

螳螂拳是合十八家短打精華融為一體的、技法精密、在武林中影響巨大的一門拳種。 筆者曾跟師父學習七星、六合, 跟師伯隆昌權先生學習梅花螳螂拳。 雖然這兩種拳法均不是本門正統的拳術, 但時常習之, 於技擊一道幫助很大。 師父最喜歡用“十二捶”(注:即周身七拳);師伯習慣用“四通捶”, 均各有所長。 今綜合平時練習之心得, 整理出六式, 僅供螳螂拳技擊愛好者們參考。

1.底漏捶:敵我雙方相峙而立(圖1), 當對方前滑步用左直拳朝我方面部擊打而來時, 我方迅疾後退左腳一步, 右手成裹臂式, 用右小臂格敵左腕部外側,

將其攻勢化解(圖2)。 緊隨著, 左手上翻, 穿繞于敵左臂外側反劃, 空出右手朝敵左腋下軟肋抖拳擊打, 將其致殘於地(圖3)。

要點:底漏捶, 實質就是螳螂拳中較為著名的“勾摟采手”;在目前世面比較熱門的“截拳道勾漏手”就是從此而演化的。 這一招的用法沒有固定的框架, 完全靠靈活運用, 只要瞭解了底漏的含義, 於實戰中就能見勢化勢。 有一點需注意的是, 不管用哪一隻手先作防禦, 另一隻手都是緊跟著, 前手一旦接觸敵手, 後手立即跟上, 前手就能空出擊敵;發拳的方式以彈抖勁為主, 也就是“寸勁”。

2.鎖口捶:敵我雙方相峙而立(圖4)。 我方螳螂勾自然晃動, 以誘敵方注意力的同時, 右腳猛前上一步接近對方, 左勾成掌直撲敵面部。 假如敵方用雙手阻住我方的左掌, 化去我方的攻擊力時(圖5), 左腳跟步, 左掌運勁與敵較力, 以作迷惑之狀, 右拳彈射而出, 直奔敵唇上人中穴部位, 致使其暈僕於地(圖6)。

要點:螳螂拳中有“八打”、“八不打”之說, 實際都是人體要害部位, 八打者只能令其昏倒,

八不打則皆致命。 鎖口捶的打法比較奇特, 所擊部位不要擔心打不准, 偏上可擊鼻, 偏下可擊咽喉, 只要招式用上, 均可致敵僕跌。 出拳的方法以螳螂“四通捶”的進步穿捶為主要進攻方式。

3.壓頂捶:敵我雙方相峙而立(圖7)。 當對方前滑步用左直拳朝我方面部擊打而來, 在我方見其勢兇猛而不可硬碰時, 迅速左腳朝右前側方上步, 右偏身避閃其鋒芒的同時, 左手反劃, 用螳螂爪掛擊其左腕臂外側(圖8)。 動作不停, 左手下壓勁, 右腳繞步上進於敵方襠前的同時, 右手成蓋捶直劈敵頭頂百會穴(圖9)。

要點:此招也稱“力劈華山”, 本為力大勁猛的招術;但是, 于實戰時得以巧妙取之才行, 如一味猛攻直撞, 則有失螳螂以巧制勝的風格;此招中之妙法重在用“螳螂爪”掛擊上,

此螳螂爪並非是在形狀上, 而在於功力。 少林七十二藝中有一藝稱為“螳螂功”, 功成能勾腕打死人, 純熟短寸之勁;所以, 在這一招中用此法都易將敵腕打折, 並且是用“閃”法對敵, 緊隨而上的壓頂捶就輕而易舉地用上了。

4.撩襠捶:敵我雙方對峙而立(圖10)。 當對方左墊步用右腿朝我方腰腹部踹擊而來時;我方迅疾後撤步挪身避開(圖11), 如果對方右腿落空乘勢擁身落步, 右手直拳猛擊向我方面部而來, 見此機, 我方立即起身左旋體, 左手反踏格彈敵右腕內側, 將其攻勢阻截住(圖12)。 緊隨著, 左腳進步, 貼身靠近的同時, 右手抖拳擊打敵襠部(圖13)。


