nothing to me!

Quill: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You know, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose. I don’t think this is the best way to go about it.

Drax: Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?

Quill: Well, I mean, she’s hardly the first woman to try and d that to me. look, this is from a smoking-hot Rajak girl, stabbed me with a fork. Didn’t like me skipping out she at sunrise.

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