

Women could boost Asian economies by $4.5 trillion

by Daniel Shane

Hiring more women could supercharge Asia's economies.


A report published Tuesday by McKinsey Global Institute estimates that economies in the Asia-Pacific region could boost their collective GDP by $4.5 trillion by 2025 if they improve gender equality.

麥肯錫全球研究所週二發佈的一份報告估計, 如果亞太地區的經濟能夠改善性別平等問題,

那麼到2025年, 亞太地區的經濟總量有機會增加4.5萬億美元。

McKinsey says Asia-Pacific is "arguably the most dynamic region in the world" but women in many countries there face vastly unequal treatment at work and in society compared with men.

麥肯錫表示, 亞太地區“可以說是世界上最具活力的地區”, 但與男性相比, 許多女性在其國內工作和社會地位上, 面臨著很多不平等的情況。

Some of the biggest gender gaps are in Bangladesh and India, where concerns have been raised previously about the economic damage from the lack of women in the workforce.



Even well developed economies such as Japan and South Korea were both judged to have "extremely high" levels of gender inequality in job opportunities, according to the report.

根據這份報告, 即使是像日本和韓國這樣的發達經濟體, 也被認為在就業機會方面存在“極高”的性別不平等。

McKinsey said that China, the region's biggest economy, has made strides by getting more women into its workforce but still suffers from not having enough in leadership positions. The report also praised countries including the Philippines, New Zealand and Singapore for achieving greater gender equality at work.

麥肯錫表示, 作為該地區最大的經濟體, 中國讓更多女性進入勞動力市場方面取得了長足進步, 但也有存在著領導崗位女性少的情況。 該報告還讚揚了包括菲律賓、紐西蘭和新加坡在內的一些國家, 在工作機會中實現更大的性別平等。

But more needs to be done. The study said that the biggest boost to economic growth would come from countries increasing the number of women in the workforce. The rest would come from boosting the number of hours women currently work and giving them more productive roles.

但還需要做更多努力。 該研究稱, 經濟增長的新動力來自於從國家層面增加女性勞動力數量。 其餘的將來自于增加女性目前工作的時長, 並給予她們更重要的崗位。

China, the world's second largest economy, has the most to gain from making changes to address gender inequality: as much as $2.6 trillion, according to McKinsey. Another big winner could be India, which could add as much as $770 billion in economic activity.

作為世界第二大經濟體, 中國在解決性別不平等問題上取得了最大的收穫:根據麥肯錫的資料,

據此收穫了2.6萬億美元。 另一個大贏家是印度, 帶來了7700億美元的的經濟收入。

The report urges policymakers in the region to take steps that promote more female participation in the workforce. They include measures to change attitudes on the role of women in society and improving access to childcare.

該報告敦促該地區的政策制定者採取措施, 讓更多女性參與到工作當中。 這些措施包括改進人們對婦女在社會中的認同感,


"From an economic perspective, trying to grow without enabling the full potential of women is like fighting with one hand tied behind one's back," the report said.

報告稱:“從經濟的角度來看, 試圖在不充分發揮女性潛力的情況下發展經濟, 就像幹活時把一隻手綁在了背後。 ”

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