據筆者瞭解, 目前世面流行的門派的用力方法都大同小異, 而本門(流通門)所擅長的用勁方法尚屬少見, 就連螳螂門中的用勁, 均沒有。

5.摘頦捶:敵我雙方對峙而立(圖14)。 當對方上右步擁身用右擺拳朝我方頭部左側貫擊而來時;我方迅疾後退右步, 矮身避過(圖15)。 如果對方見拳落空而乘機發出左鞭腿踢向我右腹腰而來時;我方立即前移左步, 提起右膝攔阻截住其左鞭踢的同時, 左手前推攔其右臂, 右手成提勾拳猛擊向對方下頦, 旋鑽勁將敵擊跌(圖16)。

要點:摘頦捶的發揮必須要在貼身時方行, 在遠距離時是發揮不了的。 所以, 不管敵方是進攻或退避, 我方均不可輕易冒然發拳, 要在周旋中尋找戰機, 團身而上貼靠住敵身, 繼而才能發出摘頦一拳。在發這一拳時的勁力並非只一提鑽勁便完事,最重要的還在旋鑽推一法上。



Mantis fighting skills absorbed the essence of many approaching-body fighting skills and is one of the great martial arts. The writer of the article once studied Seven-star Fighting Skills and Six-coordinating Skills from his master, and studied Plum-blossom Mantis Fighting Skills from the brother of his master’s. Though the above skills are not the main parts in Mantis Fighting Skills, the writer often practices them and finds them helpful to improve one’s fighting skills. His master likes using Twelve Punching Skills while the brother of his master’s love using Four Punching Skills. Each of them has their own strong points. Now, the writer makes a comprehensive survey of his daily practice and show out the six ways of using Mantis Fighting Skills to the readers and martial fans.

A. Hitting Ribs Part

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent steps up to hit your face with the left fist, you can quickly move the left foot back one step, use the fore arm on the right to block his left wrist from the outside, prevent his attack . The n, raise the left hand swiftly to catch his from the outside, and free the right hand to hit the part below the ribs on the left side. This will hurt the opponent seriously .

Key points: The essence of Blocking Arm and Hitting Ribs Part is same as the skill of Hooking Hand and Hitting. At present, the Hooking Hand and Hitting skill in the famous fighting skills——Blocking Fighting Skills is derived from this posture. There is no firm form of this posture. When using it, try toy understand its real meaning and use it flexibly. Then, it will be effective in the actual fighting. Note: whichever hand is used to defend in the fighting, the other one should follow the former one closely to take over it and the n, the former one can be used to hit the opponent with the explosive strength.

B. Palm Hitting Philtrum

Stand facing the opponent . You can wave your mantis hooks in order to attract the opponent’s attention. Meanwhile, you suddenly move the right foot forward to close to him, and changes the left hook into palm and uses it to hit the opponent’s face. If he uses two hands to block your palm , you can steps up your left foot, strengthen the left palm to puzzle him, and suddenly punch out your right fist to his philtrum part, try to hit him falling into faint .

Key points: In the Mantis Fighting Skills, there are sixteen points on the body, which are vital parts. Among them, eight can cause body faint, and the other eight can cause one’s death if they are hit. But Palm Hitting the Philtrum is special, because your punching can’t miss the aim. If your hitting is higher than the Philtrum, it will hit the opponent’s nose; if lower, it will hit his throat. All these can cause him falling down on the ground.

C. Fist Cutting Head

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent moves his foot forward and uses the left fist to attack your face. Seeing his attacking is so powerful, you can quickly move the left foot up to the right side, move the body to the right side in order to avoid his attack, at the same time, move the left hook back to block and catch his left wrist or arm , and press it down. Meanwhile, move the right fist to cut the top of his head .

Key points: This posture is also called Cutting the Mt. Huashan, because of its powerful cutting. But in the actual fighting, it should be used skillfully. If you only use the strength to fight, you will lose the essence of the Mantis Fighting Skills, that is, skillful fighting. The key point of the posture is using the left hook to catch and block his wrist. Of course, the hook can be effective or not more depending on the power. One of the Shoaling Temple Seventy two Fighting Arts is the mantis fighting power. If one can achieve the desired power, his hook can kill a person, because the power is skilled and fierce. So on the posture, the hook hitting may cause the breaking of his wrist, and make the fist cutting to be unavoidable.

D. Fist Hitting Crotch

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent raises his right leg to kick your belly, you can quickly withdraw to avoid . If his leg falls down, and he uses the right fist to hit your face, you can turn your body towards the left at once, use the left hand to block his right wrist from its inside part, try to fail his attack . Then, you should move the left foot upward to approach his body, and use the right fist to hit his crotch part heavily .

Key points: Power of the right fist hitting should be fierce, unexpected and powerful. This kind of power is rare and special in the other martial arts. The ways of power using in today popular fighting skills are similar. No one has the way of power using same as the power in the Mantis Fighting Skills. If there are some chances, I will write the relative article to introduce it.

E. Fist Hitting Chin

Stand facing the opponent . If the opponent turns his body and uses his right fist to attack your head from the left side, you can quickly move the right foot backward, lower your body to avoid it . After his fist attack fail, he may use the left leg to kick your belly. You can move the feet forward and raise the right kneel to block his leg, and push the left hand forward to block his right arm. And use the right fist to hit his chin. He will be hit down .

Key points: The right fist hitting can be used only at short range. If the distance is big, the hitting will be useless. No matter the opponent is attacking or defending, you should not use the posture rashly until you catch the best chance in the close distance. The power of the hitting should include the twisting power, the pushing power.

F. Fist Hitting Face Continually

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent moves his foot forward to approach you, and uses the right fist to hit your face. You can quickly move the right foot back a step, and raise the right fist to block his wrist from the outside . Then, use the right fist to press his arm, the left hand press his the other arm, and move the left foot forward, then, suddenly punch the left fist up to hit his face. If he wants to raise the left fist to block your fist , you can press his left fist with your left fist and suddenly punch his face again with the right fist. The continual hitting can punch him down .

Key points: Fists Hitting Face Continually is one of the typical fighting ways of Plum-Blossom Mantis Fighting Skills. No matter the opponent is attacking or defending, the practitioner will steps up and punches the opponent’s face with the continual fists hitting, as quickly as a lightning. These fists hitting is just like a plum blossom. At the state of not moving feet, the practitioner can defeat the opponent.




Mantis fighting skills absorbed the essence of many approaching-body fighting skills and is one of the great martial arts. The writer of the article once studied Seven-star Fighting Skills and Six-coordinating Skills from his master, and studied Plum-blossom Mantis Fighting Skills from the brother of his master’s. Though the above skills are not the main parts in Mantis Fighting Skills, the writer often practices them and finds them helpful to improve one’s fighting skills. His master likes using Twelve Punching Skills while the brother of his master’s love using Four Punching Skills. Each of them has their own strong points. Now, the writer makes a comprehensive survey of his daily practice and show out the six ways of using Mantis Fighting Skills to the readers and martial fans.

A. Hitting Ribs Part

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent steps up to hit your face with the left fist, you can quickly move the left foot back one step, use the fore arm on the right to block his left wrist from the outside, prevent his attack . The n, raise the left hand swiftly to catch his from the outside, and free the right hand to hit the part below the ribs on the left side. This will hurt the opponent seriously .

Key points: The essence of Blocking Arm and Hitting Ribs Part is same as the skill of Hooking Hand and Hitting. At present, the Hooking Hand and Hitting skill in the famous fighting skills——Blocking Fighting Skills is derived from this posture. There is no firm form of this posture. When using it, try toy understand its real meaning and use it flexibly. Then, it will be effective in the actual fighting. Note: whichever hand is used to defend in the fighting, the other one should follow the former one closely to take over it and the n, the former one can be used to hit the opponent with the explosive strength.

B. Palm Hitting Philtrum

Stand facing the opponent . You can wave your mantis hooks in order to attract the opponent’s attention. Meanwhile, you suddenly move the right foot forward to close to him, and changes the left hook into palm and uses it to hit the opponent’s face. If he uses two hands to block your palm , you can steps up your left foot, strengthen the left palm to puzzle him, and suddenly punch out your right fist to his philtrum part, try to hit him falling into faint .

Key points: In the Mantis Fighting Skills, there are sixteen points on the body, which are vital parts. Among them, eight can cause body faint, and the other eight can cause one’s death if they are hit. But Palm Hitting the Philtrum is special, because your punching can’t miss the aim. If your hitting is higher than the Philtrum, it will hit the opponent’s nose; if lower, it will hit his throat. All these can cause him falling down on the ground.

C. Fist Cutting Head

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent moves his foot forward and uses the left fist to attack your face. Seeing his attacking is so powerful, you can quickly move the left foot up to the right side, move the body to the right side in order to avoid his attack, at the same time, move the left hook back to block and catch his left wrist or arm , and press it down. Meanwhile, move the right fist to cut the top of his head .

Key points: This posture is also called Cutting the Mt. Huashan, because of its powerful cutting. But in the actual fighting, it should be used skillfully. If you only use the strength to fight, you will lose the essence of the Mantis Fighting Skills, that is, skillful fighting. The key point of the posture is using the left hook to catch and block his wrist. Of course, the hook can be effective or not more depending on the power. One of the Shoaling Temple Seventy two Fighting Arts is the mantis fighting power. If one can achieve the desired power, his hook can kill a person, because the power is skilled and fierce. So on the posture, the hook hitting may cause the breaking of his wrist, and make the fist cutting to be unavoidable.

D. Fist Hitting Crotch

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent raises his right leg to kick your belly, you can quickly withdraw to avoid . If his leg falls down, and he uses the right fist to hit your face, you can turn your body towards the left at once, use the left hand to block his right wrist from its inside part, try to fail his attack . Then, you should move the left foot upward to approach his body, and use the right fist to hit his crotch part heavily .

Key points: Power of the right fist hitting should be fierce, unexpected and powerful. This kind of power is rare and special in the other martial arts. The ways of power using in today popular fighting skills are similar. No one has the way of power using same as the power in the Mantis Fighting Skills. If there are some chances, I will write the relative article to introduce it.

E. Fist Hitting Chin

Stand facing the opponent . If the opponent turns his body and uses his right fist to attack your head from the left side, you can quickly move the right foot backward, lower your body to avoid it . After his fist attack fail, he may use the left leg to kick your belly. You can move the feet forward and raise the right kneel to block his leg, and push the left hand forward to block his right arm. And use the right fist to hit his chin. He will be hit down .

Key points: The right fist hitting can be used only at short range. If the distance is big, the hitting will be useless. No matter the opponent is attacking or defending, you should not use the posture rashly until you catch the best chance in the close distance. The power of the hitting should include the twisting power, the pushing power.

F. Fist Hitting Face Continually

Stand facing the opponent . When the opponent moves his foot forward to approach you, and uses the right fist to hit your face. You can quickly move the right foot back a step, and raise the right fist to block his wrist from the outside . Then, use the right fist to press his arm, the left hand press his the other arm, and move the left foot forward, then, suddenly punch the left fist up to hit his face. If he wants to raise the left fist to block your fist , you can press his left fist with your left fist and suddenly punch his face again with the right fist. The continual hitting can punch him down .

Key points: Fists Hitting Face Continually is one of the typical fighting ways of Plum-Blossom Mantis Fighting Skills. No matter the opponent is attacking or defending, the practitioner will steps up and punches the opponent’s face with the continual fists hitting, as quickly as a lightning. These fists hitting is just like a plum blossom. At the state of not moving feet, the practitioner can defeat the opponent.

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